Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES: Three Out of Seven Ain't Bad (Read 45 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning!  My bike arrives today so if I get it, I'll go for a ride with hubby and maybe a short run afterwards.  We'll see.  10 days until surgery (or is it 11)?



      Planning on 6 miles or so on the treadmill, easy, then an hour strength training class.


      Scotty - I hope those demons don't come back often. I have never really heard/seen/read the story of what happened in Somalia, but it always seemed strange to me, because my grandparents had lived in Mogadishu for about 3 years in the early '80s. I don't know if they left simply because my grandfather's job with US AID (Agricultural and Industrial Development) was done or because of the increasing violence.

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Glad you had a good night's sleep, LRB!  What's the secret?


        I did not get any sleep two nights ago, so the prognosis looks great for you tonight.  lol


        Wassup peeps, I got a good run in going 4 x 1200's at  tempo pace (9.1 MPH), for  7 miles total.


        I play the stereo in the gym at ear splitting levels while on that stupid thing, and today the battery on my MP3 player went dead with about a mile to go, making the last mile seem twice as long.  ZZZZZZ's.


        Former Bad Ass

          I've had that happen to me during a run and it's like, man, WHERE IS THE HOUSE?  Did someone move it/?????



            Good morning!  Work is kicking my butt this week, but I am getting my miles in at least.


            D2- I think that endurance is the last to fade away, which is why it makes sense to build up early.  So even having low miles since mid-Dec might not hurt too much since you were so consistent in 2014.  The way I see it, getting to the starting line of a marathon healthy is a gift.  While I am sure there will be many more marathons and BQs for you, if you're at the line, healthy, and have a chance at a BQ, might as well go for it!  We don't get too many opportunities like that really.  Of course, that's the advice of a non-marathoner, so take it for what it is. 


            Run to live; live to run

              5.2. Been working on getting my paces back so lower miles than I want to run but I need to get some speed back even if my good pace is really slow for most if you. I want it back!


              Basya my mom always said I couldn't be her daughter since I didn't care for coffee. She drank it night and day. Meh, I like the smell but not the taste.


              Will run for scenery.

                Happy Chewsday!


                I finally remembered to bring earbuds to the gym.  Makes the cardio crap a lot more bearable.  Did about 900 "calories" before hitting the TM for 2 mi.


                My feet are finally getting used to the idea of running.  Now  my ankles are acting up.  A day after my last run, getting up out of a chair, I get a sudden intense pain in my peroneal tendon (outside ankle) area.  Could not walk w/o a serious limp.  A few minutes later everyrhing is fine.


                Basya - I have great memories of Turkish coffee.  Before the ugliness broke out I spent a few days in Sarajevo.  The food itself was so-so, but the coffee was Turkish and the pastries were Viennese.  And down a back alley was a place you could get bread straight from a wood oven - hot and steamy with a crunchy layer of salt.


                Okay that made me hungry!  Time to get some coffee in me.

                Stupid feet!

                Stupid elbow!



                  Morning ladies and gents.


                  Spent a few hours using a rasp to trim out some stairs. Now my wrist hurts and I'm only about half done. I see fun with an air nailer in my future.


                  I spent a couple of hours on the TM this morning and knocked out a 12 mile Easy run. I really can't wait until March. At least it'll start warming up.

                  - Andrew



                    Trying to get Dorian used to his new toddler bed.... he still sleeps mainly with us but he does like his bed. Last night he lasted an hour before somehow falling to the floor....... even with the bumpers on the bad, I think he started crawling backwards and got wrapped up in his sheets, lol.

                    Today will consist of some core strengthening, and taking Romeo to the vet.

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      Scotty, hope you sleep better tonight.  My oldest brother was a Navy SeaBee and was in Somalia, he's never really talked about it, but I know he's had issues from his time there.


                      Zel, thanks!  I think it's mostly a confidence issue at the moment, just doubting myself. Smile  Hopefully with six more weeks of training I'll feel strong and confident going into the race.


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Out of court and having lunch already.  Nothing like a veggie burrito to make one feel awesome.



                          BD's Mongolian BBQ for me.

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            Hi Dailies...

                            It has been awhile since I have checked in, so "Hi."  I am signed up for a marathon at the end of May, but because of some PF I cannot train as I would like. DW is also signed up and it will be her first. She found a training plan that works for her and her goal is a sub 4:00 so I am going to train with her. It is nothing like the Pfitz 18/55 plan that I used before but I think it will be good for her. It peaks at about 44 mpw and is four days a week. We'll see how it goes.


                            I hope you are all well.  Smile


                              Hi Dailies...


                              ' Sup yo!  That stupid PF still giving you problems 'eh?  Well hopefully you get things figured out at some point.  Being the alpha runner in a house full of runners, you have to set the example ya know.  


                              How is the All Star coming along?  Her season should be starting soon yes?

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


                                ' Sup yo!  That stupid PF still giving you problems 'eh?  Well hopefully you get things figured out at some point.  Being the alpha runner in a house full of runners, you have to set the example ya know.  


                                How is the All Star coming along?  Her season should be starting soon yes?


                                All Star? You mean DD? Yes, track season starts soon and they are training now.  "Alpha runner..."  LMAO!!!