Beginners and Beyond


It's Still Summer Wednesday Penguins (Read 20 times)


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


    "The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals."

    -Hal Higdon


      A new record high low temp for the day here. 81 at 5 this morning. Summers last gasp I hope.


      4 yesterday on the group run and 6 this morning.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning.  My 2 mile intervals at HMP went horribly.  Couldn't breathe and now I have a cough thanks to it.  4 miles and weights tonight.


        PAD, for a moment, I was surprised that you would get such a low temp at 5am and call it a record.  Until I realized you meant record low.  Nice cool weather!



          Morning!  I could definitely feel the fatigue in my legs last night compared to the same workout 2 weeks ago (Ginny, it was one of those 10 sec/mile faster than GMP runs).  Not that I know what GMP is- I'm thinking of adjusting Thursday's run to 10 sec/mile slower than I have been running just too see if I can run more evenly.


          One of the dangers of thinking about running right before bed is that when I woke up when DH came in, I thought, "My warmup is over, now I need to start my tempo sleep."   Apparently that's where you sleep for a long period of time without waking up.


          Also, I hit 1500 miles for the year last night, which means that next week, I should pass my 2013 total.


          PAD- Maybe marathon training is like training to walk across hot coals?  Nice run this AM after running last night!


          D- Hope that cough clears up!


            PAD -  I hope things cool down for you.  Our high is only 75 today.  Good thing you got an early start.


            D - I hope the lungs behave today.


            Z - Tempo sleep?  How about long slow sleep?  Sounds much more restful.  I don't know how you manage to keep such consistent paces.  I've been practicing with the "Virtual Pacer' on my Garmin to slow myself down on my long runs, and I still end up all over the place in terms of pace, though it does help.  I blame it on the hills, but it's also that I still don't really have a grasp on how easy easy should be.  Since I always struggle with the hills, anything flat feels easy, so I find myself going much too fast any time I'm not climbing.  It's hard to get any kind of even pacing that way.  I can do it on the treadmill, of course, but then I usually do progressive runs because running at the same pace is so boring. When I race, I just go by feel which has given me some surprisingly good times (for me) but nothing consistent in my paces.


            RD here, though an early phone call interrupted our rest.  Some sort of scam, I'm sure.  When some stranger calls out of nowhere and claims to be from Technical Support wanting to take over your computer from a distance to prevent a computer crash, I get very suspicious.


            Barking Mad To Run

              3.5 miles for me this morning at O.P. Schnabel Park.  About Mile 1 I encountered a group of about 20 high school kids out doing a training run on the same trails I was on.  They were strung out along the trail, kind of like a race pack after the race has been going for a while....2 people here, 3 or 4 people there, and so forth.   I was behind a group of 3, 2 young ladies and a young man, and decided I would see how long I could stick with them.   Well, I managed to stick with them for one of my full running intervals (8 minutes) before my watch beeped for my walk break but, wow, those kids were wearing me out, lol.  I normally run probably about an 11-something minute mile during my training runs....but sticking with these kids, I saw when I got to the trail mile-marker that I'd just done a 10:18 mile, so about a minute or so faster pace than I usually do.   Tiring, but fun.  Weather was humid, but not bad overall.  Only 78 degrees (nice!  our cool front is trying to make it into town!), 87% humidity, but dew-point only in the mid 60s.


              Wow, PAD, South Texas was actually cooler for a change than North Texas!


              Congrats on hitting 1500 miles, Zelanie!   Does your DH hear you talking in your sleep about running?


              Sorry about the asthma and coughing, Damaris!  Hope you feel better.   What you need is a....


              Penguin chest massage....

              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

              Singer who runs a smidge

                Morning, Penguins!  My back has been bothering me a bit for a few days now, so I took yesterday off to baby it a little.  DH massaged it quite a bit, so I'm doing better today.  And tonight is quartet rehearsal, so I HAVE to be better!!  But only three more days until BEACH DAY!!  Oh, and DH and Dusty ran while I walked this morning, so that got done.

                PAD -- Sounds like it was a warm 6!!

                Docket -- sorry about the bad breath!  Wait, what?

                Zelanie -- tempo sleep, snork!!

                Ginny -- yeah, I think I'd say no to that one too!

                scotty -- wow, the kids really pushed you!!

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Wait, what?  LOL.


                  Congrats, Zel!


                  Scotty, I do need a chest rub...with VICKS.



                    2 more days of 90+ degrees here and hopefully the last 90s we see. Please!!


                    Becase it's still Hot here and the track is in full morning sun I decided to trade and do my 8X400s on Friday when our "cool front" comes in. Should be 10 degrees cooler!


                    Damaris, sorry about the cold. I have had a cold forever now. So over it. I'm watching Dexter right now and it's set in Miami and I think of you when they are complaining of the heat. Ha.





                    Former Bad Ass

                      Oh, mine is not a cold.  It's the stupid asthma, but thanks!  Unfortunately, Dexter was never filmed down here (although they pretended they were here).  Cheaters!  I loved Dexter until I saw the finale.


                      Slymoon Runs

                      race obsessed


                        Regarding yesterday's workout: I checked Garmin, mapped it 2 different ways. Aside from taking a wheel out I'm confident that was with-in a couple of meters of mile.


                        So be comfortable on the TT result. Wink

                        on my way to badass

                          Good Morning Penguins!


                          PAD- You are piling up the miles!


                          Z- So glad I didn't have coffee in my mouth when I read "tempo sleep".  I would have soaked my laptop.  Congrats of the 1500 miles!


                          Docket- Sorry about the cough.  Have you considered Upstate NY for a move?  Right now our weather is perfect.


                          Ginny-Enjoy the rest day!


                          Scotty- It's always fun to see what you can do when you get pushed by some young'uns.


                          HsM- you are killing the walks!


                          Sly- Hi!


                          AFM- longish easy run with training partner tonight.  We are out of daylight and weekend time for our long runs together.  We just have the one long run left (12 miles).  Next week is easy week with a 30 minute tempo and a couple of easy runs.  2 days of rest before the HM.

                          Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


                            Oh I didn't know Dexter wasn't shot in Miami. Hmmm. We are half way through season 5 now (lumen) I have heard the season finale of Dexter is the all time lowest rated finale in history.  Can't wait ha.




                            From the Internet.

                              Oh I didn't know Dexter wasn't shot in Miami. Hmmm. We are half way through season 5 now (lumen) I have heard the season finale of Dexter is the all time lowest rated finale in history.  Can't wait ha.


                              Ugh yeah I HATED that finale. We watched it around the same time we finished Breaking Bad and the awesomeness of BB's finale made up for my disappointment in Dexter.


                              4.15 miles this morning, did a fair amount of it on the trails and took my first spectacular digger - looked away for half a second, tripped on a tree root and went flying. My hands are a little scraped up but otherwise I'm fine. The rest of the run was lovely, 2 days off did good things for me Smile

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Hi Pens..


                                Quick check in for me. Still a few more days of no running. I am thinking Saturday morning I will go out for a few miles of run/walk to check on things. On Monday I will apply for Boston. My time is on the slower end of qualifying, so we shall see. Fingers crossed...


                                Have a nice day.
