1500 Miles So Go Run


2022 February: Join in, if you'd like! (Read 11 times)



    What is apparent to me lately is that the more layers of clothing, the slow I am. I can't think much about pace or heart rate bc too many factors mucking with it (footing, temps, etc.) I did have my highest week for mileage in a couple of months last week. I'm hoping I can carry that momentum into this week.

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


      So I rested the last couple of days.  After the 5K time trial my legs were a little beat up so I just did a couple easy miles the next two days after that.  My HM training actually had me doing a 5 mile tempo run on Monday (bad planning on my part as I put the training plan in as it was - not taking into consideration the 5K on the last day of my last training cycle).


      Anyway - back to the gym today for my tempo run.  One mile warmup, 5 miles at 8:00mpm pace, then a one mile cool down.  Overall it felt pretty good.  I was a little tired at the beginning, but hey it was 5:00AM but I settled in pretty well.


      Hoping to hit 30 miles this week with a longer long run this weekend.


        What is apparent to me lately is that the more layers of clothing, the slow I am. I can't think much about pace or heart rate bc too many factors mucking with it (footing, temps, etc.) I did have my highest week for mileage in a couple of months last week. I'm hoping I can carry that momentum into this week.


        True for me as well.  I run by HR these days because ... too many factors mucking up the works to run by pace!  And if I run by what my body tells me to do I wouldn't run at all - it seems to like to sit on the couch mostly. 




          True for me as well.  I run by HR these days because ... too many factors mucking up the works to run by pace!  And if I run by what my body tells me to do I wouldn't run at all - it seems to like to sit on the couch mostly. 


          A lot of days I can't even access my watch. LOL!  I used to think I'd like to try HR training, but my watch gets cadence watch and I just get stressed out micromanaging my heart rate.  I suspect it is not for me. I tried it for 2 weeks during the pandemic and it just made me hate running.

          Half Fanatic #9292. 

          Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


            Same with me.  I've tried it before but in all honesty I feel like stressing out over my heartrate and watching it never let me actually settle in to my run and I think it actually sent my HR higher which would annoy me even more.



            A lot of days I can't even access my watch. LOL!  I used to think I'd like to try HR training, but my watch gets cadence watch and I just get stressed out micromanaging my heart rate.  I suspect it is not for me. I tried it for 2 weeks during the pandemic and it just made me hate running.


              Totally understand about the annoyance of getting a valid HR reading and accessing your watch!  I live in California so I can access my watch quite easily all the time.  I've tried several HR straps and forearm optical sensors and they all suffer from cadence lock.  I've finally gone back to a chest strap (Wahoo Tickr) with electrode gel applied to the contacts.  That seems to work every time, as opposed to just wetting the contacts.  I had a heart attack a couple years ago so I just feel way more comfortable knowing what my HR is doing when exercising.   My watch displays only HR and training zone when I'm running.  I don't obsess over it any more than I used to when I only cared about pace.  I find it definitely helps me to stay in that sweet aerobic zone when I used to go right through that into threshold type effort levels.


                Two nice days in a row and two days of running outside.  Might try to get out again tomorrow because Friday = 8 more inches of snow (UGH) and then I'll be back on the treadmill for a while.


                  And here comes the snow.  A good 3 inches when I got up this morning - I'm working from home but I got up to shovel out and clear off my daughter's car because she has to go into work today.


                  Got in a couple miles on the treadmill before shoveling so at least it's done.  I really need to stretch a couple times today if I get the chance though because my right hip is a little tight.



                    In the last half hour, the extreme cold warning was called off. Yay! We've been in that for three days. It's still going to be -35*C (-31*F) for my run today. I'm starting to freak out a little about my race in mid-May. The winter has really killed my mileage and I'm not feeling like I've got enough time to build up to be ready. I guess that's how it goes sometimes. Just keep trying.

                    Half Fanatic #9292. 

                    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.
