3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

September 2013 Racing Thread (Read 60 times)

    Thanks. I'm on the couch drinking beer tonight, that's for sure.


    I think I probably have a better marathon in me - I was definitely in "less worse" condition after this one than I was last year. Anyway, I think a couple of days off are in order...

    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

    Feeling the growl again

      9/14 - Spaniel - Color Me Rad Indianapolis 5K -- sub-17:20, to suffer as little as possible


      Just reading the pre-race email made me want to vomit a rainbow of colors.


      19:59.  Didn't take this seriously at all, wore trainers, nice tempo run.  My wife wanted me to see if I could pass the pace car so I got up to a moderate pace and indeed passed it.  The driver seemed very confused that someone would take off at faster than 9min pace and at first sped up, then slowed down to stay with the pack.


      By about half a mile in I got "color bombed" for the first time, then decided to stop and wait for my wife.  It was a long wait until the next runner and the pace car caught up with me.  I ran with my wife for a few seconds then she told me to take off and win it.


      I spend 2-3 minutes stopped there.


      I actually ended up quite "colored" as I was the sole target through the stations.  I finished and ran back down the course to join my wife...second place was probably ~24min.  She beat her goal handily for her first 5K since our oldest was born (she has had a habit of avoiding each goal race she trains for by getting pregnant again).


      As she pointed out to me afterward, the funny thing was that almost everyone doing it looked like they were having no fun during the race.  It seemed that people get into these for the costume-making, pre- and post-race music I guess.


      Don't worry C-R, blackmail photos will be posted.

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


      Ostrich runner

        There should be a Cinco de Mayo race where people shoot margaritas at you with super soakers.



          My goal race for this month is the Lone Gull 10K on Sept 16 in Gloucester, MA . Like my 10K in August, I'd like to get under 38. I've not done the necessary work to be any fitter than last month so I'll just have to suffer a little more this go round.


          I did get under that goal and ran 37:38. No magic, I just ran hard and concentrated on pace. By mile 5 I wanted to puke. It's a 26 second improvement in 6 weeks that I didn't earn. I'm just grateful to be healthy and get what I get from my modest training.


          The Lone Gull is a gem of a race. Over half the course offered stunning ocean views. Having run Beach to Beacon last month I've got to say this was better.


            Congratulations xristopher, nice race. You and I are running really similar 10K times right now.  A goal of mine is to snag a sub-6min/mile 10K.  It's so close you can taste it!


            old woman w/hobby

              Congrats x!





                Congratulations xristopher, nice race. You and I are running really similar 10K times right now.  A goal of mine is to snag a sub-6min/mile 10K.  It's so close you can taste it!


                Thanks. I hear you about being close. "6 minute miles" was actually my mantra today knowing the kick at the end would nudge me under but that was apparently asking too much. This was my third 10K for the year and I'm probably done for a while. Interestingly, all were run on next to the ocean.

                an amazing likeness

                  This was my third 10K for the year and I'm probably done for a while. Interestingly, all were run on next to the ocean.


                  Well...there's another one this Sunday if you want to change your mind.  Fast course, right on the harbor, pizza & beer at the finish.  Portland Trails 10K.

                  Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                    I didn't post this as I thought it wouldn't happen today but Patrick (my track and XC son) ran his middle school 5k fundraiser race this morning.


                    I ran 21:06 and he ran 21:11. I finished 8th OA and 3rd AG; he finished 9OA and 2nd in his AG.


                    I was happy with the results considering recent injuries and damn proud of the boy.


                    Here's why I didn't think it would happen and I gotta give a slight brag. We stayed up late last night to watch the new Star trek movie (good stuff too) and hit the sack about 12:30. I woke him up at 6:30 and I told him it was ok if he didn't want to race this morning so he put his head back on the pillow and I went to answer some work e-mails thinking no race today. About ten minutes later he comes downstairs and says, "Let's go race." Damn good stuff. So we got over to register and raced.


                    He also beat one of his little XC team mates who's been holding him off from top ten and county. Classic runner stuff and he didn't even realize what he was doing but I got a front row seat as it was right in front of me. So he passes him and the other kids kicks it up and goes back in front by a yard. The boy gets on his shoulder and holds tight and as soon as the other kid showed a small hesitation, he went right past him and put about 5 yards on him. The other kids was done. Shoulders slumped and head went down. Only reason I beat him today is that he didn't know how to run up the last hill so well. I better get my fat ass into shape and quick.

                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      C-R - that's pretty damn cool to see it play out like that in front of you. I mean, we can all see our kids' baseball, soccer, football stuff from the stands, but seeing the run happen from yards away is awesome. Let's go race, indeed.

                      Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                      We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                        Almost forgot. Nice race X


                        Oh and where the hell are those glow or color run (whatever the hell it was) pictures Spaniel?


                        Yeah Gville. That was pretty cool. Damn kid made me work though. No quarter given in our house by anyone.

                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                        Will Crew for Beer

                          Nice race by C-R Jr. Not too shabby for the old man either Wink

                          Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

                          Feeling the growl again



                            Oh and where the hell are those glow or color run (whatever the hell it was) pictures Spaniel?



                            Of course you're not the one to let me off.  Heh.  They are on the wife's phone.  I will get them, I gave my word.


                            Tell the boy I said nice job.  I bet that made you feel really good to watch.

                            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                              I will let him know and yeah itt was great to watch. Took the sting out of missing the marathon. just you wait until yours start racing  great feeling

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                                NIce racing, C-R and C-R Jr.!