2014 Holiday Running Streak (Read 554 times)


Return To Racing

    6 for me and DW.  Weather was great and it was a fast run for us. 38 miles for the streak.  Looks like we can stay outside for the foreseeable future.



      4 miles in humidity of Orlando!  What a difference!  Day 6 for me since I missed last Saturday.


      Jerryb49-welcome to Wisconsin next May!






        4 miles today brings me to 1500 for the year so far - that's a major goal reached for me!


        Now the holiday streak continues. I used to think that running every day would be too much, but found out that my shorter runs usually allow me to "stay loose" and actually make me feel better than when I take days off. I usually feel a little stiff when coming back from days off.


        Yeah, I really recover faster with a short easy run than with a day off. Congrats on reaching your goal!


        TM again today, 9k. We've had rain for weeks now, I seriously can't remember when I have last seen the sun. Today I couldn't pick my time to run because I only had one free hour in the day. And it rained during that time. I still could have gone outside, but I didn't want to.

          Got in another five miles today. It was about 57 degrees and misting rain. Pretty nice weather for a nice easy run.


            Weekday 11 to build a buffer in case I need it later.

            From the Internet.

              Wahh, took another rest day yesterday. I think I'm just going to commit to 6 days/week instead of streak but still aim for the mileage goal for December.


                4 on the TM for me.  Cold and rainy are not my cup of tea. Running to Christmas music on the stereo isn't so bad.


                  A meager 2 miles for me today. Partly because I'm running a 12k race in the morning, but mostly because I had a school assignment due today that I have been procrastinating on. "Never put off until tomorrow, what you can put off until the next day." That's my motto. Problem is, I ran out of days to put it off to!


                  day 8 of 35 on the streak. December miles at 15.5, goal of 105.


                    Well, I didn't even make 4 days in row. I knew coming into this that it would be hard to keep consecutive days. Missed yesterday.


                    I travel 50 miles each way to NYC two days a week. Adding to the normal traffic nightmare is the fact that it's

                    Gridlock Alert Month. So, I already get up at 5:30 am to be in the office at 9. Often I'm not home until after 9pm.

                    With rain and 35* after a day like that? I just want to put my jammies on, crack a cold one, and snuggle up to a warm one.


                    I can get the mileage goal, but there's going to be days where I miss the one miler though. 50's is where I should be leading up to another Pfitz cycle anyhoo.


                    Finished a guilt laden 12 miles progression tonight on the hamster wheel.








                      15 days and counting, though the last 4 days have been very short runs



                        4.5 miles in the 'tropics' of central Florida. Back to WI tomorrow, where there is a reported warming trend!







                        Penguin Power!

                          10 days into the streak, 46.2 miles completed.  Feeling pretty good still, though not used to streaking that's for sure!

                          Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                            Day 14 of my current streak.


                            Conditions at the start were 38 degrees with steady rain.


                            5 miles in with 8 to go this happens.



                            I'd like to thank that Altima driver for making an already challenging run one of the most miserable of the year.

                              Oh man, that sucks, X! But it's also a little funny.


                              9k on the TM tonight. I really wanted to go outside, but it was 9:20 pm when I finally made time to go for a run and I thought I'll only do a minimum on the TM because I was so tired. But then I just kept going.


                                5 on the treadmill today.  The rain is supposed to end tonight, so hopefully I can get outdoors tomorrow. I'm so sick of gray and drizzle.