Beginners and Beyond


Fridailes????? Where you at (Read 39 times)



    Okay now, it is almost 8 a.m CST and still no dailies????Guess since I want to post, I'll start it damn it.

    Freaking numbingly cold this morning, for our area that is - 10 degrees..... I chose not to wear my face mask thingy and wish I had worn it. Rocky and I ran 6.2 miles before dawn, my legs began to feel like pins and needles were being stuck into them between miles 2 and 5, and then they were numb. My face is still numb and I just got back 15-20 minutes ago. I am glad we got out there though, now for some coffee and trying to get warm.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

    Just B.S.

      I was swimming Smile

      And boy did this day start off  fun. Started the day with a frozen garage door that hubby had to pry open. Headed to

      the city.  Today is only -35 with the windchill Smile

      Finished my swim (1,100 yards) then had a few minutes in the hot tub. Went to the dressing room and was "nekid" before I realized by goggles were missing. Those things cost $20 so I wasn't leaving them behind, plus they are pink  Put my swimsuit back and and went back to the hot tub, no goggles, then headed to the pool and they were on the edge of the lane I had been using. 

      OK now I am working on being late for work so I hurry up and get showered/dressed and head out to the parking lot where I see that the snowfall that was light when I went in an hour previous was now an all out blizzard. Get in the van hoping the wipers will clear the snow. Nope. Look for the snow cleaning tool and cant find it. Have to get out of the van and go around to the back (with frozen wet hair by this time) and lift up the floor compartment to find the sweeper. Then I had to clean snow off the entire van because it was accumulating so quickly.

      Then I drove to work. I am exhausted and my day hasn't started yet. Need to save some energy for an hour on the bike trainer tonight.

      ave a good one dailies!</abbr>


        I was putting on my fur lined drauz because in case you have not heard - IT's FREAKIN' COLD TODAY!


        Former Bad Ass

          I spent 30 minutes force feeding Daisy, 10 minutes trying to find and weigh Trixie, 30 minutes getting ready for work, and have been working for 2 hours.  So, busy!  6 recovery miles tonight.



            Another mind-numbing treadmill session planned today...I guess better than going outside & having everything else get numb, but not so sure.




              I can't imagine swimming right now..... even inside - just the thought of it makes me start shivering.

              LRB... I have a thing against fur for clothes  but yes I am very aware that it is freezing cold outside. I don't want to go back out.

              D, how is Daisy and Trixie doing?

              Dave - I will take running in the freezing cold over a treadmill, unless the freezing cold involves winds of 10 mph +.


              I like starting these things, I can actually respond to everybody (for the moment).

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                Morning! 5 Miles on the TM this AM. I got to watch a lot of ESPN, including OU beat up on Alabama. Oh, the mighty has fallen.


                My MIL might take DD for the weekend, or at least one night. So the big people can be big kids for an evening! We'll see. We're supposed to get snow and wind and yeah. It might not work out, but I hope it does.


                Adios for now.

                - Andrew


                delicate flower

                  Whatcha say there, Paco!  Happy Friday and welcome to Friday!


                  Heading up to Mount Snow after work to ski for the weekend.  I am...looking forward to it?  Wind chills in the negative teens.  My berries may very well freeze and fall off.


                  8 miles on the treadmill last night at 7:44 avg pace.  4 x 1 mile at HMP.  The last of those was tough.  Good workout.  It feels good to not be in any pain these days.




                    I'm sitting with my coffee working up the will to go out and run. It's even cold here today.

                      Hey, hey, hey, people.


                      FreeSoul87, thank you for starting today's thread. Great job running 6.2 in this weather.


                      Beth, yikes! I'm glad that you're safe.


                      Damaris, enjoy your six-miler.


                      DaveP MI, have fun serving time on the TM.


                      Andrew, fantastic five-miler.


                      Phil, enjoy skiing.


                      Nicole, you can do it.


                      I'll head to the gym later for a short speed workout on the TM.


                        Morning, all! Hope those of you in the worst of the snow stay safe.


                        No running for me today. I'm mostly over the stomach bug, but need to get a massage to try to work out the knot in my back/neck which is making every movement painful. I'm supposed to run a 5-mile race tomorrow (technically, that race was supposed to be part of a 20-mile long run) so I'm hoping the massage does the trick.

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Andrea, Daisy has gained 0.40 lbs, so yay.  She is still sleeping a lot, which if I remember correctly I think Trixie did too.  Trixie weighs the same as last week which is good.  So, improving!



                            Decided to rest today, the cold/wind is crazy.  Plus I was only planning a couple of miles to stay loose for the race tomorrow.  I'll do some warmups in the house and call it good.


                            Stay warm everyone!


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              I have the day off today for a doctor's appointment (routine) and also because over the holidays off-and-on, I worked  a total of 25 hours at the office to help make sure our office team would not be too far behind when everyone came back to work, so I've accrued some "comp time" hours, nice.  So I slept in a bit today.


                              Today is a non-run day after 3 days in a row of running. Tuesday, I did 5 miles of hills, hills, and some more hills.  New Year's Day I did the Cobweb Chaser 5K (report  and photos are on the main page somewhere) and Thursday,  I did 3.5 mile easy recovery run/walk.  And then went home and watched the Sugar Bowl and was very happy to see Oklahoma defeat Alabama, yeah, baby!


                              As for the Cobweb Chaser, our running club photographer and historian, Tom, always does a great job doing a slide show with all our club events.   Here is a link to the show: .   Tom caught me on course in a couple of them:





                              And with one of my good buds, Bill, post-race.

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                                Morning everyone!


                                I feel like we have a contest here and I must participate... -27F with the winds. Dangerous driving conditions due to ice. See: I'm no wimp, I live here! But I ran a beautiful and serene 10 progression miles ending at MP, 7:59 average. Temperature in the garage: 50F, exactly.  Ok, you can all call me a wimp. Or a smart lady. 


                                We have a guest from Toronto sleeping over tonight. I need to tidy up the house and prepare the guest room (which has become more like a storage room since DD left home). Lots of work, but off work again today, so it's all good.

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
