1500 Miles So Go Run


March 2024 (Read 8 times)


    March 1 and Spring have arrived!  Here we go!


    heffa - hope your recent knee and achilles pains have fully resolved.


    kcam - whassup?


    jeffD - did the doctor say that running more than a mile would for sure make it worse?


    DH got his MRI this morning and we already got the report! It shows a posterior medial meniscus tear. Appt to discuss with ortho is next Wednesday. Looking forward to finding out how large of a tear and what his activity restrictions should be to allow it to heal and not get worse.


    So far so good for me this week with the 3-min Run / 2-min Walk for 3 miles using the stroller. The problem with proprioception (or what I'm now calling "postural disequilibrium") is back to a bothersome degree. I won't go into detail, but I'm trying to sort out why it's happening and how to resolve it. I guess I think I have a future in this running gig because I just ordered another pair of shoes!

    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


      Happy March!  I haven't posted much because I have been very healthy, running-wise, lately and it felt 'odd' to post about it in our small group. 

      I have been through my share of injuries big and small.  I am reading your posts about what you all are currently going through and am pulling for resolutions on these injuries.  I haven't any helpful advice though.    Keep plugging and get through it, folks!

      OK, now to rub it in some (sorry).  I ran a nice 10 mile race this morning in Redding, CA.  I'm much slower than I used to be at this race but I ran well enough and felt good throughout.  1:18:20 for like 600th place or something!  It was cold though, 39 deg and windy.  Luckily the rain held off for the entire race.  Next race is another 10 miler in April.  Hopefully I can improve some by then.

        kcam - Good to hear about some positive results. Please continue to share.


        happy - Hopefully your increased symptoms are just cyclic. Great job keeping the miles up.


        My left achilles is down to just a slight pain when I run and the calf/knee pain is gone. Now my lower back is bothering me. I want to blame a couple hours of picking up "gumballs" but it's been a couple days so I'm second guessing that analysis. We are off to Vegas on Tuesday so I'm going to just revert to walking until then and try to rest up my aches and pains.


          Hi Happy,


          The doctor did not say that running more than a mile would make it worse, but the problem is I can't really even get to 3 miles right now without the really severe pains so just keeping to a mile or so is really my choice right now.  So while I'd love to go out for a 3 mile run, right now it feels a bit less frustrating to just do the mile, rather than try to run longer and hit the point where the pain sets in.


          have my Pre-Op meeting this morning to find out about the surgery, recovery time, etc...


          Sorry to hear about your DHs results - hopefully he heals quickly.


          kcam - nice job on the 10 miler.  That is one of my favorite distances - like a HM but it's over before that crappy last 5K.


          Heffa - hopefully you'll feel better by Vegas and can maybe get a few runs in over there.  I love running the Vegas Strip in the morning when I go.  I have a business trip planned there in June so hopefully I'm back to some sense of normal by then.




          jeffD - did the doctor say that running more than a mile would for sure make it worse?



            Quick update - just got out of my pre-Op appointment.  Not too much new news - they just confirmed time and date, answered any questions but if they do just scrape out the torn piece of the meniscus then I should walk out of the building to my car when it is done (maybe with one crutch or a cane to mitigate if there is pain).  Any residual pain for the next day or so would more be recovery from the trauma of the surgery.  Typcial RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for a few days and moving/walking as tolerable.


              When's tho operation, Jeff?  Good luck with it.

              I got sick on Monday.  We had spent the weekend at my daughter's house since she's much closer to the race I ran last Saturday.  Apparently she was just getting sick because she gave whatever it is to me!  Her and her husband both got sick.  Amazingly, her rug-rats did NOT get sick with the bug.  W-in-the-actual-hayl?!  If there were any fair play in this world they would have caught it too - all the times they've gotten us ill and we don't get them back?  . They must have stronger immune systems than the old folks.

              I thought I was better and went out for an, I thought, easy 5 but now my throat is sore and I have an achy neck.  I pushed it too soon.  Back to the shelf I go.

              MTA:  just measured my temp - 102.  


                Ugh - Kcam - hope you feel better.


                Surgery is the 22nd - next Friday.  Starting to stress me out as I get closer and closer.


                  Surgery is tomorrow.  Going to take a half day today from work so I can mentally prepare myself and try to go in with the right attitude, because honestly I've been falling into a bit of a depression over the past week (no sleep, no motivation, and just kind of angry a lot of the time).


                  I'll let you know how it goes.


                    JeffD That came up fast! Very wise to allow time for mental prep. Have you pinpointed why those feelings are coming up? Do you feel confident surgery is what you want? There's no rush in getting it done, so you could hold off if you're not sure.

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                      Yeah, I need to get the surgery.  I can't run past 3 miles without searing pain in the knee.  It more comes down to ending a 16 year running streak.  And weird thing is that mentally my mind seems to think I might never run again after this, instead of just adjusting my running.  I'm much better mentally this morning.


                      My plan is to see how i feel later in the day tomorrow.  If my knee is feeling good, maybe I can get a slow mile in and continue the streak.  If I'm not feeling it, the streak ends and I rehab and get back to something normal when I'm ready.  Either way, after tomorrow night and this question has been answered, I can mentally reset and move on, in whatever that direction is.



                      JeffD That came up fast! Very wise to allow time for mental prep. Have you pinpointed why those feelings are coming up? Do you feel confident surgery is what you want? There's no rush in getting it done, so you could hold off if you're not sure.


                        Ahh I see, JeffD.  If you get the okay to walk immediately after surgery, I guess you're set.  Just remember, the knee will likely feel good that first day because of residual anesthetic, so you can't decide to go for your 1-miler based on how it feels. Obviously you don't want to do anything that might cause any complication after going through the surgery. The surgeon should be able to give you clear direction on your choices.Good luck!

                        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                          Today's the 22nd, how are you doing Jeff?  Hope it all went perfect.


                            Hi everyone.  Sorry I was off all weekend but wanted to give you an update on the surgery and recovery over the weekend.


                            First off, the surgery itself went fine.  There were no surprises in there, so they just went in and scraped out the loose stuff and removed it.  I used crutches to get home, but after that was able to walk pain free on Friday to the bathroom and kitchen when I needed something.  For the most part, I just laid on the couch but tried to get up every hour or so just to move it a bit.  I have a rather large ace bandage over it and some compression sleeves on both legs to help prevent blood clots.


                            Saturday was a long, mentally taxing day.  Again I was mostly just on the couch, but SIL was in from out of town with my niece so I did sit at the kitchen table for about an hour talking to them - that was a mistake because after I did that the knee was achy from that point on.  Plus, I had thought they were only going to be there for an hour or so (all I wanted to do was relax and watch some movies) but they were there for 8 hours so no relaxing for me.  Once everyone left, I finally got to watch some TV with my wife and then I went upstairs.  Knee was feeling okay then.  So I did it, I got on the treadmill Saturday around 10:00 and set it to a 15 mpm pace and ran a super slow mile and then went to bed.


                            Saturday night was rough, I didn't sleep great and was tossing and turning and every time I rolled over even a little the knee hurt.  Sunday it was pretty achy and painful in the morning.  At that point I knew the best thing was to end the streak and resolved myself to that fact.  Watched movies with my daughter most of the day and then my brother visited last night for a bit.  Once he left, I watched some soccer and then just went to bed.  Streak ended at 5,928 days.


                            Knee is feeling better today than it did yesterday - still some pain but I can walk slowly with no pain.  But unfortunately I had to come into the office and sitting at my desk is not going to be good for it so after my morning meetings I might go work from the couch at home.


                            Surgery was the right thing, just waiting for next week when I expect that this pain will be gone and I can start PT and move on.  I get to take the ace bandage off tonight and am kind of looking forward to that - maybe I can shower too (feeling kind of gross today because I haven't been able to shower since Friday morning.


                              Thanks for the update, JeffD.  Your 5928 day streak is beyond impressive! I hope you do something to celebrate your achievement.


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                              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                                Thanks for the update, JeffD.  Your 5928 day streak is beyond impressive! I hope you do something to celebrate your achievement.


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