So, Santa is now a religious symbol (Read 1040 times)




    Are just events / things made up by Christians who were bored when all their pagan friends were celebrating these Holidays. 


    Be safe. Be kind.

    Prince of Fatness

      [not supposed  to post on these threads.]


      Dude, it's Santa Claus.  Harmless.  Heh.

      Not at it at all. 

        Santa Claus

        Easter Bunny



        Are just events / things made up by non-religous people who were bored when all their Christian Friends were celebrating these Holidays.  Well actually it could be that they were bored, or jealous of any of the religions days or periods - But these 3 fall on pre-existing Christian Holidays (2 major, one minor).


        Yep, but Christmas is kind of unique in that the Santa Claus portion actually also has Christian origin.


        I think Santa Claus has a dutch history with "Saint Nickolaus" and "Black Peter".  Likely goes further back, but the chimney portion (Black Peter), and the benevolance (Saint Nickolaus) were the parts I remember... along with a gift every year containing an orange (for the House of Orange).

        When I grew up, we'd get our gifts early in December (not Christmas eve), and it was separate from the Christian Holy Day (Christmas). 

        Americans paganized the Christian Holy Day, but I think that most of us know that....


        Easter bunny is a mystery... It bugs me to see churches having Easter Egg hunts.  Why? Who thought that was a good idea to start that?


        Halloween, Martin Luther's Reformation movement is certainly a minor Christian Holy Day, and I think that the October 31 "Halloween" type of rituals precedes some of the Reformation Day, but that's possibly due to "All Saints Day" on Nov. 1

        Life Goals:

        #1: Do what I can do

        #2: Enjoy life



          I agree with KerCanDo70 about Santa having a religious origin.


          In Germany St. Nikolaus Tag is December 6th and kids can get presents from "St. Nikolaus" in a similar "good kids get gifts, bad kids get kidnapped and beaten*" style as our naughty-and-nice system of presents and coal.  I'm not particularly religious or know a whole lot about Santa but I think that he started as this Christian religious figure St. Nikolaus.


          *I made up the part about getting kidnapped and beaten, I don't actually know what the bad kids get.

          Menace to Sobriety


            Easter bunny is a mystery... It bugs me to see churches having Easter Egg hunts.  Why? Who thought that was a good idea to start that?


            Down here in the Bible belt, Halloween is frowned upon, but on Oct 31, or the closest weekend, most of the churches have "Fall Festivals" where the kids all wear costumes, get candy and play games.

            Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

              I agree with KerCanDo70 about Santa having a religious origin.


               Also, Odin.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                Down here in the Bible belt, Halloween is frowned upon, but on Oct 31, or the closest weekend, most of the churches have "Fall Festivals" where the kids all wear costumes, get candy and play games.


                Ya, churches having kids wear costumes around that time of the year also bug me.... forgot about that.  Kind of like the Trunk-or-Treats that churches host.

                Life Goals:

                #1: Do what I can do

                #2: Enjoy life




                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  Santa Claus

                  Easter Bunny



                  Are just events / things made up by non-religous people who were bored when all their Christian Friends were celebrating these Holidays.  Well actually it could be that they were bored, or jealous of any of the religions days or periods - But these 3 fall on pre-existing Christian Holidays (2 major, one minor).


                  I disagree.


                  Unless by "non-religious people" you mean secular Christians.


                  But as a Jew, I'd much prefer my Christian friends celebrate nonoverlycommercial versions of the holidays indicated in your post. Smile


                    Quote from Dopple Bock on 11/17/2011 at 9:51 AM:



                     All Soul's Day


                    Are just events / things  incorporated with existing pagan holidays by Christians when all their pagan friends were celebrating these Holidays, to show that all spiritual celebrations have a common source. 

                    [I'm not really in this thread either]


                    Runners run

                    "run" "2" "eat"

                      Halloween, Martin Luther's Reformation movement is certainly a minor Christian Holy Day, and I think that the October 31 "Halloween" type of rituals precedes some of the Reformation Day, but that's possibly due to "All Saints Day" on Nov. 1


                      halloween is a contraction of all hallows eve, which "eve" connotes "the day before" as also in "christmas eve". all hallows day (1 nov) and the related mexican holiday dios de la muerta (2 nov) are celebrations of the dead and placations of the potentially unrestful evil spirits. all hallows day derives from the ancient celtic samhain which falls between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice.

                      i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams

                        halloween is a contraction of all hallows eve, which "eve" connotes "the day before" as also in "christmas eve". all hallows day (1 nov) and the related mexican holiday dios de la muerta (2 nov) are celebrations of the dead and placations of the potentially unrestful evil spirits. all hallows day derives from the ancient celtic samhain which falls between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice.


                        Didn't know that.  Very interesting though.

                        (didn't think it had any Christian history, but never researched it to know whether it was or wasn't).

                        Life Goals:

                        #1: Do what I can do

                        #2: Enjoy life





                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              6-8 Black Men...

                               I was just getting ready to post that!  Ha!

                                6-8 Black Men...


                                That's very funny.  I was laughing at the blind hunters in Texas and Michigan wondering why you set up this link.

                                Then it clicked.


                                Yes, that's the life I lived.

                                Thanks for sharing Smile

                                Life Goals:

                                #1: Do what I can do

                                #2: Enjoy life