What do you eat for breakfast? (Read 405 times)

    Anyone run after breakfast? If so, what do you eat for breakfast? Smile


    Interval Junkie --Nobby

      Anyone run after breakfast? If so, what do you eat for breakfast? Smile


      Cup of Fage 100% fat yogurt + a hand full of BearNaked granola.

      2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

      an amazing likeness

        Bowl of Raisin Bran one day, bowl of Shredded Wheat next day, repeat (ad infinitum). Every blue moon or so, english muffin w/PB & J...always raspberry J. Hope this helps, it's easy to duplicate.

        Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

          I dunno, blue moon seems pretty vague, don't know if I can follow that, lol!


          and right after I typed that, I read your signature, haha.

          Bowl of Raisin Bran one day, bowl of Shredded Wheat next day, repeat (ad infinitum). Every blue moon or so, english muffin w/PB & J...always raspberry J. Hope this helps, it's easy to duplicate.




            jk - I never eat breakfast before I run.......unless it's pre half or full race day.


            Then it's banana, applesauce and cereal bar.

            Separately - not mixed together.

            Ready, go.



               I never eat breakfast before I run.......unless it's pre half or full race day. 


              ^ this.


                A bowl of Oatmeal and a Banana about 2 hours before.  It is rough on the weekend long run.  I usually wake up early (4ish), eat and drink a glass of water/Iskiate, then say on the lazy boy for about 2 hours waiting for run time.


                  I try not to eat before I exercise in the morning. I drink water or have my large mug of hibiscus tea. After exercise, I'll have a protein smoothie with coconut water, chia seeds, flax seed, cacao. Followed by a green smoothie. This is almost every morning.


                  On race days, I'll have a protein, banana, blue berry, black berry, raspberry, strawberry, chia seed smoothie and drink a lot of water about 2 hours before race.


                  I prefer to run on an "empty" stomach. Once I had some chicken tika masala for dinner and ran 10 miles an hour after...big mistake.


                  Shoe Alarmist

                    I generally don't eat breakfast during every day life and am often too 'nervous' before a race to get much down beyond a tablespoon of peanut butter and some water. The phrase "you eat for breakfast" made Adam Sandler appear to me, in a waking dream. That can't be good.

                    Half Fanatic #846

                      I rarely eat breakfast - just try to hydrate enough before my morning runs, and don't take any liquids with me for runs up to 10-12 miles.  If I have a hard workout or a race, I'll start hydrating the day before.  Afterward I'll have a light snack or go ahead and eat lunch, depending on the time of day.  Lunch, dinner and snacks for me.


                      I think my unusual work hours may have contributed to having absolutely no desire for breakfast over the years...I don't really get hungry till I've been up for several hours.  What's even more "troubling" to some is that I drink water even less often than I eat breakfast.  I mostly drink tea and sports drinks.  (I used to be able to claim all that water in beer, but no longer).   So, I don't "eat even if I'm not hungry", and I never "drink x glasses of water a day".  I've been doing without 'breakfast' or plain water for the most part since my twenties - am I headed for trouble?

                      "I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, it's usually my ankle" - unk.         "Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt".                  I ran half my last race on my left foot!                                  


                      Options,Account, Forums

                        I run after eating all the time.


                        I eat mostly food, usually "food", occasionally fast food, for breakfast.


                        MTA: I like milktruck's prescription.

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        Member Since 2008




                            +1.    I never eat any breakfast before I run personally...

                            The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞


                              If I am running longer than an hour, I eat oatmeal before I leave the house. It's never bothered my stomach.

                              2014 goals

                              Well, there's always next year.

                              No more marathons

                                Banana with crunchy peanut butter.  Yum, breakfast of champions.

                                That's on weekdays in the AM and I run at lunch.

                                On weekends if I'm running in the AM I have my b and PB after I'm done.

                                Adventuresome - not so much.

                                Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                                Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                                He's a leaker!
