Poop.... ya it happens.. help? (Read 217 times)



    Non-red/orange jelly beans are good, too...and lemon ices and homemade bone broths. I went through 3 preps, last year. Good times.


    So thankful to have my bidet toilet seat for future exams. Super Colon Blow makes TP HURT!!

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

    Prince of Fatness

       Yeah, the procedure isn't that bad.  The prep for it IS NOT much fun though...




      The procedure itself is the best nap ever.  And when you wake up you get to fart all you want without any dirty looks, so there's that.


      The prep definitely is the worst.  I swear that gallon jug of liquid lead has more in it and not less with every glass that I drink.  I found that chasing it down with a glass of non dyed Gatorade helped get the crappy taste out of your month.  Trying to choke all of that stuff down was worse than constantly sitting on the toilet for me.


      Reminds me .... my 5 years are up and I'm due this year.

      Not at it at all. 


        I had this same exact thing. Doc recommended a colonoscopy. It turned out all I had was a simply hemorrhoid. It is a common thing if you are exerting yourself too much.


        This is crazy embarrassing but I really need some advice from a running community.


        This will probably be WAY more details than anyone needs / wants to know. So If you'd rather just answer the question without all the detail: I am wondering if anyone has experienced blood in their stool for multiple days and then had it go away?


        Now the backstory in all it's glory. I have been training for my first half marathon for the past 16 weeks. After my last long run before the race (12 miles) I started to notice blood in my stool. Every day. This continued during my 2 week taper period where I didn't run for more than 6 miles, usually only 3 - 4 miles.


        Trusty google told me to go see a doc so I did. I wasn't experiencing any other pain or issues. She wants me to get a colonoscopy. I asked if it could be connected to my training and she said "running shouldn't cause any GI issues".


        Of course immediately after I saw her (2 days ago) I stopped having issues. My race was today. No issues, no blood in stools. Do I still go through all the hassle of the colonoscopy? I am 36. I don't want to ignore warning signs. But I feel like it was probably inflammation from running and I just need to give my body some rest.


        Has anyone else experienced this?


          Hello everyone! I thought I would update. Thanks again to all who took the time to read about my embarrassing GI issues. Smile I went ahead and did the colonoscopy and everything came back good. I did have a hemorrhoid but otherwise I am in the clear. She did recommend I get another colonoscopy in a few years and go ahead and start having those on the regular just to make sure nothing else pops up. The prep was a nightmare but the procedure was much easier than I imagined.


          One day at a time

            Thanks for the update!  I'm glad you got good news.


            not bad for mile 25

              Glad everything is fine.  My experience was that the 2nd prep and procedure were much easier than the first, maybe because I knew what to expect.  I did the 2nd without sedation, in fact, and I'm totally sold on that for my future ones.  It's interesting, and great to just get up and walk out and carry on with your day.  I understand that's not for everyone - you have to make your own call on whether you need to be knocked out.


              Yeah, and no need to be embarrassed.
