Beginners and Beyond


It's Friday somewhere, Penguins! (Read 34 times)

Bin Running

    Back from HM.. Didn't do too well.. Missed all goals and came in at 1:54+.... 318am where I am.. I am going to hit the sack now..


    Thanks for all the encouragement, Penguins!

    2015 Races

    2XU HM - 29 Mar


    Former Bad Ass

      Running at midnight is harder than the hours we run.  Great job, Bin!


      Singer who runs a smidge

        Hey, you finished a midnight HM, so that sounds pretty good to me!!  Congrats, Bin!!

        When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

          Jack, nice way to celebrate the end of the school year!


          Bin, sorry you didn’t do as well as you were hoping.  Nice job though!


          Gustav, nice job sneaking in those miles.


          Phillie, I would have done the same thing as you!  I have been told many times that I should carry my phone with me but who wants to carry anything extra?  I would pick the flushing toilet over a bush any day.


          Vance, HI!! Nice floater.


          Scotty, lovely weather you are having!


          Dave, nice job easing back into it.  I have to switch back over to mornings too.  Good luck with the transition. I love the race shirt with Boston Strong on it.


          I did not get my run in yesterday nor did I get up early enough this morning.  Now it's 92 and I'm not having my first run back be tonight.  I guess I'll set the alarm for "early" tomorrow morning and make that be my come back run. Smile



          “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” John Burroughs

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Bin: no big deal. That's still a good time and besides, it can't be easy running at that hour of the night.


              Bin, that's still a better time than I can do.  Sorry you didn't meet your goal though.


              I got inspired by Bin, Damaris, Scotty and Coralie to get out and try a hot run.  (Plus I just couldn't face the treadmill again this afternoon.)  Humidity was relatively low (40% with DP of 60 deg.) but the temp. was 90, so my hottest run to date.  I was good for the first three miles, then the heat started to get to me and halfway up a big hill, I felt nauseous and light headed, so I sat in the shade for a few minutes, drinking some water, until I felt ready to go on.  The next mile was mostly downhill, so I was fine, but I was soaking wet afterwards and drank 1/2 liter of Gatorade after 2 cups of water and still feel thirsty.  Fortunately, the temperature is supposed to go down a bit in the next few days - only 88 tomorrow - so my experiment won't be repeated right away.


                Bin, congrats, that is still a respectable time!


                My knee feels pretty good this evening, so far! After a long 12 hour night and going up and down stairs, it will likely be a little sore in the morning. Two of my grandkids are spending the night with DW while I work, so in the morning, I will take them with me to the 5k. I'm going to wear a knee brace as a precaution and hope for the best, if I can't run, then I'll walk in the back. They like to volunteer so they can get a t-shirt and have access to the food and stuff.


                  Ginny- Kudos to you for getting outside! We have a 50% chance of rain for Sunday, that will be the only way I get an outdoor run in. Sun is going down soon and the temperature is 89F with a 71F dewpoint. I've just vacuumed the car out and felt horrible and hot. I couldn't imagine running in this.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Great job.  60DP is the number that you need to see not the 40%.  60DP to me is low but anything above 60 is considered uncomfortable so your humidity was NOT low.  Like I said, great job.


                    Bin, that's still a better time than I can do.  Sorry you didn't meet your goal though.


                    I got inspired by Bin, Damaris, Scotty and Coralie to get out and try a hot run.  (Plus I just couldn't face the treadmill again this afternoon.)  Humidity was relatively low (40% with DP of 60 deg.) but the temp. was 90, so my hottest run to date.  I was good for the first three miles, then the heat started to get to me and halfway up a big hill, I felt nauseous and light headed, so I sat in the shade for a few minutes, drinking some water, until I felt ready to go on.  The next mile was mostly downhill, so I was fine, but I was soaking wet afterwards and drank 1/2 liter of Gatorade after 2 cups of water and still feel thirsty.  Fortunately, the temperature is supposed to go down a bit in the next few days - only 88 tomorrow - so my experiment won't be repeated right away.


                    I got 87F and 73DP, headwind, horizontal rain, and still bested my MAFF test during my 5 miler as compared to January when it was 65F and 50DP.  Improvement right there.



                    Return To Racing

                      You'll do better next time, Bin, but congrats anyway.


                      Got our last 4 miles in at 9:59, before Sunday's HM (our 2nd).   Got our bibs and we're ready to go.  60F predicted for Sunday morning.


                      Bin Running

                        Thanks, guys. Now, off to write a RR.

                        2015 Races

                        2XU HM - 29 Mar

                        Amazonian Princess



                          I thought I posted this morning but I don't see it now - weird! Just another quick check in; sorry about the lack of personals the past few days but I've been under the westher. Thought it was just overindulgence from last weekend but I didn't feel better until recently.


                          Walked 3 miles on Wednesday with the after work group and ran the same route with the running group on Thursday. Started off at their running pace but couldn't hang on past two miles so I had to take a minute walk break, then finished the rest of the three miles at my pace. Another runner stayed with me so I wouldn't be alone and it was kinda very nice.


                          Signed up for a 5k on Sunday and my SIL will be walking with my husband so I can run it. I have modest goals, just to complete it faster than I would if I walked it and just one walk break, if I really need it. No matter how I do, I'm happy that I'm healthier now than I was a year ago!


                          Now off to read some race reports for inspiration!

                          I can. I will. I am. 
