Beginners and Beyond

What's your favorite music THURSDAILIES? (Read 201 times)

Better I Leave

    Favorite music? I'm generally a rocker (classic/hard rock)...Montrose, AC/DC (Bon Scott), Led Zep, Floyd, The Who, Motley Crue...stuff like that. But then I've got some tasty classical that I'll listen to as well such as Ravel, Holst, Strauss, Mozart.


      Good Morning Runners!!


      We've got some great tunes going this morning!


      Kay – Thanks for the coffee! I hope that the rest day makes you feel stronger tomorrow!


      Basya – Sounds like you've got a lot of working out going on today. Good luck with it all! And, I love DD coffee! Yum!!


      Heidi – Hope those recovery miles go effortlessly tonight!


      Gustav – Best news I've heard all day!! I'm very happy that you can start running again!!


      Luke – May your TM miles fly by tonight without boredom!


      Beth – Enjoy your double swim! I'll bet that you're going to be wiped out with 2 swims and a nice run in between. Hopefully, sleep will come easily for you tonight! And, way to tease us about some great new plan!! Can't wait for you to share!


      Baboon – Nice job on the bike yesterday! If you decide to try a short run later, I hope that it goes well and doesn't leave you wishing you hadn't.


      Kristin 10185 – A Christmas party in January? That sounds like fun! Hope the knee feels better as the day continues!


      Flarunner – Great run this morning! What time do you usually start your runs? It always seems like you get them in early.....


      Jedi – Wow! Those are some impressive numbers! I bet all that butt kicking work that Daniels has you doing is going to pay off big time!!


      Lilac – I hope that all the DVD work you're doing translates into a stronger, faster, and injury-free you when run!


      Tom – Good luck with the long run today!


      Scotty – Nice workout and run yesterday! Hope today's run is even better!


      Kristin79 – 7 miles! Woo hoo! That's awesome!! And, 4 more today? You're on a roll!! Sure hope that means that your ITB issues are becoming a thing of the past!


      LRB – I like your selection of viewing material while you're on the TM! Very nice! How's your comeback treating you so far?


      April – Nice pacing with the repeats last night!! I couldn't get them that even if I had to!


      Damaris – Enjoy your work from home day!


      Robert – Great early morning run this morning!


      PGD - Your musical selection is very diverse. That's cool!


      My plan to get in a few miles after work yesterday got derailed by a 2 hour delay when they shut the highway and access road for a gas leak.   I was pretty annoyed with missing my run, but life happens sometimes.   The worst part for me was that I had been hydrating on my way home and the delay was TORTURE because I really, really, really had to go!!   When traffic finally started moving, I had to make a stop because I knew I couldn't make it another half hour until I got home.


      I'm looking for 7-9 after work today.   And, since I'm work from home today, at least I know that I won't get stuck in traffic.


      Have a great Thursday everyone!!   And, may your next run be simply Pinktacular!!!


      - Sarah

      But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


        8 easy


        have a more supportive pair of shoes than I've been wearing coming in the mail to see if it helps my ankle

        Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey


          LRB - You and my son would get along great! He watches those two shows every morning before breakfast.


          Music? I will listen to a lot of different things. On my Pandora homepage "stations" include AC/DC, Michael W. Smith, George Strait, Gaelic Storm, Cool Jazz, Film Scores, Adele, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Johnny Cash ... I don't know much about music, but like to listen to what I enjoy.


          On the fitness front, planning on 7 miles w/4x1200 @ HMP pace, followed by an hour strength training class.


          Have a great day, everyone!

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          delicate flower

            10:00 meeting with free coffee!  THIS IS A GREAT DAY!



              LRB - which plan you using? I'm not running a marathon this spring, so using his 5k-15k plan to train for 2 HMs.

              My focus the for the first half of the year is on the 5k, and like you I figure I can race any distance from the half marathon down off of that with a few tweaks here and there.


              I'll cut it short and switch to his marathon plan in the late spring/early summer for my fall event.


              Shari that's funny!


              Sarah, so far so good, slow and easy though.  I'll be ready for speed play in about ten days.


              Former Bad Ass

                Are we talking about running music?  If so, mine is reggaeton, especially at the end of a marathon.  I do have some rock like Van Halen, Quiet Riot, and others, but the best beat to race is reggaeton.  PERIOD. Big grin


                YAYpril - B-Plus

                  April – Nice pacing with the repeats last night!! I couldn't get them that even if I had to!


                  Oh, I wish I could pace like that outside! This was on the TM. Wink Wintry mix all day plus darkness is not conducive to productive speedwork, so I kept it inside. The bonus is that I wore shorts and a tank. I was quite comfy in the gym.


                  Enjoy your run!!



                    My six-miler last night felt a little rough. I think it is because I've added a few miles to my training plan this week.   Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow!  In the mean time, I have an easy three tonight.


