The COVID-19 Wild West Thread (Read 602 times)


One day at a time

    Wow, your district is nicer than ours!  Smile


    I work with a non-profit agency, whose policy in the past was to give its employees a storm day if the state of Maine closed its offices.  The employees started working from home in April.  They were very upset when the Executive Director denied their request to get a paid day off when Maine closed.  "Uh, you work from home and you're not 10 years old..."


    Mother of Cats

      As difficult and weird as the whole experience has been, and as much as I've been critical of many of the decisions our school district has made, I fully support the decision announced this morning that if there is a snow day tomorrow, it will be a true snow day with no remote learning.


      The kids get to wake up in the morning see whether a snow day is called just as God intended (albeit, via the internet and email/text and not by listening to the radio or watching the local news on tv.)


      They've been doing that in most (but not all) school districts in my area.  I agree - it's nice to give the kids a bit of normalcy.


      Apparently it's not just to be nice, either.  In some districts, teachers are teaching remotely from their classrooms, rather than their homes, so a snow day means they don't have to come in.  It was also noted that power outages do sometimes happen during snow storms, which would interfere with remote education.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


        Apparently it's not just to be nice, either.  In some districts, teachers are teaching remotely from their classrooms, rather than their homes, so a snow day means they don't have to come in.  It was also noted that power outages do sometimes happen during snow storms, which would interfere with remote education.


        It's mostly about equity but being nice to the kids and teachers is a bonus.

        Runners run




          Awfully selective response.  Once again, focused on myopic Trump-hate rather than anything meaningful.


          Where are you on the summer protests and their role in spreading COVID?  Why were they any different than Trump rallies, which you claim to be super spreader events?  By the way, do you have evidence to support that claim?  Certainly a massive multiple of people were involved in street protests than Trump rallies.  Will you take a position against attending those protests?  Because the virus doesn't care why you come in contact with each other.


          Where are you on Fauci and our Surgeon General's recommendations NOT to where masks in the spring?  You are quick to criticize Trump for restricting travel from China but not the EU based on data produced several months later (Monday morning quarterbacking) so shouldn't Fauci be subject to the same criticism for being against masks?



          Trump Rallies


          Fauci on masks


          Side note: At the rally nearest me in mid-Oct. the majority of attendees were bussed-in from a nearby mall's parking lot. This story doesn't cover it, but there were also reports of busses chartered from areas an hour or two away. I can think of few environments worse than an enclosed bus to share any virus, much less a highly contagious one. Muskegon Mercy hospital has had to re-open an older facility that was to be shuttered, as the primary building is beyond 100% ICU capacity for Covid patients.

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay



            The BLM rallies I saw on TV the majority were wearing masks.  The Trump rallies, they were not.  In fact here in Tulsa the Trump rally was a spreader and one of the unmasked attendees, H. Cain died after attending it.


              The BLM rallies I saw on TV the majority were wearing masks.  The Trump rallies, they were not.  In fact here in Tulsa the Trump rally was a spreader and one of the unmasked attendees, H. Cain died after attending it.


              Setting aside the fact that it's extremely reasonable for people to hold the leaders of their government to a higher standard than random citizens protesting in the street.

              Runners run



                Exactly Mike, they are supposed to be leaders and the sorriest group of douchebags I've ever seen.  I'd love to see term limits and them treated like everyday citizens.


                  Well the executive branch is already term limited and fortunately the people have decided to limit this administration's term even further, although it's too late to prevent most of the worst of covid.

                  Runners run



                    yes. you are. You have been since you started reading my points. It's okay. It seems to be a running problem I encounter frequently. You could just look at the math I provide on the previous page as a prime example of me NOT advocating for more people to get sick.


                    Well, it's because of the way you write. Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else.

                    Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.




                      Where are you on Fauci and our Surgeon General's recommendations NOT to where masks in the spring?  You are quick to criticize Trump for restricting travel from China but not the EU based on data produced several months later (Monday morning quarterbacking) so shouldn't Fauci be subject to the same criticism for being against masks?


                      Well, I'd say the biggest difference is that Fauci acknowledges when mistakes are made and also that situations are fluid, and as we learn things, we adjust.


                      Unlike the douchebag in the whitehouse who has never admitted he was wrong about anything ever but HAS stated many times that only he knows what is right.

                      Feeling the growl again


                        Well, I'd say the biggest difference is that Fauci acknowledges when mistakes are made and also that situations are fluid, and as we learn things, we adjust.


                        Unlike the douchebag in the whitehouse who has never admitted he was wrong about anything ever but HAS stated many times that only he knows what is right.


                        Except Fauci doesn't acknowledge mistakes and instead actually stands behind his decision based upon the information available to him at the time, yet you deny Trump similar accomodations with relation to travel restrictions.  It's a real consideration that we've actually learned something over the past year.  It's not honest to apply it to one side and not the other.


                        As for masks at BLM rallies, if you simply accept what you see on the media you select, bless you heart.  It's curious how COVID disappeared from the media during the summer as BLM protests escalated and then we had a COVID spike starting in July.  But certainly it can't be related.  Because all of those people rioting and smashing windows and burning businesses were certainly wearing masks and adhering to social distancing guidelines, because the mass media tells us so.  But somehow Trump is to blame for the spread of COVID in those challenged communuties.


                        Trump is a megalomaniac.  But I'm not sure why you would expect him to concede anything given the resistance he has encountered, as duly elected President.


                        And I default to, please, anyone, show me scientific data that cloth masks have any meaningful effect on the spread of COVID.  The data I have seen says it's "better than nothing" but my concern is it's creating a false sense of security.  Masks have taken on a vaccine-likie aura.  Please point me to the data indicating that cloth masks have a substantial effect on preventing the transmission of COVID.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                        Interval Junkie --Nobby

                          And I default to, please, anyone, show me scientific data that cloth masks have any meaningful effect on the spread of COVID. 






                          I'd say: but maybe Google has already learned your preferences, and shows you want you want to see.


                          Could you point to a scientific study that demonstrates that community mask wearing is ineffective due to people taking higher risk because of the illusion of immunity?  I think it's a fine theory.  It's seems reasonable to suspect that people may take riskier action when they feel protected.  However, I've never seen scientific proof.

                          2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                            Science is based on numbers, which are real (kind of, they are actually abstract thought). Scientific conclusions change when the numbers reveal something previously unknown. Science doesn't disregard the new number-based conclusion because it conflicts with "tradition".


                            Conspiracies and political ideology are based on feelings. Science doesn't care about your feelings, they do not change the numbers.


                            Conspiracies and political ideologies have no place in the Scientific World, ie; medicine. Attempts to inject them into it (see what I did there?) only exacerbates things.


                            And now you have people who think vaccines give you autism, cancer can be cured with crystals, 5G reads your mind, omnipotent being(s) in the sky will protect you from getting CV19, running ruins your knees, CBD oil does something, public healthcare is bad, private healthcare is bad, one political party is more ethical or morally superior than the others, etc etc.


                            Stick to the numbers.

                            Wear your facecovering in public.

                            Behave as if you are carrying a contagious disease even if you feel fine.

                            (same thing as "always treat a gun as if it were loaded")

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                              But I'm not sure why you would expect him to concede anything given the resistance he has encountered, as duly elected President.


                              Most people don't *expect* him to concede because he's a malignant narcissist  who's untethered from reality. But the reason he *should* concede is that he fucking lost.

                              Runners run


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                With all the failed court cases and recounts, I'd say he fucking lost a whole bunch of times.


                                Total loser.


                                he fucking lost.