3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

July Racing Thread -- Spaniel Farms Beer Mile July 16th (Read 1288 times)

    Teterboro Airport 5k - 7/16 - 19:29


    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


    Options,Account, Forums

      Hope that can be well fixed, DB.


      Jul 16, race mile, guess I'll shoot to PR (5:10 or better)

      Jul 17, run 50K, goal to finish


      Mile results finally posted: 5:09.70

      50K results: finished (miserable dehydrated second lap followed by a break with a lot of drinking, and a happy third lap)


      So did anyone do the triple 5K on the morning of spaniel's beer mile?

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

        National XC (6k). A different style of course to the stuff we've run this year. No real hills, no mud, no jumps, no streams. Almost a road course but on grass! I was 9th overall in a close sprint finish, just holding off 10th and 11th. 25:24. That also got me 5th in my age group, and we won the team gold - which was after all why I was there! So I feel like I justified my selection and deserved to be there - first time I've really that. Waiting for the flight home now. Happy and tired - and bizarrely slightly sunburned.

        Options,Account, Forums

          Well *congratulations* to Mandy! Woohoo!

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          Self anointed title

            24th Jul - Downland Ultra 30 miles - goal: 4:30 training run.



              Congratulations Mandy!

               "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."


              Self anointed title

                +1 That is an amazing performance!



                  Nice race indeed Mandy!  Congrats on 5th and the team Gold!

                    Nice, Mandy!

                    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                    Ostrich runner

                      Very cool. I miss the team aspect of CC. I was never towards the front, but my position on my team was a big motivator to pick off people I might otherwise let go.



                      Self anointed title

                        24th Jul - Downland Ultra 30 miles - goal: 4:30 training run.


                        5hrs and change. Tough out there. Hard course. Hot. Got er done though.



                          Wow - nice work Purdey.  Winter has landed here in NZ - hard to imagine running in the heat at the moment - especially for 5 hours!

                            Very cool. I miss the team aspect of CC. I was never towards the front, but my position on my team was a big motivator to pick off people I might otherwise let go.


                            I love team running (CC, relays etc).  And there's no way I'd have held onto 9th on Saturday if I'd just been running for me.  

                            Feeling the growl again

                              Big congrats, Mandy, that is awesome!


                              SOrry everyone, I will get this caught up eventually.  Right now I'm a bit busy dealing with a house with no A/C in 100 degree heat with a pregnant wife and 2 little kids.  We have been gypsies living out of our trunk and staying with whoever has A/C and spare room the last 4 days on a weekend we were supposed to host family.  Bleh.


                              Fortunately, though I return home to a hot humid house and a lawn full or dry/dying trees and garden, my kegerator is still putting out 33 degree beer....

                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                              Will Crew for Beer

                                Nice job Mandy & Purdey!


                                Spaniel, that sucks. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.


                                7/26 -- TNT Series # 4, 5K -- <33:00

                                Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.