Do you share running with your significant other? (Read 1317 times)


    My DW would love to run with me but is unable to run due to some back issues so she is very supportive of me taking time to go out and travel the roads and trails. I do try to run at times that don't interfere with family stuff. You all know the drill (early morning, late night,......). She does believe I'm a bit touched in the head for running marathons but I remind her that she knew I was nuts before we were married so no refunds Big grin. Kids are now wanting and running with me as well. It's nice to have a great Home Team support

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


      I am also concerned that she is running too fast, because she doesn't want to slow me down too much. I am planning on running 30 secs slower per mile slower tonight than we had on the most recent run. I want to see if she is less winded by the end. She is definitely suffering too much.
      certainly if she can't talk to you without being out of breath then she is running too hard to be an "easy" run. And most people would recommend only easy runs or run/walks for someone getting back into it. i expect you could break her spirit if she feels too slow for you or for herself. if not her spirit then maybe her joints. maybe do a fartlek workout and run 100 meters in the wrong direction for a while and then catch up to her for your recovery. I don't know. But I wish you luck and I hope you can encourage her to stay with it. Maybe one good way is to remind her that SHE will improve faster than YOU will.





        I have run, on and off for a couple of years; just for general fitness and because I need to stay in shape for the army. I have often asked my wife to start, at least walking a little and maybe working up but I ALWAYS get the same response....I DO NOT RUN! It doesn't matter how much she sees me enjoy it and sees how much I get out of it; I can't get her started... guess I'll just have to keep going at it alone.

        Rob M.-A PROUD AMERICAN VETERAN! OlllO-It's a JEEP thing! GOALS 2010: 5K- 5KFVS, 5/22/10: 29:15 10K- Old River Run, 5/8/10: 1:02.24 City of Roses Half Marathon, 9/19/10: Marathon-St. Judes Memphis Marathon, 12/4/10?? Duathlon-??? Triathlon(sprint)-???

          If I were in the dating world again I would definitely practice the do what you love and you'll find those of similiar spirit thought. I'm one of those people that can't sit doing nothing for long at all. I include playing on the computer, watching tv, and most other couch-based activity as doing nothing. My DH can sit on his computer for 24 hours straight with only potty breaks. I did get him to do a 5k with me and due to the nature of our jobs he does maintain a somewhat regular exercise schedule. But it would be nice to share the same passion for activity.
          Kenotic Runner

            My wife has recently taken up running. It is a joy to run with her.

            One day at a time

              Rob, that's what I told DH from the first month I knew him - I DO NOT RUN! But then a friend convinced me to try just running from one telephone pole to the next, and that did it for me. So you never know!
                My daughter got hooked after she saw me go through the half marathon experience. She just turned 5 last week and we're signed up for the Dino Dash 5k on May 30th. I wonder how long she'll be hooked (I'm not going to force anything on her, just let her want to run by watching me.) We went for a run last Saturday. I pushed the jogging stroller for 5 miles then got her out and we ran/walked the last mile. She proudly called it her training. Yes
                This is why it's a good idea to start them while they're young!
                  My daughter got hooked after she saw me go through the half marathon experience. She just turned 5 last week and we're signed up for the Dino Dash 5k on May 30th. I wonder how long she'll be hooked (I'm not going to force anything on her, just let her want to run by watching me.) We went for a run last Saturday. I pushed the jogging stroller for 5 miles then got her out and we ran/walked the last mile. She proudly called it her training. Yes
                  That's really adorable =] No SO here... Still in HS. Trying to get my family to start running, but that's a lost cause... =/ They're all pretty lazy... Especially my younger brother...

                    I have run, on and off for a couple of years; just for general fitness and because I need to stay in shape for the army. I have often asked my wife to start, at least walking a little and maybe working up but I ALWAYS get the same response....I DO NOT RUN! It doesn't matter how much she sees me enjoy it and sees how much I get out of it; I can't get her started... guess I'll just have to keep going at it alone.
                    My wife's the same - she DOES NOT RUN. To this day I have never seen her run more than about 10 steps. But she will get on her mountain bike and accompany me on some of my long trail runs (did 13 miles together last week). I'm working on the running thing - stealth-mode! We both signed up for 24hour fitness memberships and she goes every day to hit the elliptical and bike machines. She did intervals on the elliptical this morning. It's just a hop, skip and a jump from grinding away on the elliptical to running! I'm secretly planning on her running on our Great Lakes Relay team this July. It's the perfect evil plan to get her to run! MwoohahaHAHA!

                    Eat, Play, Run

                      My husband does not run, either. It bothered me more when I first started running and would have loved to have him as a running partner. He gave it a shot but didn't love it like I do. Then a doctor told him that, because of his back issues, he should not take up running. I might have suggested he get a second opinion had I not suspected he was told exactly what he wanted to hear. I knew it wouldn't do any good to try to push it on him. I do think he'd be more supportive of my running if he ran himself and truly understood where I'm coming from, but now that I've been at this a few years I've found training partners, groups, and outlets for sharing about running. And my dh is coming along as far as being supportive. So it's all good. Big grin My kids, on the other hand, are definitely showing an interest in running. I'm looking forward to more runs with them now that the weather is more cooperative.

                      12-week layoff

                        I worked at a school. I started running when I started helping out with the track team. I kept running through the summer. Next year, there was a skinny new guy in the pe department...someone said he was a runner. I asked him for advice, and he invited me to train with the cross country team, which he was coaching. I did, and we've now been married 11 years. We run together when we can, and it's a treat for both of us...now the 7 year old has been running too. It's a wonderful life.


                          After I finished up in College, my HS XC coach asked me to be an assistant coach for him. There was an extremely fine woman who was an assistant coach on the girls XC team. We have now been married for 6 years. She isn't running much now (she's due May 2nd with our third child), but after our family is complete (I'm going to the doctor!), we will be out there running together again.

                            Both my husband and I were runners before we met and it's been a shared activity for over 25 years since then. However, we run for vastly different reasons and because of that, there are periods of days or weeks when he doesn't run, as well as times he's wanted to quit once and for all. I love running and don't mind running alone, but also value it as a shared activity with my husband...I think it's been part of our "glue."

                            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                              My husband has Rheumatoid Arthritis, so no running for him. He does work out at the gym on the machines with little to no impact (ellipticals, arc trainers, etc.). He is VERY supportive of my running, though. He has never once complained about the time I spend out running, and when I'm running in the evenings, he even makes dinner and has it ready when I come in. He has also never missed one of my races. He doesn't fully understand why I need new shoes so often....

                              Maggie & Molly

                                My hubby hates to run - he has only run when he was training for a belt. He rides his bike while I run sometimes. It's fun and makes me run faster teehee....otherwise he does his thing while I run, never gets in the way of it and tells others that he has to check on my run schedule before making plans. He knows I love it.

                                 "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                                Wisdom of Confucius

                                HF 4363
