Need a little guidance on getting back into it... (Read 800 times)


    It's been about five years since I've run consistently and raced, which was put to an end by knee problems. I've started up again this spring and wanted some advice on how it looks like I'm starting back up and where I should head from here. My knee problem is a chronic patellar tendenitis issue(due to my tendon being at a wider angle than it should be). I wear a knee strap which helps a lot and I haven't had any problems since starting back up with my running now. So any advice from the regulars?
      Try a lot of ez run/walk--walk/run stuff. Come back real slow. Forget racing. If you love running. Just run/walk. If you can search some of my old posts. Basic concept: start off ez--then back off. Best of luck. Nick

      Certifiably Insane

        Probably one of the first things I'd do, is to go to runnersworld.com, or even Google, and do a search for stretches/exercises targeted for your knee troubles. Maybe there aren't any for that exact problem, but it won't hurt to check into it. If you're wanting to get back into it, and that's been a problem before, I'd try to head it off before it becomes a problem again. A little pre-hab is always better than a lot of re-hab. I second Nick's advice, also. Start easy, build up slowly. Have fun with it. I don't know if I'd say to forget about racing, though, but definitely don't be in a hurry to do it. Slow and easy buildup until you have some base again, then decide what you want to do with it. MTA: Oh, and I am definitely not regular, so maybe I posted out of turn???? Confused Big grin Tongue
        On the road since 1978! "To be good is not enough when you dream of being great." I am not obsessed! I'm just INTENSE! "Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool." Why? Because race results stay on Google forever! (Reasonably recent) PR's: 5K - 16:40 10K - 35:04 HM - 1:18:30

          Thanks for the replies. I guess I'm also interested in somebody taking a look at my log and telling me if I'm getting back into things too quickly.

          A Saucy Wench

            consistency. I see no runs for 8 days and then 3 in a row. 2 runs in a week and one of them is a 9 miler. ok I saw what happened there. You are doing tempos when you havent established any consistency yet. Run easy on a consistant basis. I dont have a particular bias to what consistant is for when you are starting back. Some like very short nearly every day, some like every other day, but pick something and get regular with the running. Nearly all of it easy maybe a farlek here in there, but no need for structured speed. Nothing else really matters until that happens.

            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


            Master of the Side Eye

              consistency. I see no runs for 8 days and then 3 in a row. 2 runs in a week and one of them is a 9 miler. ok I saw what happened there. You are doing tempos when you havent established any consistency yet. Run easy on a consistant basis. I dont have a particular bias to what consistant is for when you are starting back. Some like very short nearly every day, some like every other day, but pick something and get regular with the running. Nearly all of it easy maybe a farlek here in there, but no need for structured speed. Nothing else really matters until that happens.
              Ditto on consistency. Run slow, run consistently. Walk as needed. All the advice given is excellent.

              TRUST THE PROCESS





              Professional Noob

                Nothing else really matters until that happens.
                Yup. What she said. You gotta lay a strong foundation before you can build a fine mansion...

                Roads were made for journeys...


                  sounds like a plan. How many miles should I build up to per week before I think about mixing up the workouts a little more?

                  Beginner all over again

                    Start easy, build up slowly
                    I agree. I'm new to walking/jogging and I am already sidelined in week #10 Hard to know what is easy until you find out you have overdone it. I'm taking one week off this week. I hope it's enough, and then I'm doing Galloway's 8-week Conditioningprogram , see whether I don't get shin splints again . . . .. I would suggest keep a log, and when you are recovered from any injury, start again and make sure you do it more slowly and more Easy than the last time. That's what I'm doing. Smile


                    A Saucy Wench

                      sounds like a plan. How many miles should I build up to per week before I think about mixing up the workouts a little more?
                      It's not a matter of number of miles so much as be consistant for several weeks. It takes a period of running at a level before your body adapts and you can move to the next level. How many miles that is depends on your goals.

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                        Thanks for the replies. I guess I'm also interested in somebody taking a look at my log and telling me if I'm getting back into things too quickly.
                        In looking at your log a few things sort of jump out at me: FIRST - as the other have mentioned, consistency works and you have many gaps in between runs (except recently as you ran 4 days in a row). So I agree that you need to run more frequently, meaning 4 days or 5 day per week (my favorite schedule when starting out is run on Tue, Wed, Thur, Sat, and Sun --- and take off on Mon and Fri. This give 5 days with two off and has worked well for me when I started out. SECOND - I don't know anything about you (Age, previous running exerience, weight, natural physical ability and on on and on), but looking at your mileage, it 'seems' to me that you are running to far per run (starting off at least) and need to start off by running shorter distances and then add to them (let your body adjust properly by building -- don't SHOCK you body by running too much or too fast for that matter).....(back to recommended schedule Tue 1 - Wed 1 - Thur -2 - Sat 1 Sun 2) and then build very slowly from there ( like add one mile ever other week or something like that......takes a while to build the mileage, but you are consistent, and dont get hurt....in a year youll be running big miles....so it works pretty well (or at least it has for me). THIRD - you are showing Tempo, and Fartlek or speed runs (ALREADY ?? Confused) -- but you're not ready for this type of running just yet -- you should slowly build your mileage and do it all EASY - or at at running pace where you can talk out lout and/or when you are finished, you feel like you could do it all again. Save speed work until after you get your mileage up and have about a year or so of solid running.... The biggest beginner mistakes that most people make are showing up on your log -- not running consistently, running too far (at first) and trying to run too fast (at first).... So if you run more days per week, Start running less miles per day and make sure you are running nice and easy, you will show much greater progress and have better shot at being along time runner..... GOOD LUCK -- POST OFTEN -- Keep us informed of your progress....Wink

                        Champions are made when no one is watching