Padding the Log (Read 1908 times)

A Saucy Wench

    I think I seen your log when you did post times. I wouldn't either. But I'd run more! Black eye
    Wow. I'm actually speechless. Which is almost as rare as zoomy being speechless.

    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

    Why is it sideways?

      Wow. I'm actually speechless. Which is almost as rare as zoomy being speechless.
      Don't mind pRED. He gets like this when he has a good workout. Hey pRED, you might check out Marathon Peach's blog. Everybody's got a story.


        I think I seen your log when you did post times. I wouldn't either. But I'd run more! Black eye
        I think if my grammar were regularly as poor as yours that I'd keep my keyboard diarrhea to myself...seriously. "I think I seen"...? You do the Southern, white trash imbecile stereotype no favors. Black eye

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

          I don't see one Jeff. Did you mean slog? Wink


          —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

            I don't see one Jeff. Did you mean slog? Wink
            So much for a happy supportive community here on RA. Nice.
              I think if my grammar were regularly as poor as yours that I'd keep my keyboard diarrhea to myself...seriously. "I think I seen"...? You do the Southern, white trash imbecile stereotype no favors. Black eye
              FU, yankee! Big grin Excuuuuuuse me, I saw her log.


              —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

              A Saucy Wench

                FU, yankee! Big grin Excuuuuuuse me, I saw her log.
                I'm always always impressed by her log. Extremely.

                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                  FU, yankee! Big grin Excuuuuuuse me, I saw her log.
                  What did you see in her log?

                  Why is it sideways?

                    Okay before all hell breaks loose, everyone is impressed with Peach because she is a liver transplant survivor. You know, you righteously indignant defenders of M. Peach coulda clued pRED into that without getting into the TN redneck thing.

                    A Saucy Wench

                      Okay before all hell breaks loose, everyone is impressed with Peach because she is a liver transplant survivor. You know, you righteously indignant defenders of M. Peach coulda clued pRED into that without getting into the TN redneck thing.
                      Does it matter? Would it be ok to slam someone else who just happens to be slower and log fewer miles? I actually didnt notice it WAS peach he was slamming until after I read it 3 times in amazement

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7



                        Okay before all hell breaks loose, everyone is impressed with Peach because she is a liver transplant survivor. You know, you righteously indignant defenders of M. Peach coulda clued pRED into that without getting into the TN redneck thing.
                        It's in her signature. It's not some classified secret. She's been very open about her health issues and proud of her accomplishments over the past year or so that she's been on RA. And it's not as if it's the first time he's gone off on someone for not being as awesome as he apparently seems to think he is.

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay

                        Why is it sideways?

                          Does it matter? Would it be ok to slam someone else who just happens to be slower and log fewer miles? I actually didnt notice it WAS peach he was slamming until after I read it 3 times in amazement
                          Depends on what you want to do. If you're just interested in slamming back (I admit, can be fun, and a good and pretty much harmless way to get yer ya-yas out), then it is probably a bad strategy to talk about why you are upset. If you're interested in something else, then you know other approaches might be worthwhile. There is also the fact that M. Peach might be capable of defending herself.
                            And it's not as if it's the first time he's gone off on someone for not being as awesome as he apparently seems to think he is.
                            You are so wrong. Do a search and provide evidence to this claim. I know where I stand. I'm just as proud of the rest of us for what I have achieved in running. That's not it. I posted a question. She responded. I retorted. My apologies. I must have thought I was in the swamp. Tongue


                            —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

                              Okay before all hell breaks loose, everyone is impressed with Peach because she is a liver transplant survivor. You know, you righteously indignant defenders of M. Peach coulda clued pRED into that without getting into the TN redneck thing.
                              Why would we clue Pred in? What does the fact that she's a transplant survivor have to do with how she logs her miles and/or the reason(s) she chooses to do it?

                              Why is it sideways?

                                Why would we clue Pred in? What does the fact that she's a transplant survivor have to do with how she logs her miles and/or the reason(s) she chooses to do it?
                                Holy crap now the lasers are aimed at me. But I feel the force and I think I can deflect them.