3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

December Mileage Throw-Down (Read 1970 times)


old woman w/hobby

    I've been eyeballing that very program ra. The web site is a little hoakie and I've been meaning to touch base with Nobby about it.


    I've decided to go one more "self coached" session for my Spring Marathon and then possibly pull the trigger on a "coach" for either a fall marathon or spring of 2013. Jan 1 will put me exactly 20 weeks out for Green Bay.


    I like the 5k thinking too. I'd love to find out how fast I could run one.


    Check the website again.  It is all new and very nice.  

    I think that eric (smiley) has built it though I'm not sure.  

    Anyway it is much better now.  And if you have an RA account you can click the log there and be sent to your log here.  





      Wow...Nice change. Thanks for the heads up!


      I dropped them a line.


      I'm currently focused on a 4 mile race in the first week of Feb. (mbehr's home town) Then I will set my sights on a new PR for the Marathon. Setting it in Green Bay on May 20th. That will be 15 weeks out from the Feb race. I'm anxious to see what thier reply will be.

        Check the website again.  It is all new and very nice.  

        I think that eric (smiley) has built it though I'm not sure.  

        Anyway it is much better now.  And if you have an RA account you can click the log there and be sent to your log here.  

         The website seems to be down right  now Sad I love the program for a marathon but not sure it would  work for an ultra so I'm doing one of Pfitz's 

        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


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          What are you guys talking about?  Who wants to run more to only get slower?

           I'm getting the impression from a thread out in the general area that a lot of people would be happy to run more and get slower, if they could only get lighter as well.

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


               I think the bigger winner in all this though is going to be rabutler.  Knocking out a 60 mile week and just overall running a lot more, it's is going to be fun to watch the improvement come racing season.


            Definitely.  I can't wait to see what all this brings for that 5k, and for next year in general.  Very, very nice indeed, ra, and what a way to totally destroy those goals!

             "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

              So much to catch up on here, but I am in awe of a 500+ mile month, jeez Spaniel, that's good stuff and must have given a boost in confidence and strength (mind and body). 


              Glad there is some sweet spot finding, the balance of miles and quality is an awesome place to be.


              And congratulations rocken on hitting that 300, really nice running!

               "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                Let's see....a nice double today that puts you within 4 miles of the 226 and you "hope" to get the 226 with a few bonus miles.  BTW, nice double today.  pfetro and Greg C need to step it up in the final days.



                Hoppity has surpassed the 226 mark today and is really putting on the pressure.  Might be hard to catch her as I'm nursing a couple sore spots and trying to stick to my training plan (if I skip my tempo I can avoid a recovery day and run more miles).


                Mbehr, glad to see the 80 mile weeks are clicking so well.

                Andy - 500+...damn man!!


                The double yesterday was a bit of an unplanned idiocy, so it seemed wrong not to try and get the 226 by today.  I set a second goal of hitting 2400 for the year, so that's partly why it seemed worth stepping things up.  Might go slightly over depending on what happens away from running in the next 3 days, but 2400 would feel sweet and is hopefully possible.   I've hit my highest mileage month ever now though which is cool, and something I didn't really think was likely based on the crappy time I had with sciatica etc in August and September.


                pfetro, I saw your run log and hope the niggles improve.  It's never fun trying to balance out nursing sore spots with getting miles (or quality miles) in.  Hope you find a way though.  You and Greg are definitely the deserving vanquishers this month and year, whatever the December miles say (and I fear an (hostile) overtake is likely coming on from one or both of you if niggles subside). 


                I think Greg has set 2400 as his goal for the year, so that means he may choose to stop at that...which gives a nice number but a false top out to the monthly miles (hence, if I go over his mileage it is more due to that than anything else)!  My number-obsessed mile aim for the year was 2345.6 but the throw down played with that which is why I'm now a bit hand wavy with the mileage aim...2424 is too far away and not much between 2345.6 and 2424 appeals. 


                On the balance front, I didn't realise how "rested" I was becoming in my high 40's-low 50's mile weeks.  Adding in the doubles seems good in the sense that I feel as though I'm recovering better in many ways, and I've also overcome a psychological hurdle.  However I don't trust myself/my body yet to push anything other than the mileage...I know there isn't much between my general mileage for 2011 (mean of ~45 per week for Jan-Nov) and the slightly higher miles of December, but I can detect what feels like an increase in general ability to keep moving, but I'm not sure I feel like I can push pace (however this was the case before December because I've not really dared do anything other than recovery or general runs since the sciatica etc).  I'm also feeling incredibly fat and that always makes the idea of running faster hard.  And yes I know I do all my runs too fast relative to my abilities, and it's something I need to change, but I'm bad at changing.

                 "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                Feeling the growl again

                  The double yesterday month of December was a bit of an unplanned idiocy,




                  I'm really eager to return to typical training, I should be strong as hell now.


                  The weight thing has been interesting.  The first two weeks, I could not lose an ounce and may have even gained a bit.  I got disheartened with it since I couldn't really cut intake and run 140 mpw so I quit weighing myself.  Stepped on the scale today, and I'm down 4lbs. So this should be good.

                  "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                  I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



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                    Speaking of doing stupid mileage, I got a new personal 7-day mileage record today -- have hit 100 before, but not 110.


                    Last 7 days: 115.1 mi 15:21:28 8:01 min/mi
                    Last 30 days: 337.3 mi 45:38:12 8:08 min/mi

                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                    Feeling the growl again

                      Speaking of doing stupid mileage, I got a new personal 7-day mileage record today -- have hit 100 before, but not 110.


                      Last 7 days: 115.1 mi 15:21:28 8:01 min/mi
                      Last 30 days: 337.3 mi 45:38:12 8:08 min/mi

                       337 in the last 30?  And you're not on the board with a goal?  Dumbass.  Wink


                      You have 115...why not go for 120?


                      Awesome job Perry...

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



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                        Said the pot:


                        Dumbass.  Wink


                        So, spaniel, are you sleeping better (in terms of pelvis & hips & legs soreness, not baby-anticipation)? And do you feel acclimated to running a shitload of miles now?

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                          Speaking of doing stupid mileage, I got a new personal 7-day mileage record today -- have hit 100 before, but not 110.


                          Last 7 days: 115.1 mi 15:21:28 8:01 min/mi
                          Last 30 days: 337.3 mi 45:38:12 8:08 min/mi

                           NICE!!! I expected NOTHING LESS!

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                          Prince of Fatness

                            MrPHinNJ             200


                            Tomorrow will be the day, then I will add some icing to the cake Friday and Saturday.


                            I know that my goal wasn't extreme when compared to what I have been running, but it served the purpose that I wanted it to.  It's high time that I at least try to kick the training up a notch and see if my body will hold up.  If I hadn't agreed to this challenge, I bet I would have run my usual 185 miles this month.  There are a couple of days that I would have taken off (yesterday's 30 minute run in a cold wind driven rain comes to mind).  I haven't taken a day off since mid November.  I didn't think that I would get to 2200 miles this year but it looks like that will happen too.

                            Not at it at all. 


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                               NICE!!! I expected NOTHING LESS!


                              Trying to stay ahead of you required new personal heights of stupidity. Just what you expected, huh? Smile

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                              Options,Account, Forums

                                And hey, congrats to both Hoppity and Finn for pushing through to success (meaning without further injury).

                                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.