A good old fashioned runner v. jogger donnybrook (Read 1788 times)

Why is it sideways?

    testicle schmesticle.
    OKAY srlopez I understand that some of the things that I said may rub you the wrong way, not least of all because of the similirity between pink and fuschia which is even closer than the aqua that Richard posted. But I just wanted to let you and all the other JOGGERS out there know that I RESPECT the MENTALITY of the JOGGER even though I do not aspire to it. Foir example I do not know how you can stand to run so slow for so long and to run long long marathons. This gives me respect and also shows a different kind of testicularity than what I am used to. So please do not be offended JOGGERS by the words that I wrote I was just trying to realte to YOU what MY EXPERIENCE AS A RUNNER means and the MENTALity that goes iwth it. So PLEASE let us get along and lets not let the opposing mentalities and physicalities of the runner/jogger donnybrook begin to RAGE because that will only FUEL MY HATE which I need to conserve for SPEED and not waste on mesage boards.

    an amazing likeness

      OKAY srlopez I understand that some of the things that I said may rub you the wrong way, not least of all because of the similirity between pink and fuschia which is even closer than the aqua that Richard posted. But I just wanted to let you and all the other JOGGERS out there know that I RESPECT the MENTALITY of the JOGGER even though I do not aspire to it. Foir example I do not know how you can stand to run so slow for so long and to run long long marathons. This gives me respect and also shows a different kind of testicularity than what I am used to. So please do not be offended JOGGERS by the words that I wrote I was just trying to realte to YOU what MY EXPERIENCE AS A RUNNER means and the MENTALity that goes iwth it. So PLEASE let us get along and lets not let the opposing mentalities and physicalities of the runner/jogger donnybrook begin to RAGE because that will only FUEL MY HATE which I need to conserve for SPEED and not waste on mesage boards.
      You're normally the most articulate writer here by an order of magnitude. I learn new words from your posts. Are you drunk?

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


        Your mom BEGS to differ.
        Slow, unmanly, and a necrophiliac. Nice.

        The process is the goal.

        Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

        Why is it sideways?

          You're normally the most articulate writer here by an order of magnitude. I learn new words from your posts. Are you drunk?
          Form and content must always be related.

          an amazing likeness

            Speed kills. Lack of speed kills.

            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

              You're normally the most articulate writer here by an order of magnitude. I learn new words from your posts. Are you drunk?
              It just sounds like that due to the doppler effect as he blew by you to fast for you to hear correctly. Don't worry... all of us joggers can hear each other just fine... even when we jog past each other in opposite directions.






                You dont have to be a world class athlete to have a lot of love for something.

                Runners run


                  You're normally the most articulate writer here by an order of magnitude. I learn new words from your posts. Are you drunk?
                  Well, note that Uncle Jeff spewed out his vitriolic vitriol in my general direction based simply on 'testicle schmesticle'. There might be learnin to be done, but sometimes there are plots within plots and schemes within schemes. And sometimes when I try to pee, it burns.


                  an amazing likeness

                    Well, note that Uncle Jeff spewed out his vitriolic vitriol in my general direction based simply on 'testicle schmesticle'. There might be learnin to be done, but sometimes there are plots within plots and schemes within schemes. And sometimes when I try to pee, it burns.
                    Can't help you with the peeing thing -- just don't aim for the urinal cake is the only advise I've got. Perhaps the tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek nature of my post didn't make to the page... mta: I'm sure not going to fall for runner / jogger bait...I jog some, I run less.

                    Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                      What sucks, I mean, what really sucks is that I jumped into a thread with 'donnybrook' in the title. I have a list of ignorable threads. Any thread with donnybrook is on it. What am I doing here? This is not my locker.


                      Why is it sideways?

                        I was surprised that "testicularity" was not a new word for you.

                        I've got a fever...

                          You're normally the most testiculate writer here by an order of magnitude.

                          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                            I was surprised that "testicularity" was not a new word for you.
                            Mix that with some wessonality and you've got yourself a nice side dish. I mean, if you aren't on the meat-only diet.


                            Why is it sideways?

                              Mix that with some wessonality and you've got yourself a nice side dish. I mean, if you aren't on the meat-only diet.
                              From the sublime to the surreal. That's how we roll.
                                Isn't it about time that a Panda appears saying this whole thread is about her and that someone sent something onto her computer or stole something from her garage?