3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

November 2014 Racing Thread (Read 36 times)

    In an effort to really screw up my marathon training I've decided to run a half this weekend.


    11/1 - WhoDatRunner - Monumental Half Marathon, Indianapolis, IN - <1:54:38(PR)


    Run the race hard, then try to hobble for an extra 2-3 miles afterwards to approximate how we'll be feeling the last 6 mile of monkey.


    Will Crew for Beer


      Run the race hard, then try to hobble for an extra 2-3 miles afterwards to approximate how we'll be feeling the last 6 mile of monkey.


      I'm guessing the last 6 miles of Monkey will be much worse than that. I'm hoping the promise of Yazoo will keep me going.

      Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

        And this.

        If the race started at 11am, it might be Ok. Don't like the winds though.


          11/8 - pcaharrier - Oak Grove Lake Marathon, Chesapeake - 3:35


          Don't bother googling the Oak Grove Lake Marathon because it doesn't exist. I'm doing 17+ laps at a local park instead of paying the registration fee for the marathon I had originally wanted to do this same weekend.


          Edit: Also, I think 3:35 is probably a little ambitious for running by myself, but it's a perfectly flat, 1.5 mile loop and the weather looks like it will be really good, so why not give it a shot? Either I'll do it or hurt myself trying.

          Feeling the growl again

            If the race started at 11am, it might be Ok. Don't like the winds though.


            I may be drinking beer by 11am.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



              Whew, that is gonna be cold!  Last year's CIM never got above 30 deg until about when I finished (10AM).  I like cold weather marathons and I wore a singlet/shorts hat and gloves.  I made the mistake of getting rid of the gloves at about mile 12 and by the time I finished my hands were frozen lobster claws that couldn't even open the bottle of (almost frozen) water they gave me at the finish.  I had to get a volunteer to open it for me.  We didn't have the wind you guys look to have, plus it was sunny.  Tip:  DO NOT TOSS YOUR GLOVES EARLY!!  Good luck, we're pullin' for ya!

              Feeling the growl again

                Whew, that is gonna be cold!  Last year's CIM never got above 30 deg until about when I finished (10AM).  I like cold weather marathons and I wore a singlet/shorts hat and gloves.  I made the mistake of getting rid of the gloves at about mile 12 and by the time I finished my hands were frozen lobster claws that couldn't even open the bottle of (almost frozen) water they gave me at the finish.  I had to get a volunteer to open it for me.  We didn't have the wind you guys look to have, plus it was sunny.  Tip:  DO NOT TOSS YOUR GLOVES EARLY!!  Good luck, we're pullin' for ya!


                The last time I ran one this cold, it started in the 40s and then dropped to freezing when a front moved through about 1-1:20 into the race.  I'd tossed my extra shirt at 10 miles because I was too hot, things changed quickly around 13 and by 16 I couldn't hold a gel.  I was clinically hypothermic at the finish and it took several hours to get my core temp back up.


                I have been told that if I come home like that from this one there may not be another...

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                  I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to run on Sunday. Went to the doctor (healthwise things have been spiraling down) and my blood pressure was 147/97. He is suspecting that it may be 1 of 3 things. One which is an adrenal issue and the other is an auto immune /  Muscle/Neuro issue that he's been suspecting and I can't remember the third. He's consulting with a specialist down in Hershey that he wants me to go see. He feels that me running the marathon started the downfall.  Knowing me, if  I can talk my husband into taking me on Sunday and letting me try, I will. Fingers crossed that things start to change and that I'm up for racing on Sunday!

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                  Will Crew for Beer

                    Sorry to hear health issue are getting in the way again Rocken. Hopefully it's something that's easily fixed. I know you really want to run, but remember, it's just running. Your health comes first. Hope you're feeling better soon!

                    Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


                      Sorry Rocken. Was hoping you had permanently turned the corner.


                      Good luck this weekend people. And spaniel, you have one more no matter what happens Saturday since you already have booked a flight to Bean town.


                      I will be racing the USATF US Masters XC National Championships on Nov 8. Goal is to not be DFL.

                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      Feeling the growl again

                        Sorry to hear health issue are getting in the way again Rocken. Hopefully it's something that's easily fixed. I know you really want to run, but remember, it's just running. Your health comes first. Hope you're feeling better soon!


                        This.  Best of luck.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                        old woman w/hobby

                          Jeez Pam, you just can't get a break.  I'm sorry.  I really hope/pray they get you right soon.


                          And what WhoDat said:  It's just running.  Not important in the grand scheme of things.





                            Rocken, do you check your blood  pressure at home? Mine is usually 128/78 or lower at home (I'm on BP meds), and is always 155/90 or higher in the Doc's office. White coat syndrome plus I sit quietly at home for at least 5 minutes before checking it, and they don't usually wait more than a minute in the doc's office. Anyway, I hope you get it worked out and everything is ok for running!

                            Retired &  Loving It


                              Good luck with it, Rocken.

                                Yup, mine is always higher when I've had it checked at the Docs, either way fingers crossed things smooth out for you soon.


                                Rocken, do you check your blood  pressure at home? Mine is usually 128/78 or lower at home (I'm on BP meds), and is always 155/90 or higher in the Doc's office. White coat syndrome plus I sit quietly at home for at least 5 minutes before checking it, and they don't usually wait more than a minute in the doc's office. Anyway, I hope you get it worked out and everything is ok for running!