Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #20 (Read 32 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I ran 7 at the park.


    In every winter since I began running (2012), a winter storm like the one we had Saturday banishes me to the treadmill for my weekday runs until the snow melts. This year however, I'm gonna try to run through it. We'll see how it goes...


    I am going to try the same! My coach said she was surprised yesterday didn’t send me to tje TM or the prior day with 29mph winds but frankly, these temps and runs are better than the Miami humidity so so far, so good. We shall see if February does not break me.


    We got snow all day and last night but it’s all melted in the sunny day.




      As for stop rests, the only time I've done those is the few times I went to coached track workouts. People just stop and chat between intervals. I did that for a while, then quit. Now, when I do attend a club track workout (once a year or so) I'm the idiot who does laps between reps.


      My current plan specifies rests or recovery, which is fine if it's not too cold, but when it's freezing, standing around for 90 - 180 seconds isn't going to happen.



        My current plan specifies rests or recovery, which is fine if it's not too cold, but when it's freezing, standing around for 90 - 180 seconds isn't going to happen.


        My coach's rule on rests was if it was 60 sec or less, I could walk or stand but anything longer must be a jog.


          8 miles at 46 degrees, meaning short sleeves! Still rainy though of course.


          MTA: forgot to mention that right as the watch beeped at 6, decided to spend the last 2 miles doing strides. I need to start actual training pretty soon, so better start working in some speed. Things felt pretty rough.




            From a running dude on Insta:


            "No school today so I’ve got all the time I need. It’s 29° and the “negotiation” had begun. I was procrastinating, IG...FB...Gmail... on my phone...IG...FB...IG...You know the game"


            If there were a way to surf and run, you'd be all set. lol


            Ha, that is me...never. I only give myself a 10 minute window to get out the door for runs M-F (and Sat when meeting RP). If I looked at my phone, I'd never hit my mileage goals or I'd be late to work. And by late, I don't mean in trouble because we can come in whenever but late means traffic is 1000% worse. Which is the best incentive to not look at social media!



              Ha, that is me...never. I only give myself a 10 minute window to get out the door for runs M-F (and Sat when meeting RP). If I looked at my phone, I'd never hit my mileage goals or I'd be late to work. And by late, I don't mean in trouble because we can come in whenever but late means traffic is 1000% worse. Which is the best incentive to not look at social media!


              When I was doing early morning runs every day, I was always able to get in a little social media whilst taking care of pre-run business.




                When I was doing early morning runs every day, I was always able to get in a little social media whilst taking care of pre-run business.


                I wake up about an hour before I go out running. I have time for some social media while eating breakfast and pre-run business, which is plenty. My social media is pretty much limited to RA and Strava. I do have a Facebook account, but it is almost exclusively used for Messenger, and I have Instagram but it is usually months between my visits there. So weather checking, RA and Strava, and then I'm out the door.


                UM 45 Ohio 23


                  I wake up about an hour before I go out running. I have time for some social media while eating breakfast and pre-run business, which is plenty. 


                  at one time I was usually out the door 15 minutes after waking.  Now it's more like 20-25 and, with winter outfit decisions/getting dressed, currently it's been more like 25-30.  I try to plan my outfit the night before but between taking care of business and actually getting dressed, plus a minute or two of warm-up, it always takes me longer than I think.


                    8 miles at 46 degrees, meaning short sleeves! Still rainy though of course.


                    MTA: forgot to mention that right as the watch beeped at 6, decided to spend the last 2 miles doing strides. I need to start actual training pretty soon, so better start working in some speed. Things felt pretty rough.


                    I did strides yesterday, too, at the end of my "LR" and things also felt rough.



                        I try to plan my outfit the night before but between taking care of business and actually getting dressed, plus a minute or two of warm-up, it always takes me longer than I think.


                      Same. And this is even with me allowing up to an hour for the coffee to "work". That's the most unpredictable part of running, IMO. Or, should I say, getting out the door. Well, that and being in charge of the cherubs (they're off school today). In any case, I'm envious of you guys who can get out the door within 10-15 minutes. That's awesome.


                        I did run outside last week, but since the my Achilles has been yelling at me since then, I've decided that until there's no more snow/ice on the ground I'm not going to run outside. The uneven ground just irritates it so much. So I finally brought my ass to the TM! Praise be. Since I did a strength training workout this morning (with approx. 5 gazillion lunges and then 4.5 gazillion squats), I thought my legs would be toast. Instead, my achilles decided to yell at me, so I decided to run at a decline to help it out a bit. It worked! This way I'm still stressing the tendon adequately--hopefully not too much. Hopefully just enough to promote healing. In any case, 5.35 miles done.



                          Same. And this is even with me allowing up to an hour for the coffee to "work". That's the most unpredictable part of running, IMO. Or, should I say, getting out the door. Well, that and being in charge of the cherubs (they're off school today). In any case, I'm envious of you guys who can get out the door within 10-15 minutes. That's awesome.


                          I don't drink coffee so there's no waiting time. I either have to go when I get up or I don't. Rarely, do I have troubles during the run (maybe once per month?) so lucky in that regard. And I'll just stop at a park bathroom if necessary which is better than waking up an hour earlier than necessary to take care of things at home (430am is already crazy, 330am would just be absurd, lol)


                          As far as my kid goes, he's basically self sufficient in the morning (!!). Dropping him off at school depends on MrW's schedule, but I usually do it 2-3 times each week. But that's not until 7am so I'm long done with my run by then



                            I am going to try the same! My coach said she was surprised yesterday didn’t send me to tje TM or the prior day with 29mph winds but frankly, these temps and runs are better than the Miami humidity so so far, so good. We shall see if February does not break me.


                            We got snow all day and last night but it’s all melted in the sunny day.


                            I’m thankful for warm sunny weather in Aruba but this 82 degrees and 73 DP by 7am is really making me wish it was 30 degrees out. Don’t get me wrong it’s easier to get outside when it’s warm, but I don’t run well in it at all

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              It's a good thing I don't run before work because I easily take an hour to get out the door. I chill with coffee for a bit, eat something, get ready for run, which in summer takes even longer since I need to coat myself in sunscreen.



                                I don't drink coffee so there's no waiting time. I either have to go when I get up or I don't. Rarely, do I have troubles during the run (maybe once per month?) so lucky in that regard. And I'll just stop at a park bathroom if necessary which is better than waking up an hour earlier than necessary to take care of things at home (430am is already crazy, 330am would just be absurd, lol)


                                As far as my kid goes, he's basically self sufficient in the morning (!!). Dropping him off at school depends on MrW's schedule, but I usually do it 2-3 times each week. But that's not until 7am so I'm long done with my run by then


                                Lucky for sure! Anyway, I always have to go within 15 min of getting up, even without coffee. And then still often need a pit stop on the run. Running while unemployed has been nice though, because it’s pretty much my weekend schedule - breakfast & coffee when I get up, then run a few hours later in mid-morning. The PM becomes much less of a concern.