                    In terms of music, I've been digging on the Dirty Projectors, Japandroids, and King Curtis lately.


                    scrape. - good luck with your run/ankle later on!


                    StepbyStep-SH - have a good run/strength training later on!


                    Robert31320 - great job!


                    Docket_Rocket - wow, that is some humidity! That is one thing that I do not miss from living in New Orleans.


                    AprilRunner - great job on the six miler! you were flying!


                    Okay, need to get back to work, will try to finish personals later on!


                    Go figure

                      Got my run in finally.  It was a threshold run, with 2x15min at HMP(6:30) with 1 minute active recovery between.  Yep, 1 whole minute of recovery...thanks Brad Hudson lol.  Anyway, I feel really good about getting the run done.  I almost let myself stop at the beginning of the second set, but I fought hard mentally and hit my paces the whole way through.  I know that meeting my marathon goal in April is going to be as much a mental battle as a physical one, so I was pleased that I didn't give in today.  With my warmup and cool down miles, I got 10.13 miles for the day.


                      As for music, I'm really liking the stuff by the Lumineers and Mumford and Sons right now.  I have somewhat odd musical taste in that I mostly just enjoy mellow stuff.  Truth be told, I'm not much of a music person in general.

                      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                        I almost let myself stop at the beginning of the second set, but I fought hard mentally and hit my paces the whole way through.  I know that meeting my marathon goal in April is going to be as much a mental battle as a physical one, so I was pleased that I didn't give in today.    

                        That is a great perspective.


                        Go figure

                          Dave...I could see you being a rock guy...something about the goatee ha.


                          Pink...Killing the personals, as always!  That's a pretty legit reason to miss a run, but I can see why it was frustrating.  I can just imagine how badly you had to use the bathroom too ha.  Good luck with the post-work run.


                          Scrape...Have a good easy run.  I don't know why, but I feel like my ego takes a hit every time I put on something that's not a neutral flat.  I've been forced to be very cautious about my shoe choices too though with my PF issues.


                          Step...Looks like a good run you have planned today.  I think 1200s are some of my favorite repeats to run on the track because they're not all-out and don't hurt as much as miles.


                          Baboon...Good to see your spirits up.  I'm sure being able to run is helping with that too.  You stole the little tag line I've been thinking of putting under my picture a while!  Maybe I'll go with from the move "A Christmas Story."  People probably wouldn't get it though, and then I'd feel dumb.


                          LRB...I agree about being able to race up to a half of the training you have planned.  One of these years I'm going to take a cycle and focus on some shorter distance stuff.  The marathon addiction is hard to shake though.  At least with my running club I'm being "forced" to do some running at other distances.  Have you done a fall and spring marathon in the past?  I've decided the spring ones are easy to train for with the weather.


                          Docket...Is that the same as reggae?


                          April...I think you should have just run with it...even pacing down to the tenths of miles per hour haha.  Good job on the workout, even on the TM.  Shorts and short sleeves do sound nice.


                          Buchy...It's funny how sometimes our bodies react to mileage changes, and other times it doesn't seem to make a difference.  That's good that you recognized it though so that you can take the run easily tonight and then have a good rest tomorrow.

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                          Go figure

                            That is a great perspective.


                            Thank you sir.

                            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                              OK, so you're still in Phase I. I'm in my third week of Phase II. First time with 3 quality workouts so I am interested to see how that goes this week. So far so good with 2 down and 1 to go Sat plus my LR on Sun. Liking the plan though and much more intense quality then I've done in my 3+ years of running. I think it's the kick in ass I need to get my BQ next year.


                              My focus the for the first half of the year is on the 5k, and like you I figure I can race any distance from the half marathon down off of that with a few tweaks here and there.


                              I'll cut it short and switch to his marathon plan in the late spring/early summer for my fall event.


                              Shari that's funny!


                              Sarah, so far so good, slow and easy though.  I'll be ready for speed play in about ten days.

                              PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                              Up Next:



                                LRB...I agree about being able to race up to a half of the training you have planned.  One of these years I'm going to take a cycle and focus on some shorter distance stuff.  The marathon addiction is hard to shake though.  At least with my running club I'm being "forced" to do some running at other distances.  Have you done a fall and spring marathon in the past?  I've decided the spring ones are easy to train for with the weather. 

                                Yes, I have trained for both.


                                For me, and mostly due to unpredictable weather, I treat the winter and early spring like the off-season.  So it is no big deal if I cannot make a run because of a blizzard or an ice storm or what have you.


                                I understand that fall marathon training is the other end of the extreme with high heat and humidity, which I loath, but being able to do my runs in the early a.m. helps a lot with that.


                                Ultimately though, I just want to have a lot of fun racing short distances during the first half of the year, then switching over to marathon training which I really, really like.  I just don't want to train for two marathons in a year.


                                I did that, and I am done with that...for now anyway.