2019 in 2019


Week 26 Fastest Times & Other Accomplishments (Read 44 times)



    5k: ViBe71 (IYP) 20:13

    10k: ------------

    Half: Lauren (F&C) 1:54:51.23

    Full: MarathoninginMT (Cirque) 4:24:32


    Most Miles Run This Week

    Krash (IYP) 121.24 miles

    beat (FK) 83.68 miles

    mtrunr (IYP) 82 miles

    Mom4Running (F&C) 81.63 miles


    Most Time Running This Week

    Krash (IYP) 24:34:25

    Mom4Running (F&C) 18:36:41

    The Dementor (Cirque) 16:06:00


    Other Accomplishments

    * Five of eight teams were 100% or better on team mileage goal.

    * In Your Pace had the most race miles with 148 miles, including Krash's Western States 100 finish! Nice work, Krash! Smile

    * Top team for percentage of individuals hitting their goal (going green) was  tie between InYourPace and Pace Force at 85.71%.

    * Percentage to weekly goal

         One runner over 450% to goal

         One runner between 300-400% to goal.

         Two runners between 250-299%.

         Two runners between 200 and 250%.

         Sixteen runners between 150 and 199%.

    * Three active team runners had zero weeks. One requested IR.


    What else happened this week? Smile

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

    Pain is my friend

      Western states 100 was a blast. Finished in 21:35 and 50th overall.  For those that don't know WS100 is the oldest 100 in the US and hard to get into. You have to run a qualifying 100 and then get through the Loto. The stars aligned for me and I did better than I thought I could.

      ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

      Bear 100 22:08 2021 

      Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


      Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

      Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

      Ute 100 Aug

      24 hour loop race?



        Congrats Krash!  That's a very impressive finish time! (well, heck any finish time is impressive!). How many lottery entries did you have? (don't you get so many chances based on the number of qualifying runs you've done - - or something like that?).  I had a group of friends doing one of the aid stations down there. I've always wanted to make the trek down there and help out sometime.



        Aged to Perfection 2024

          Congrats!!!  Amazing


          Western states 100 was a blast. Finished in 21:35 and 50th overall.  For those that don't know WS100 is the oldest 100 in the US and hard to get into. You have to run a qualifying 100 and then get through the Loto. The stars aligned for me and I did better than I thought I could.