Tell me how you've HTFU'd lately (Read 2844 times)

    For the past few days I've had to "swish and swallow" this funky mouthwash (a combination of antibiotics, hydrocortisone, antiviral, antifungal, and benadryl I think) four times a day because of this white spot on my tongue my doctor is trying to get rid of. If the medicine doesn't cure it up by Thursday I'll have to get a biopsy. It's making me tired as hell, but I'm not letting it get in the way of my training. While on the medication I've done one of my longest runs to date, 7.15 miles, which was last Friday. Saturday I did a short recovery run, and between yesterday and today I've done around nine more miles. Shooting for 24-25 this week, which will be a new high for me. Smile
      I've HTFU by joining this forum today! I also restarted by serious run training at the start of December and maintained 3-4 runs a week over the whole Christmas period and are starting to feel the benefits now.

      Just running for the fun of it!

        hope that goes away quickly racingthoughts. by the way - i had to go back and look at your message again - on a skim read i thought you said you'd done a long run of 71.5 miles! as for me - 5 x 1 mile reps at a bit faster than my hoped for 10k pace. and i'll be doing a lot of shouting HTFU at myself tonight during the 5k race. silently of course - i wouldn't want everyone to think i'd totally lost it!


          i am just CTFU (Chillin the FU) till my next race, whenever that is...

            RacingThoughts: take care of yourself. Don't push too hard and end up paying for it! But congrats on some boss running.

            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)



              and i'll be doing a lot of shouting HTFU at myself tonight during the 5k race. silently of course - i wouldn't want everyone to think i'd totally lost it!
              You're a runner...I doubt anyone would even notice any *crazy* behavior...we're all a little crazy already, right!? Good luck on the tongue thing, RT. I hope that swish cocktail does the trick. That sounds really miserable. Hank, welcome to RA! Best place ever to get all the HTFU encouragement a person could ever need! Steve, what races are you looking at? k

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay


                Steve, what races are you looking at? k
                prolly the 8 mile Great Aloha Run on February, maybe a 10K in late spring and a half-mary in the summer... i'm applying for jobs at the moment (they finally let me out of grad school) so who knows what kind of schedule i will have. I'd love to take a year off and just run but somehow DW probably won't go for that one.. Smile


                  i'm applying for jobs at the moment (they finally let me out of grad school) so who knows what kind of schedule i will have. I'd love to take a year off and just run but somehow DW probably won't go for that one.. Smile
                  I hear that. I'm hoping to just land a PT retail job...there's not much else around here. Ideally someplace where I don't have to dress up much. Dick's Sporting Goods or Circuit City would be nice--khakis and retired running shoes with their logo polos. Big grin k

                  Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                  remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                       ~ Sarah Kay


                  Damn Yankee

                    Yeah, I've been making an effort to increase my mileage and run consistently. That being said, I can't hold a candle to what Dustin is going through. He's kinda got the market on HTFU cornered at the moment. Keep us posted dude.

                    Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard


                      Lynn ran 62.5 miles on Saturday. So there's no way I'm gonna congratulate myself for some glorified jogging around my neighborhood. I'll just STFU instead.

                      Runners run


                      One day at a time

                        I HTFU by running, period, when most of the women my age THAT I KNOW (not talking about you incredible ladies on here) think they're doing great by walking two miles a couple of times a week. I HTFU'd today by disagreeing with DH (who is usually very supportive) when he said, "I think your trying to run 13 miles non-stop this year might be expecting a little much."


                          Lynn ran 62.5 miles on Saturday. So there's no way I'm gonna congratulate myself for some glorified jogging around my neighborhood. I'll just STFU instead.
                          Lynn's not Human, though...I think he's a mandroid or something...bionic man...alien...I dunno. All I do know is that if he is human he's SUPERHUMAN! Smile

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                            Lynn's not Human, though...I think he's a mandroid or something...bionic man...alien...I dunno. All I do know is that if he is human he's SUPERHUMAN! Smile
                            yeahthat! Big grin I posted my, ahem, accident a few different places but suffice to say... running head down into the rain and wind, knocking myself on my butt when I hit an unseen LARGE GREEN SIGN, I HTFU up the last 2.5 miles of my 17 mile run...but really, I wanted to curl up in a ball and feel sorry for myself. But if it rains during my next marathon, I'll be ready to HTFU all that much more. Tongue

                            Jennifer mm#1231



                              Jennifer, I saw that! So...who won that contest? I hope you left that sign hurtin'! Wink

                              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                   ~ Sarah Kay

                                the sign is still standing Evil grin and I'm still nursing a nice gooseegg bump on my head. Black eye Dead aaaaahhhh. builds character, eh? Yes

                                Jennifer mm#1231