1500 Miles So Go Run


2022 April - Race Season begins!! (Read 7 times)


    Okay, for some race season has already started, but my first race for the year will be this month.


    Got another 12ish miles in this morning - felt way better than last week, but then again I didnt referee any soccer games this weekend (so far).  Feeling okay about my HM that is now only 3 weeks away, but it's been a while since I actually RACED a half marathon that I'm not sure if I am fully prepped.


    I'm also on the fence about how much mileage to do for the last two weekends before the race.  Should I try to get in something over 13 next weekend or just start my cut-back period and do like 8-10.  I don't know, I guess we'll see how I feel next weekend.


    Weather's getting nicer - let's get out there everyone!!


      In terms of long training runs before a race, Jeff, my HM training that worked well for me in the past was to run a 12-mile tempo run (with 7 miles at goal pace) two weeks prior, then an easy 10-miler one week prior.


      My most recent race (last October) was not an HM, but was a 20-mile trail race. For that, I ran a 20-miler 3 weeks out, then 10-milers the next 2 weekends before race day. That also worked out well for me on the day. (My current profile pic is from that race.)

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


        I'm running a 10 mile race tomorrow morning in Sacramento.  As far as long runs before a half i would run long (say, up to 13) the week before a half.  I ran 12 1/2 this past Sunday for this 10 coming up.  I always felt I could recover quite easily in that week.  I never hammer those runs though.


          Best of luck in your race today, kcam!


          I'm having trouble getting out the door to run. Feel like lead. More than likely because I only got 5-6 hours sleep at most for second day in a row. It's mind over matter on days like this. Will report back.

          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


            Ran 1:13:03.  I could see the clock counting to 1:13 off in the distance and I did pick it up to run 7:09 on the last mile to get close to 1:12:59 but couldn't quite get it.  A very beautiful spring day to race!  I was 14th out of 17 M60 -64.  Some fast guys in the race!

            Jeff and Meg - today is day 93 of my current running streak.  Previous long streak was 92 days last year.  Never been a streaker but I'm kinda into it now, I'm healthy so we'll see how far I can take it.  I started this streak on Jan 1 of this year. Onward!


              Excellent result, kcam!! Congrats!


              I extended my current long run distance by a mile today - now up to 8 miles; but missed my mpw goal of 30. Win some, lose some.

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                No spring races for me. Work is just too crazy. 4 more months and I can retire. Then I plan on making running my full time job!

                  Congrats kcam! Sounds like a good race.


                    heffa47- Jeff! ! I'm SUPER happy you're in this group too! I just jumped in yesterday. Feeling like I need a bit more conversational support than Garmin Connect really allows for.  Four months until you retire?! So exciting!

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                    Misinformation Officer

                      Hey, y'all! Plugging along here with junk miles (my plan) and random small races. Doing one this weekend sponsored by a brunch spot, which is unusual for here. Not racing racing bc I'm still dragging, but fun and something different.

                      Runs like a dj mixing songs while wearing festive outfits.
                      5k PR 5/31/21 24:21 

                      10k PR 5/23 54:43

                      HM PR 1/2024 1:59:10


                        Last long run today.  Got out early(ish) and it was still a little cool - like 36 and windy so I put on my windbreaker jacket, a light hat and some light gloves.  I think I chose pretty well - at certain points my hands got hot and I'd take the gloves off but then I'd hit a wind tunnel and the wind was cold so I'd end up putting them back on.


                        Got in just about 14 miles.  I did take walk breaks every mile or so but I was okay with that and I finished still feeling pretty good.


                        Two weeks until my HM and I'm thinking 8-9 next week and then some shorter stuff during the week to keep the legs fresh.


                        Unfortunately my daughter, who is also running the HM, is just getting over Mono and hasn't run in two weeks so she's feeling pretty unprepared.  I told her to just do what she can between then and now and get in some shorter runs to wake her legs up so they aren't dead from too long off the road.


                        Hope everyone is doing well.


                          Sounds like you have your HM plan all worked out leading up to the race, Jeff. Do you have a particular strategy in mind for the actual race?


                          I hope your daughter feels strong on race day and enjoys the event.

                          (Disclaimer--speaking entirely off the cuff and from my own perspective): She might want to think about walking a minute of every mile in the race or some modification like that so it doesn't stress her body into having a mono relapse.


                          I got my >30 mpw this time around (32) and ran 8 miles for the long run again yesterday. Had at least a couple days of dead legs this week and a terrible night's sleep, so I decided to take a rest day from running today. (Ever had a dream in which somehow you are in midair and plummeting towards the ground? So not fun!)  Anyway instead of running, I swam and then lifted weights. Boy were my arms tired! I bailed on the last exercise ("biceps burnout") due to fatigue.


                          In the coming week, I plan on including a 5-mile interval workout Tuesday. Then I'm doing a virtual 10K on Saturday which should give me some idea of where I'm currently starting from.


                          How's it going with the rest of the team?

                          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                            For the most part I plan on going out by feel on race day.  However, I was reading through some posts and it looks like the Newburyport HM they had in the Fall actually had some pace groups so if they them at this one too and have a 1:45 pace group I'll either decide to run with them for a bit or just try to keep them behind me.  If they have a 1:40 I may try to run with them as well depending on how I feel.  My plan is to shoot for somewhere between 1:40-1:45 which I think is totally doable right now.


                            Thanks, I already had the walk interval discussion with my daughter to make sure she doesn't tax herself too much during the race.  Her main concern is that her long run only got up to 9 miles, which I told her was fine.


                            Sounds like you have your HM plan all worked out leading up to the race, Jeff. Do you have a particular strategy in mind for the actual race?


                            I hope your daughter feels strong on race day and enjoys the event.

                            (Disclaimer--speaking entirely off the cuff and from my own perspective): She might want to think about walking a minute of every mile in the race or some modification like that so it doesn't stress her body into having a mono relapse. 


                              Ugh.  Rough night.  I was supposed to do my last bout of speedwork before the HM this morning - 5 miles at HM pace.  But I woke up with insomnia at around 12:30 so when my alarm went off to go I was still just laying there awake.  I opted instead to at least rest (didnt sleep) for an extra hour or so and then just hit the gym and got my mile in on the treadmill.


                              Hopefully I get some rest tonight and I'll get that run in tomorrow - would just feel better getting that last hard run in before the race.


                                Take it easy on yourself today and trust you'll be good to go tomorrow, Jeff. You'll get it done and get that nice confidence boost.

                                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.
