3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)


    Nice Hop. Cool pics as well.


    So today I decided on a lark to run a fartlek. 1 minute on - rest 2 minutes on - rest. I run those segments BttW. Didn't think there was much going on until I measured the route. 7.1 @ 7:32 pace. Felt really smooth. I think this weight loss thing is starting to help.

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel




      Finally had a non-race weekend so went out to Shoreline-Baylands (trails that run along the SF bay near Mountain View / Palo Alto).   It was a gorgeous morning to run - 64 deg at the start, just enough breeze to cool you off, sunny and running through the marshes alongside the bay.

      Plan was 14 miles at what I call 'steady' pace.  Not super-hard but certainly not easy, maybe 'comfortably hard'?.  Today it turned out to be 7:20 pace roughly.  I haven't had a run that good in quite a while.  Seems like lately I'm either running recovery (8:30-9:00 pace), intervals or races.  I tightened the screws on mile 14 to a 6:20 pace and it felt hard and I liked it!  1 mile easy cooldown capped off a great day of running.


        And nice run Hoppity.  Sounds like you had the kind of rejuvenating run I had.  ... and what pics?  Didn't see them.

        C-R - fartleks are good.  The weight loss thing will make you feel like superman once it really kicks in.  Get it done.


          Nice, Ken. Baylands was my go-to spot for MP and some shorter speedwork until I moved to Portola Valley. I still make it there sometimes.


            Hit a good one tonight.  Pretty happy with a 3X3200 at ~10K pace with 4X200 to cap it off.   400 splits were pretty much even.


            91, 91, 92, 91, 90, 91, 90, 91

            5 min jog

            92, 91, 92, 92, 91, 91, 91, 91

            5 min jog

            91, 91, 91, 92, 93, 91, 91, 91

            5 min jog



            39, 39, 37, 37  * these were all-out.  Legs just couldn't turn over faster than this.  These might have been harder to do than the 3200s!


            15 miles total with w/up and c/down miles thrown in (plus 3 earlier in the day).  It's gonna be close but I think I'm ready for a run at my 10K PR in about 2 weeks.

              Damn, Ken -- metronomic!

              "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

              -- Dick LeBeau


                Nice one, Ken. 3x3200 @ 10K pace  is on my list of workouts that I need to workout seriously to get up to. It's supposedly the predictor for 10K success. Sounds like you're ready to rock n roll!

                Retired &  Loving It

                  Hit a good one tonight.  Pretty happy with a 3X3200 at ~10K pace with 4X200 to cap it off.   400 splits were pretty much even.


                  91, 91, 92, 91, 90, 91, 90, 91

                  5 min jog

                  92, 91, 92, 92, 91, 91, 91, 91

                  5 min jog

                  91, 91, 91, 92, 93, 91, 91, 91

                  5 min jog



                  39, 39, 37, 37  * these were all-out.  Legs just couldn't turn over faster than this.  These might have been harder to do than the 3200s!


                  15 miles total with w/up and c/down miles thrown in (plus 3 earlier in the day).  It's gonna be close but I think I'm ready for a run at my 10K PR in about 2 weeks.

                  Nice work Ken!  I think your ready for that PR as well.


                    Thanks, peeps, it's definitely motivating to get some validation from you guys - certainly don't get it from people that don't 'understand' why the hell you'd go out to the track at 6PM with the sun still pounding and go round and round by yourself.

                      ... people that don't 'understand' why the hell you'd go out to the track at 6PM with the sun still pounding and go round and round by yourself.

                      Whereas I read that and was nodding and thinking, "Yeah, baby!"

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau

                        And nice run Hoppity.  Sounds like you had the kind of rejuvenating run I had.  ... and what pics?  Didn't see them.



                        You asked for it now...they were on fb, but I don't know who is and isn't an fb whore.  They weren't taken at the best of times, they are some nicer views and some more interesting running to show, but I was too busy running at that point.  Definitely rejuvenating, and reminded me why I like running.


                        About 5 miles in, looking across at where we were heading to





                        The turnaround point, complete with horrible laid path that was evil to run downhill on (where we came from is in the distance somewhere).



                        Nice surface along Stanage edge on the way back



                        Feeling rejuvenated and nicely exercised

                         "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                          Hit a good one tonight.  Pretty happy with a 3X3200 at ~10K pace with 4X200 to cap it off.   400 splits were pretty much even.


                          91, 91, 92, 91, 90, 91, 90, 91

                          5 min jog

                          92, 91, 92, 92, 91, 91, 91, 91

                          5 min jog

                          91, 91, 91, 92, 93, 91, 91, 91

                          5 min jog



                          39, 39, 37, 37  * these were all-out.  Legs just couldn't turn over faster than this.  These might have been harder to do than the 3200s!


                          15 miles total with w/up and c/down miles thrown in (plus 3 earlier in the day).  It's gonna be close but I think I'm ready for a run at my 10K PR in about 2 weeks.


                           "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Ken's 3x3200 @10K + sprints sounds pretty tough - I wouldn't dare it alone, and doubt I'd make it.


                            Last night did 8x(400 @ 5K, 200 @ HM). What was neat was to discover that I nearly hit the paces, even though I never looked at my watch during the entire workout. I don't usually have a good sense of pace, so I suppose it just meant that I'm barely able to make those paces, so trying about as hard as I could put me into the right ballpark. I wanted to quit before halfway through, and felt like I was slobbering on myself.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.







                              Feeling rejuvenated and nicely exercised

                              Dang you are a cutie, Hoppity!!


                              Runners run


                                Nice pictures.  I had to search to find out where Stanage Edge is.  Beautiful place to run and, apparently, ramble!