2019 in 2019


Week 50 Results and Other Accomplishments (Read 51 times)



    Funky Kicks won week 1 of the finals.

    Team mileage: FK's 146% to TOL's 102%.

    Race miles: TOL's 73 miles to FK's 20 miles.

    Green: Fk's 40% to TOL's 33%.


    5K: CRCMikeW (individual) 18:54

    10K: Ryan Root (individual) 32:16 @ USATF Club XC Championship

    Half: baxdaddy (FK) 1:44:32

    Full: ---


    Most Miles Run This Week

    beat (FK)100.52 miles

    NikoRosa (FK) 99.39

    Ryan Root (individual) 90.71


    Most Time Spent Running This Week

    NikoRosa (FK) 17:08:18

    beat (FK) 16:42:12

    Mom4Running (F&C) 14:19:17


    Other Accomplishments

    * beat (FK) ran 4k at RRR-Chalybes in 17:23.7, good for second overall.

    * runrccc ran Monday Night Brewing Westside 10 in 1:46:58, finishing first in AG.


    Not everyone in our game is a member of this forum so race results don't show up in the forum list. Please join the game forum if you are going to play the game. Smile

    Team signs ups for next year have closed. Teams to be announced early next week likely. Individual sign ups will continue until month end.


    Anyone else have accomplishments to share? Smile

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

    Chris P

      How do you join the forum? I have been a member of a team for at least 3 years.


      Chris P

      I registered for the 2020 game on the first day. Hopefully that is all set.

      Thank you!


      just another runner

        I haven't been that fast since Sep of 2015, so it was a really good day for me.  Good enough for 2nd 55-59 and I sewed up 2nd place in my AG in the state Grand Prix series.

        The first step is to get up off the couch!

        Half Fanatic #889



          Most Miles Run This Week

          beat (FK)100.52 miles

          NikoRosa (FK) 99.39


          Most Time Spent Running This Week

          NikoRosa (FK) 17:08:18

          beat (FK) 16:42:12



          Beast mode.




            How do you join the forum? I have been a member of a team for at least 3 years.


            Chris P

            I registered for the 2020 game on the first day. Hopefully that is all set.

            Thank you!


            IF you can post in the forum, you have joined it. There are a few people in the game who aren't members of this forum.

            Half Fanatic #9292. 

            Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


            delicate flower


              Not everyone in our game is a member of this forum so race results don't show up in the forum list.


              I believe this also happens when people have their logs set to private.


              I haven't been that fast since Sep of 2015, so it was a really good day for me.  Good enough for 2nd 55-59 and I sewed up 2nd place in my AG in the state Grand Prix series.


              WOO HOO!!!
