3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

    nice run Clive. I laughed at the missed lapped.  Classic, you're so psyched to run it and then forget a lap...i've done it before.


    I finally managed a good workout on Saturday.  Ran a 7k tempo on the course i'm running an 8k race on end of June.  Pretty tough course but just wanted to get an honest tempo in.  Had the garmin on but no pace showing just distance, got in that nice groove early on worked through the hills and then let it roll after that. Figured I run mid 29s at the effort I was putting in and it ended up 28:38.  Pretty stoked about that.


      16x200m @ 4:40 pace after work today, on the indoor track because a nasty winter like storm system came rolling in at noon. Considering how much I wanted to just go home and chow down all evening in front of the TV, this was a decent workout. It's been a while since I did a decent 200m session, and it appears from my log file that this is the fastest 3200m worth of intervals I've run in the 3 years of records in my log. So not a bad recovery from an otherwise crappy day.

      Retired &  Loving It

        Not a workout, just a whine. Tapering sucks ass. I wanna run my damned marathon already.

        Feeling the growl again

          Not a workout, just a whine. Tapering sucks ass. I wanna run my damned marathon already.


          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            Nice session last night Cecil.  16x200 is actually a tough workout and you did hit some great paces.  Now just keep that pace up with no rest and Ken will have a hard time beating that!


            Finally gave it a go at workout last night myself.  I've been doing hip/glute/leg exercising pretty diligently the last couple of weeks.  Between that and stretching better, the lower leg has been improving quite well.  Did the old stand-by building/hill workout.  3 mile warmup, 8xhill repeats and then straight into a tempo mile.  After beating my legs up on the hills, I was happy to see a 5:11 mile.  Felt good to get out there and put some hurt to the body.

              Nice, Cecil and mbehr.  Mike, glad to hear your lower-leg issues are getting better (again).  I really need to get on that hip/glute/leg exercising train.

              "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

              -- Dick LeBeau

                Nice, Cecil and mbehr.  Mike, glad to hear your lower-leg issues are getting better (again).  I really need to get on that hip/glute/leg exercising train.


                Thanks!  One word of caution, start out with your own body weight when doing those exercises.  I think that is in part of what caused the issues for me.  I started out with light weights.  When you're doing stabilization exercises, your own body weight is good until you strengthen up all those little muscles.  After a couple of weeks, I am finally to the point I can get through an entire set without loosing balance.  I'm going to add more reps before weight and when I do add weights, I'm going with a low number of reps and build up slowly.

                  I will second that. Those are hard enough without weights. When I was better about doing the pre-hab, I noticed that I was improving at a faster rate than in the past.. fwiw. I only mention it because I would consider it significant enough to the point that it was easily noticeable.



                  Thanks!  One word of caution, start out with your own body weight when doing those exercises. 


                  Mbehr.. nice workout btw.. How long is your hill repeat? I do mine to hard. 45 seconds at mile effort times 8 reps.. ugh.. im hurting at that point.

                  And we run because we like it
                  Through the broad bright land

                    Mbehr.. nice workout btw.. How long is your hill repeat? I do mine to hard. 45 seconds at mile effort times 8 reps.. ugh.. im hurting at that point.


                    On average, the length of time to get up the hill is 40 seconds.  And you got that right on the hurting part too.

                      Thank you Mbehr.


                      Got back on the running bandwagon this week. Just did a "long run". Holy crap that sucked. Its amazing how much fitness evaporates after some time off.

                      And we run because we like it
                      Through the broad bright land

                        Unexpected 30 mile run yesterday with The Turtle Moves.  His first time over 22 miles and my second.  Good prep for us pacing Purdey on one of his ultra adventures in the coming months.  Plus I really do believe in sports massage now...my leg was impossible last week and much of the week before....my calf and cankle were ridiculously tight and had burning pain at muscle:tendon attachment points, in the gastrocs and soleus and tenderness with any touch, achilles tightness, painful to sit, to walk, horrible to run on as I couldn't move my leg properly (I was really fearful for being able to support Purdey)...1.5 hours of brutal massage (that caused bruising) and it was absolutely fine for this run and would have been fine for Saturday night with Purdey.

                         "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                          16x200m @ 4:40 pace after work today, on the indoor track because a nasty winter like storm system came rolling in at noon. Considering how much I wanted to just go home and chow down all evening in front of the TV, this was a decent workout. It's been a while since I did a decent 200m session, and it appears from my log file that this is the fastest 3200m worth of intervals I've run in the 3 years of records in my log. So not a bad recovery from an otherwise crappy day.

                          Trying to build up to Cecil's status and speed.  Did 12x200m on the TM this morning.  12mph/3.5% incline.  Maybe next week I can find a track and actually see what I can hit instead of trying it on the treadmill.  Had a good progression run on Monday too.  Haven't done one of those in a good while.  After the warm-up started out with a 6:30 and worked down to a 5:30, dropping 10 sec per mile.


                            Good start on those 200s, Mike.  After my vacay is over I'll try to recover some speed with those 200 workouts.

                              5 miles at marathon pace today, under a 6:40 average of pace.  Feeling pretty good about this 3 weeks after racing 50 miles.  3 weeks to go to the marathon, gotta walk that line between recovery and pushing the speed.

                                That's a crazy workout. Nice work.


                                5 miles at marathon pace today, under a 6:40 average of pace.  Feeling pretty good about this 3 weeks after racing 50 miles.  3 weeks to go to the marathon, gotta walk that line between recovery and pushing the speed.

                                And we run because we like it
                                Through the broad bright land