1000Km-621 mile club


Happy New Year 2022! (Read 6 times)


    Happy New Year! Congratulations to those who achieved the 1000km distance in 2021.

    I hope we all have a great running year and keep ahead of the relentless pace bunny.





      Happy New Year to you, John, and rest of our 1000km crew! Smile


      It's been a very challenging year so far. I think I've had one run with a windchill warmer than -40*F. It's been ridiculously cold here and I'm struggling with it. No DM and it's hard to stay warm long enough. Plus as a solo runner, there are safety issues bc I don't have someone out there to watch out for me if you know what I mean. Lots of close to home runs.

      Half Fanatic #9292. 

      Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

        Thanks, John, Meg.

        May this be a great year to you both, and to everyone else in this neighbourhood!


        Hope the weather gets better in your corner of the world, Meg. No doubt, such conditions make everything extra-difficult, in more ways than one. Kudos to you for living up to the challenge.