Beginners and Beyond


Woke up thinking it's Thursday Wednesdailies (Read 39 times)


    Man, the PT tore my ass apart today!  She put me back together again, but the trouble is, I still feel that shit. lol


    Betty, she is really cool and totally gets it.  She has been running since 1984 and has been going over me with a fine tooth comb.  There are so many things I do "right", a ton even.  But the one or two things I do not do, cancel all the good out, and that has put the one event I most wanted to run in serious jeopardy.  I will tell you one thing though, I have learned my lesson!



      Hi dailies:


      10.4 miles, 5x(1min @ 5K pace, 1 min recovery), 5x(2min @ 5K pace, 2 min recovery), 5x(1min @ 5K pace, 1 min recovery).


      My dad came over to help put up plastic insulation sheets on the windows.  Snowblower is oiled and ready for action.  Bring it.


        My dad came over to help put up plastic insulation sheets on the windows.  Snowblower is oiled and ready for action.  Bring it.


        Really?  'Cuz I'm not.  lol


        Former Bad Ass

          Looks like I might get back to work tomorrow and that the weather for MCM is going to be fantastic.  Good day!


          Jess runs for bacon

            Looks like I might get back to work tomorrow and that the weather for MCM is going to be fantastic.  Good day!




              Back from a 2.5 recovery run, followed by weights and core.


              LRB -- I glad you have a good PT.  Sounds painful, but productive.


              Good news all around on government re-opening.  I was fearing for all those planning to run MCM.

              Life is good.


                Looks like I might get back to work tomorrow and that the weather for MCM is going to be fantastic.  Good day!


                You know the rules, pics or it didn't happen...wait, never mind.



                  Rocky and I had an amazing 3 mile run on the trails this evening, almost didn't get out there cause my Tahoe had to go into a shop, apparently a couple of clamps were so loose that my coolant was leaking badly. Got that fixed and we headed to the trails as the sun was going down. Saw/heard a lot of deer, and other than a slight fear of a buck coming out of nowhere, the run was amazing. I love running the trails, love it Smile

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
