You know you've caught the running bug when... (Read 2175 times)

    When you use the word "easy" to describe a run of any distance. As in "yesterday I just did an easy 10 mile run". The looks that follow from your non-running friends are priceless. Smile

    Life is Good

      even on vacation with friends and family you make time for a "run" Wink

      Run 1000 miles

      bike 500 miles

      finish a half Ironman triathlon

      Warrior dash 2012

      Chickamauga battlefield half 2012

      and a few small races in between

        You're finally skinny enough to fit into sexy stuff from Victoria's Secret, but you get more excited when Champion has their semi-annual sale on running bras. Eliz
        That's perfect. Big grin
          When all of the other mountain bikers finish their 12 mile loop and go to the pub you have to catch up to them after your 6 mile run. You meet a friend to lift weights at the gym at 5 A.M. and the 3 mile run before and after working out is your warm up and cool down. You start placing "only" infront of your mileage.

          The Greatest of All Time

            When you use the word "easy" to describe a run of any distance. As in "yesterday I just did an easy 10 mile run". The looks that follow from your non-running friends are priceless. Smile
            That's great. And that look is priceless.
            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

              Whenever you move house you check what would be your regular running route and you find yourself passing up on places where you can't literally run from the doorstep. Oh, and you take basic running gear on every trip no matter the occasion or location. Then the one time you don't...darn-it.


              A is A

                When you see other runners, while not running yourself, you get the strange compulsion to cheer them on or weirdly yet yell out, Great race!

                I've got a fever...

        're disappointed to discover that that there's an employee luncheon next week with free food, because this means you won't be able to do your lunch-time run that day.

                  On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                  The Greatest of All Time

          're disappointed to discover that that there's an employee luncheon next week with free food, because this means you won't be able to do your lunch-time run that day.
                    You people with your lunch time runs really piss me off Evil grin
                    all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                    Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                    Lazy idiot

                      You people with your lunch time runs really piss me off Evil grin

                      Tick tock

                        You people with your lunch time runs really piss me off Evil grin
                        Good...that is why we run at lunch! Big grin I barely make it through the afternoon on weekdays when I don't run during lunchtime!
                          even on vacation with friends and family you make time for a "run" Wink
                          Vacation runs are the best. There is no better way to discover a new place. Years later, you may not remember the vacation that well, but I bet you'll remember the run !!!

                          - Anya

                            ^Very true...and, not to mention, they're called vacation days not rest days!

                            One day at a time

                              You people with your lunch time runs really piss me off Evil grin
                              I shouldn't say this, but I work from home, so I can run WHENEVER I want. It's wonderful. Today, I'm going to wait until DS15 gets home from school, and we're going to drive to a long road nearby that is not quite as icy and snowy so that we can both get our running in. We both need to run 8 miles, though, so he will have to wait at least a half hour for me to finish, lol.
                                I shouldn't say this, but I work from home, so I can run WHENEVER I want. It's wonderful. Today, I'm going to wait until DS15 gets home from school, and we're going to drive to a long road nearby that is not quite as icy and snowy so that we can both get our running in. We both need to run 8 miles, though, so he will have to wait at least a half hour for me to finish, lol.
                                Oh that sounds awesome! I would love to work from home but I think I would end up get side tracked too often. Oh, and I'd eat WAY too much. I get a lunch hour, and there are days when I sneak a little more than an hour. I just find that it's a lot of rushing around to get home, get changed, run and then take a shower and then get back to work. I work just under a mile from my house so at least I have that working for me. I've been trying to push my 16 y/o to run further distances with me but he's stubborn. Just this week my 12 & 13 y/o have decided that they are going to start running a few times a week. A mile or two here or there to start. I'm excited about that. Smile They even asked me to log their runs for them so last night we updated their logs here on RA. I'd like to see them stick with it.
