Padding the Log (Read 1908 times)



    A Saucy Wench

      hehe I'm pretty sure I promised Jeff I'd try to use less !!!! but I just can't help myself!

      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

      Oh Mighty Wing

        Oh, ha...I wasn't implying that the Big grin was fake...just making a distinction between Smile and Smile. Wink
        I knew what you meant. No worries!! haha Big grin

        Jazz hands!

          Some sites have the following smiley: Explain that one for me.
          It's apparently l337 5p34k (or whatever) for "I am better at the internet than you."
          run run run AHHHHHH run run run
            This thread has me ultimately laughing. I would love to argue with all the name callers on both sides of the fence on this thread. Bill Bowerman the coach of the ducks of Oregon and perhaps one of the most memorable coaches of all time was once quoted as saying something along the lines of, "If a guy says, 'I ran a 100 miles this week, how many have you ran?' Ignore him because what does it matter anyways. The miles do not make the man the man makes the man." or something like that. I just padded my miles for the month to get my total up there. Not really but you know. I purposely make my log not show up to keep idiots from being concerned about me. I mean seriously who cares about me a total stranger to most. I have over 200 miles this month and finished last year with a bit over 2000 miles. I average about an 8 minute mile through all my training but can hammer a 5K in under 19 minutes. I have a 3;19 marathon and a 6:20 marathon all under different extremes and circumstances but what does it matter to you fast and slow people. pRed while you are offensive to most I understand your views. This whole thread is crazy and overall not very supportive of the running community. I for one will continue to read here but posting is too risky. LOL Just kidding pick on me if you wish or need to to elevate your own being because I for one do not care. And by the I am further south then pRed and will speak hillbilly ebonics at times. Happy rtunning and can't we all just get along.

            "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett


            One day at a time

              Hey, Boomer, I'm another displaced Texan! Way up north, though.

              Good Bad & The Monkey

                Who’d have thought that a girl like me would double as a superstar?

                Hawt and sexy

                  I'm touching your pants.

                    Hey, Boomer, I'm another displaced Texan! Way up north, though.
                    I am a misplaced Texan due to the job of defending you guys' Constitution or so I am told. I am currently in the deep south of Mississippi and will be for a bit longer. Texas will always be home. When it is my time to hang up my boots I will use some famous words from Davy Crockett, "You may all go to hell. I will go to Texas" This thread still rocks and causes me to laugh. Trent do you smell your own arm pits as well.

                    "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett

                      Boomer - did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Bruce Willis? dang... p.s. nice post

                      Good Bad & The Monkey



                        Dude. That's off. Dead
                        And it's redundant.

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay

                          Boomer - did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Bruce Willis? dang... p.s. nice post
                          Thanks Smile

                          "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett


                          Self anointed title

                            It And it's not as if it's the first time he [PRed] has gone off on someone for not being as awesome as he apparently seems to think he is.
                            You are so wrong. Do a search and provide evidence to this claim.
                            Well... I can think of lots of examples. This example wasn't so much a personal attack but he could have been a bit more supportive/used a smidgeon of tact....
                            Forgive me for saying Purdey, but how in the hell to you think you have a chance in hell at a sub-60 10 miler? I do not see this happening.



                              Purdey I think it might be possible after all. Your times look similar to mine if not a bit faster (I have been running much slower training for a 100 miler) and I feel I could run 10 miles in less then an hour given the right circumstances and some different training. But hopefully your not padding the log with false miles and times. LOL

                              "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett