1500 Miles So Go Run


2022 September - Fall is coming (Read 8 times)


    Yeah, I don't know what my dosage of atorvastatin is, I just know I take a half a pill 3-4 times a week.  My overall cholesterol isn't actually high by most people's and doctor's standards, but because of the family history my doctor wants me on the pills to keep it lower.  I have my annual physical next week so I'm hoping that my levels are still acceptable - worst case I guess would be her just changing my dosage and maybe I need to take it every day or something.


      The face you make when you're "tapering" and thought you had a Rest Day today which is good because you're so damn tired - only to look at your RA Training Plan and see it calls for "4 miles with 10 pick-ups"!!  Well I didn't come this far to only come this far, as they say. Hoping there's more coffee in the pot...


      We've been inundated recently with home repairs and housepainting -- it's exhausting spending money, not to mention "helping."  Mr Painter was supposed to come Monday, but came Sunday afternoon spur-of-the-moment and then today -- neither of which is "Monday." Guess that  really messed up my internal calendar.

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.




        pics from yesterday's 10K. I don't know why he took so many shots of me trying not to trip over the timing mats!


        Interesting to see that I still need to work on landing that lead foot under my body. In my mind, it is; but clearly at least at the end of a race it is not. Always something to work on.


        Got 3rd AG award because only two of the Fast Ladies showed up and I came in first of the Slow Ladies at 1:06.  Happy with overall average pace which pretty much followed the course - faster with each mile. Felt way too comfortable the whole way, but had 2 incidents of imbalance (but didn't fall) and 2 "almosts" that felt more like left leg giving out. So now not sure if the first 2 were really imbalance or not. After that I decided to just cruise and not risk anything. Came home committed to begin leg strengthening.

        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


          Congratulations on AG placement, HF!   Great photos too.  The giant guy next to you at the finish took his shoes off at some point in the race, apparently.  LOL

          Leg strengthening will not do any harm for any of us older runners.  Do it!


            Yeah, the Giant passed me in mile 4 with an apology. I came up behind him walking, carrying his shoes. He resumed running and started a conversation. He said he just started running and the shoes (not running shoes) were very uncomfortable, but that he mostly runs shoeless anyway. (Hmm. Pretty sure there's a story there since he wasn't wearing running clothing either.)  In the last mile, we both picked up the pace and he commented, "When I said 'see you at the finish,' I didn't mean you'd get there first!"


            I suspect my left leg issue has to do with my problematic left SI joint (dates back to 2004 when I got bucked off a horse and impacted that area). Periodically it goes out of whack, but I can usually resolve it with different yoga poses and such. It's been "not right" for the few months, but seemed minor this time and I thought it would fix itself. No such luck. Per Dr Google last night, an SI joint that is out of alignment affects the shock absorption capability of the leg and can cause it to give way when running or walking. Well, there you have it! I'm leaning towards asking my PCP for a referral to the PT who solved my back problem 10 years ago that was caused by the effects of original accident. (In the distant past, I'd go to chiro but they always over-corrected and caused a pelvic upslip on three occasions. Not going that route again.)


            For now, "it's throwing the kitchen sink" at it.

            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


              We're camping again, this time closer to home.  Near Bear Valley in the Sierras for three days.  I'm posting this from our tent as it seems I do have barely minimal LTE coverage, see if this actually gets posted.  Yesterday we hiked to a beautiful High Sierra lake called Highland lakes.  Today we hiked to Bull Run lake. We are so lucky that weather is still awesome.  60s in the day and 30s at night. We're camping at Lake Alpine and we're the only ones here.  The campground closes for the winter tomorrow.  I'll do a run tomorrow morning around the lake before we leave - about 4 miles.  Should be beautiful.  Definitely in my happy place. 


                kcam Your camping and hiking sounds wonderful.  Glad you are making the most of the great weather!


