2019 in 2019


Time zone issue (Read 39 times)


    I was on vacation in Japan for 10 days and did two runs on Monday mornings there which have posted as Sunday on RA because it was Sunday in my home time zone. This puts those runs in the wrong week.  I didn’t notice until now.


    Is there a way to fix this?  I’d really like my Monday run for this week (week ending 6/23) to count for this week.  I understand it may not be possible or fair since the run already posted to last week.



      Admins for the game have no access to runner's logs. If you edit your log entry so it shows correctly there, the game will capture it in the week's results. Always make sure it is correct on your log. The MyTeam page is display only and may not match results.


      ETA: Japan. Wow, what an amazing place to vacation!

      Half Fanatic #9292. 

      Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


        wow...i want to go to Japan! My brother lives in Hawaii and he has been to Japan twice in the last year, flights are alot cheaper from Honolulu. He mostly toured Tokyo and Kyoto


          Thanks Meg, I updated the date in my log and it is showing in this weeks mileage.  I'm a little surprised the log doesn't automatically reflect the local time of a run.


          Note, because of this update the week of 6/10/19-6/16/19 now has an extra 8 miles in the game results (my log is correct).


          Yes, Japan is a lot of fun.  My wife studied Japanese in college and speaks the language so that was a huge help.


            Thanks Meg, I updated the date in my log and it is showing in this weeks mileage.  I'm a little surprised the log doesn't automatically reflect the local time of a run.



            Strange, in my experience it shows up in local time.





              Note, because of this update the week of 6/10/19-6/16/19 now has an extra 8 miles in the game results (my log is correct).



              Did that make a difference in the game results or did you make the change after the last results posted?

              Half Fanatic #9292. 

              Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.



                Did that make a difference in the game results or did you make the change after the last results posted?


                My team lost last week so it makes no difference.  We had 1 point unrelated to my running.