Who would you want to do a long run with? (Read 1035 times)



    ...and Trent if he's not mean to me.
    If he is you could kick him in a calf. They're big targets...you can't miss! Evil grin

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

      Phedippedes. The dude that started it all.
      Now that would be WILD. A tad disappointing that nobody (that I have seen) has said the Great and Powerful Eric : ) I haven't done a long run with him, but the five milers are fun. (MTA: my bad - jlynnbob listed TGAPE, well done Sir)

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


      Self anointed title

        Paula Radcliffe Anton (Tony) Krupicka My mother (no longer with us) Zoomy (and a bunch of other RAers)




        One day at a time

          Anyone SLOWER than I am. They're hard to find.

          Mitch & Pete's Mom

            So, since I'm sidelined with a bad case of boogers, I had some time to think about this. Bunch of RAers. I believe the fasty pants types would be required to wear a harness attached to a cart that would carry our post run refreshments. A couple of half-racks in various flavors should slow you guys down. Wink C. W. could be interesting especially if I put him on one side and Malcovich on the other. Then I started thinking about Paul Newman. I think I would prefer Paul, the mature version, otherwise, I'd probably keep falling down staring at him. Of favorite writers I'm thinking Joan Didion and Max Lucado. I would like to be flanked by both of my Great-grandpas whom I never met. One was a sheep rancher from Ireland and the other was concrete contractor from Mexico.
            Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.

            Lazy idiot

              Zoom Zoom and Sr. Lopez and Trent if he's not mean to me.
              Trent is not mean on a long run. Just don't run directly behind him.

              Tick tock

                Anyone SLOWER than I am. They're hard to find.
                C'mon Theresa -- your not THAT slow.......Id go for a long run with you.......... Id say BADDAWG - Wait -- I did that last weekend and he kicked my butt....... Shocked

                Champions are made when no one is watching

                Menace to Sobriety

                  Hunter S Thompson

                  Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.