                We did a big hike (for us) today up to top of Mt Townsend here locally. 3000 ft elevation gain over 4 miles. We haven't hiked or backpacked in a few years due to DH back pain. Now that's cured, we are testing our wings. We picked the right day because it was blue skies all day until the drive home when the wildfire smoke rolled in shrouding the trees, filling valleys, and hovering over the Sound. We might get some showers toward the weekend which will help knock it down a bit.


                What's your secret for sharing photos here? I haven't been able to make it work.

                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                  3000ft over 4 miles IS a big hike!  Sounds like you're both up to speed.  One of the reasons I run is so that I can go do a big hike like that whenever I want.  A lot of my friends have to 'train' before they can hike or backpack. 

                  For some reason we've had a mild 'smoke' season here in the Bay Area.  I'm not complaining!


                  To post a picture here you have to have it hosted somewhere on the web.  The pictures in the link you posted would have to be downloaded to your computer and then uploaded to a photo web hosting service.  I use Google Photos but you could use any service where your photos are on the web.  To be able to post from Google \Photos is a little bit complicated but if that's where you keep your photos I could post instructions.  Once you have them on the web host you can then use the 'mountain/moon' icon at the top of the RA post page to insert the image.  It's not super easy that's for sure.


                  Here's a picture (google Photos source) from my sunrise run around Lake Alpine.  It was about 40 deg (which I like) but a tough 4 miles around since it was at 7400 feet:



                    That looks beautiful - my runs right now kind of suck because I run at 5:00 in the morning and it is just pitch black out.  My wife just bought me a light up vest so I don't get run over in the dark.


                      Yeah, that's how I've uploaded photos in the past. I've used Shutterfly and Flickr for years. Shutterfly is what hasn't been transferring to RA. Guess I'll try Flickr. I had stopped using it because the free version has a size limit on your photo library unless you agree to make it Public. So I had to delete most of my content. I'll try Flickr now and see if it works. If not, then I'm doing something wrong at the RA end of things. (ETA: didn't work. I get a light blue box with tiny squares at all four corners. I will give Google Photos a try one of these days.)




                      What a great place to get away! So hard to return to urban life after that kind of spaciousness. Yes, I've used that "need to run so you can hike" prompt on DH on occasion.


                      JeffD Soon it will be dark at either end of the day. Hopefully less traffic in the AM than the PM. What is your route like? City streets? Any access to a treadmill for an alternative. Thanks for connecting with me on GC, but I actually can't see your running until you edit your privacy setting for that activity.

                      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                        City streets mainly when I go outside.  I do have a gym where I can get on the treadmill and a treadmill at home, which I will start using later in the winter when it gets colder and there is ice and snow, but while the weather is still moderate I like to get outside when I can - just have to be careful of potholes mostly.  I do try to stick to the side streets as much as possible because they are definitely safer.






                        JeffD Soon it will be dark at either end of the day. Hopefully less traffic in the AM than the PM. What is your route like? City streets? Any access to a treadmill for an alternative. Thanks for connecting with me on GC, but I actually can't see your running until you edit your privacy setting for that activity.


                          JeffD Good plan! Nice to have options.

                          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                            I don't have a Flickr account but I would guess it would work as follows:

                            Make the photo you want to post here Public.

                            Click the Share button for that photo (on Flickr).

                            Copy the html code that it generated.

                            Come to RA and open the image icon.

                            Paste the html code in the box.



                            That is a total WAG but see if it's something like that.


                              That looks beautiful - my runs right now kind of suck because I run at 5:00 in the morning and it is just pitch black out.  My wife just bought me a light up vest so I don't get run over in the dark.


                              LOL!  If it keeps you from getting run over!  Im retired so I'm fortunate to be able to wait for commuters to get off my roads before I run.  Dagnabit!


                                kcam I listened to a podcast today interviewing a sports cardiologist who referred to a book called The Haywire Heart. Have you ever heard of it?

                                Here's a link to GoodRead's synopsis on it. My library has it, so I'm going to request it.


                                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.
