Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES: Run, run, run then eat, eat, eat (Read 37 times)


    Or just eat!


    What up yo.


    Happy Holidays if you are into that sort of thing if not, Happy Thursday.


    I am not exactly sure what I am running but I plan to get out there for something easy in a while.


    I'll be doing brunch with kids later this morning then dinner at the casino this evening.


    What's up with you today?


    delicate flower

      Gooooood morning!  Today has already been glorious, thanks to 10 hours of sleep last night.  Going to the movies today, then going for a run...60 degrees!


      Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus.


      Hip Redux

        Slept in, now going to the family shin dig to eat 5000 calories worth of food.  BUT it's 60 degrees out so that pretty much rules.



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have an MLR tonight, since I decided to sleep in instead of running early.



            Good morning!  It's a day of family, food and fun for me.  I hope everyone has a great day.

            Life is good.

              Good morning dailies, Merry Christmas (or not, if that's not your thing).


              Headed out for a blustery bunch'o'miles, then hanging out with family later.  Yesterday was so busy at work that I straight up blew off my run .


                Happy Holidays Dailies! !


                Maybe a few miles to see if my legs still work. The coffee is good this morning.


                  Today seems like as good a day as any to wish you all love, peace and great running.


                  I ran 48 miles last week and it was damn tough, after running so little for so long. But I did it and I'll try doing it again this week. I've become pathetically weak. I think the electric heating system in the house is causing me congestion and I can hardly breathe when I wake up in the morning. I hate winter for so many reasons. sigh... Only 4 more months... BUT! it IS beautiful to look at (before the snow turns into brown slush...). There is a sort of poetry to winter that I deeply appreciate and I think I'd miss it if it disappeared from my life.


                  That was my philosophical crap for the day. Did you miss me?


                  10 at recovery and then a great turkey with gravy meal later today at my BIL's farm. Last night was supper at my sis' place in Montreal and we watched Esmee unwrap her first ever Christmas presents. It was the best time ever. Of course, the cat's toy (a small plastic ball with a bell in it) ended up being her favorite game.

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Yesterday I went to Lackland Air Force Base for an easy 3-mile run, but was feeling really good so that turned into a 4-mile run/walk instead, nice!    The temp actually cooperated too, about 44 degrees and sunny, sunny, sunny, nice!


                    This morning Gail and I  got up and opened our gifts and then I went to the nearby local park to get in a run/walk.  Temp of 35 flippin' degrees, feels like 33, BRRR!   My plans for a morning run/walk turned out to be a bust as, for some reason, the park gate was closed, and there were a couple of police cars with lights on right inside the gate.  Don't know what was going on and I don't think I want to know.  So I decided to just turn around and come on home and run later this afternoon in WARMER temps...the temp around here today is going up to a mild 62 degrees by 3 PM.  So now Gail and I are getting ready to go to a move, we are going to see "Unbroken."


                    Hope everyone is having and will have a fabulous Christmas day!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Merry Christmas all,

                      Ran 6 easy miles in the mild but very windy outdoors. I missed you Lily. Heading to my sister's place in a bit for a family get together.


                      Run to live; live to run

                        10.2. I even wore green shorts and a red tech short sleeve shirt.


                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Hi Dailies and Merry Christmas.


                          5 miles already done on a very crisp and blustery morning. Amazingly, the kids are still sound asleep. Whatever, I will enjoy my quiet time while it lasts. Later we are headed down to my SIL's place in Orange County to see her and the family down there.


                          See ya.


                            Lily, lily bo lilly. 


                            Sup peeps!


                            I ended up running 6. I felt like a tard for running on Christmas but then realized I always do. lol

                              15.2 GA done with hardly any drivers on the roads.  Other than the wind, it wasn't bad at all for late December.


                                Not a lot of sleep in our household last night, DS woke up at 1 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep, so he "checked in" with us every hour until I got up at 6:30. Then we ate, opened stockings, ate more, and went for a one-mile walk around the neighborhood, which my knee didn't care for. Now more sitting, icing the knee, eating, maybe napping, then this evening we will go walk again, this time around a beautiful light display in a local park. The knee can just suck it up and deal - I'm doing this with my family. Smile

                                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.
