3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

April Racing Thread (Read 1407 times)

    You can take me off the list for the 5k I didn't race Sunday, and Mad City which I won't be racing on Saturday.  My peroneal tendonitis has been bad since Dec, and I think I really managed to do a number on myself at that indoor marathon two months ago.  I'm barely running and in terrible shape.  I run every three days, hobble around workfor two days, repeat. 


    I still had/have every intention of running rim to rim to rim at the Grand Canyon next weekend.  I've had this trip booked for months, and I have been dreaming of doing this for many, many years.  With the possible government shutdown (seriously, no need to turn this thread into a political rant of whose fault this is), the National Parks will all be shut down, so that may get scratched too.

     Ugh, peroneal tendonitis sucks. I dealt with that for a while...it may or may not have lead to me eventually fracturing my heel. At least, it happened around the same time. Sorry you're dealing with that.


    Hope Rim to Rim goes well for you!





        What's wrong with it?  I hope it heals quickly...


        I said "leg" but I think its actually an adductor strain?  Right at the top of my inner thigh.  It feels a bit better today than yesterday - but after a few days of limping quite badly, I've now also got a sore knee.  And I'm grumpy.

        L Train

          I said "leg" but I think its actually an adductor strain?  Right at the top of my inner thigh.  It feels a bit better today than yesterday - but after a few days of limping quite badly, I've now also got a sore knee.  And I'm grumpy.


          Drink some wine. 


          And hope it's something (relatively) minor.  Your training has been so good. 


            Wrigley and Mandy, I hope you get better. 


            It's always a tough balance: resting but not quitting altogether. Hang tough.

            "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

              Mandy...could be your psoas? I had that before. does it feel like the muscle responsible for lifting up your leg? If so, that's it.



              Was it all a dream?


                Too bad I started with this and had to shift to something a tad softer (reaching the finish line).  It would have been cool.


                Yes, sorry to hear your Boston training got so derailed...  Hopefully you can get healthy and still run a fast marathon later this year.


                Actually... you should think about running NYC.  We could battle Wink 

                Feeling the growl again

                  Yes, sorry to hear your Boston training got so derailed...  Hopefully you can get healthy and still run a fast marathon later this year.


                  Actually... you should think about running NYC.  We could battle Wink 


                  Hmm...November....good timing....wife would LOVE a trip to NYC...I'll think about it.  Apparently quickly given the deadline.


                  Thanks, things MAY be starting to look up. 

                  a)  I have out-rested the mono.  Over the last two weeks I have gone from a level of fatigue that made me next to useless, to actually feeling like running a couple days per week, to doing a 10-miler and realizing the pace felt easy in the 6:20s.


                  b)  I have now been on iron for a couple months so my counts should be coming up.


                  c)  I saw an endo, who was willing to start me on a trial of thyroid hormone a couple weeks ago.  It's better than crack.  For the first time in years I am not constantly cold.  I can get out of bed refreshed on 6-7 hours of sleep, versus getting 8-10 and waking up exhausted.  I really feel 10 years younger right now.


                  I am much more optimistic than I can resume real training within maybe 3 weeks than I was just days ago.  I'm going to hit a good tempo run today and see if I am strong enough to consider any sort of real effort at Boston.

                  "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                  I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                  Prince of Fatness

                    Hey spaniel since you are not so tired now, how about a May thread?

                    Not at it at all. 

                    Feeling the growl again

                      Hey spaniel since you are not so tired now, how about a May thread?

                       Heh.  There's one in every crowd....



                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                      Prince of Fatness

                         Heh.  There's one in every crowd....




                        I'm here for you.  I see it.  Thanks, and glad things are starting to look up for you.

                        Not at it at all. 

                          Damn yard work....was battling pulling out a shrub by hand and tweaked my back last night.  I would feel a little better about it if I could have at least got that stupid thing out of the ground.  It's just barely hanging on still.  Could hardly bend down to put my socks on this morning.  Just in time as I was feeling pretty good for the 10k next weekend.  Had a decent 10-miler yesterday.  Averaged 6:05-6:10 for 9 miles and brought it in the last mile easy.  Considering this followed a 13 miler the day before, I was happy with how the effort felt.  Oh well, I'll keep stretching and popping aleve to help and hopefully I'll be back at it soon enough.

                            Mandy...could be your psoas? I had that before. does it feel like the muscle responsible for lifting up your leg? If so, that's it.


                            I had to go look this up!  No its more round inside the thigh - the muscle responsible for squeezing your legs together?  Or maybe even a bit further back than that.  


                            Again its feeling a bit better this morning so thats good.  Knee still a bit sore though.  


                            Last Makara Loop (my normal 21+ mile run) was due tomorrow.  That will have to be scrapped.  Questions now will be - can I do one next week instead (2 weeks out).  I think I'd recover in time.  If I'm still not recovered enough to do that I'll need to think about dropping to the half at Rotorua and at least not trashing my next months worth of training for a race that I'm not going to be ready for.


                            mbehr - get better quickly - hope it is nothing major and you are good to go for your 10k


                            spaniel - sounds like you are well on your way back - and yes come to NYC!!!

                              Mandy...could be your psoas? I had that before. does it feel like the muscle responsible for lifting up your leg? If so, that's it.


                              What is it that lifts your leg up? I always though hip flexor? Mine never seems to bug me during a race, but afterward it can hurt like hell to lift my leg... sometimes I have to use my hands.

                              It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan

                                Jeez, I don't check in for a day and it all goes to hell. WG - I was getting worried! II thought I was dealing with the same thing but it turned out to be more Achilles related. So frustrating. I hope recovery is quick. Mandy - I hope this doesn't end up derailing you. Heal up fast!

                                It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan