Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


    I haven't run since March 25th with what I thought was a stress fracture.  I went to the orthopedist yesterday and he confirmed it - stress fracture of the left foot at the top of my 4th metatarsal. 


    Okay so you were right but how the hell did it happen?


    Caretaker/Overlook Hotel


      Okay so you were right but how the hell did it happen?


      I'll take "Running Multiple Miles Daily", for $500, Alex!  


      It's like with all of us that end up injured......It's nothing really done any differently per se, except that the perfect storm hits when there's just the slightest dip in any physical deficiency & "presto"......what we've been doing for weeks, months or even years prior, just catches us out.


      I hate it, but I don't know if I'd trade the best shape of my life last fall for it. (shrug)


      Love the Half


        Okay so you were right but how the hell did it happen?


        I have a fairly good idea.


        If you look at my mileage from January, February, and March, it isn't out of the ordinary.  Indeed, it's below what I would normally run in that period of time.  Nor was I doing super hard workouts.  I was in Phase II of a Daniels 5K-15K plan and that's not terribly difficult.  What was unusual was this crazy winter we had that caused me to be insanely inconsistent.  Mileage went like this:















        I think the lack of consistent mileage over 50 mpw did me in.

        Short term goal: 17:59 5K

        Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

        Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


        Refurbished Hip

          I guess I can officially take myself of the list at this point.  Today I had my first run since November 1, 2013.  For those who may not recall, I tripped on a curb on the first run of my 3 week taper prior to the Philly marathon.  Tore my right hamstring, a complete annulment.  Two weeks later had surgery to reattach, crutches for 6 weeks.  I have been fully mobile and unrestricted since January.


          That's awesome! Now get outta here and don't come back!


          And soon as we lose someone, we gain another...sorry to hear about your sfx, Brad.

          Running is dumb.


          Former Bad Ass

            Great news, forouta!


            LTH, sorry about the injury.


            Get well, folks.


            Will run for scenery.

              4/5 - Yay for recovery ! It sounds like some gruesome stuff you went through.


              LtH : I hope you like the bike, b/c swimming in a boot doesn't sound fun    I'm sorry to hear about the SFX.  But it surprises me.  I would think that with years of running, a few months of variable miles wouldn't be that dangerous. At least you caught it in time and got it diagnosed.


              AFM, I'm feeling like the AT has at least stopped getting worse and may actually be improving a smidge.

              Stupid feet!

              Stupid elbow!

              Love the Half

                So, I hit the bike for 45 minutes last night and just got out of the pool after 30 minutes.  The boot is removable.  I'm going to try to do doubles most days with 30 minutes of swimming in the morning and 45 minutes on the bike in the afternoon.  What I have discovered is that my swimming and biking muscles are not strong enough to let me maintain my normal easy run heartrate of 140 or so.  I can't maintain any effort over about 120-130.  Aerobically I'm fine but the muscles won't do it.

                Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

                From the Internet.

                  So, I hit the bike for 45 minutes last night and just got out of the pool after 30 minutes.  The boot is removable.  I'm going to try to do doubles most days with 30 minutes of swimming in the morning and 45 minutes on the bike in the afternoon.  What I have discovered is that my swimming and biking muscles are not strong enough to let me maintain my normal easy run heartrate of 140 or so.  I can't maintain any effort over about 120-130.  Aerobically I'm fine but the muscles won't do it.


                  Try pool running! Huge, huge staple for maintaining fitness as an injured runner. I spent a lot of time running in the pool last year while recovering from shin splints and building back from square one - I didn't have a big base to begin with, so I came out of the pool with better aerobic fitness than when I started. This is a good introduction to it.

                  Hip Redux

                    Water running is a good workout.  I get funny looks from people though.



                    Healed Hammy

                      LTH:  How did you make out with your piriformis issue earlier?  Did it go away or was it something else?

                      From the Internet.

                        Water running is a good workout.  I get funny looks from people though.


                        I was often in a lane next to Ivy League varsity runners doing the same thing, so it made me feel a little less silly Smile In general it's pretty awkward looking though.

                        Love the Half


                          Try pool running! Huge, huge staple for maintaining fitness as an injured runner. I spent a lot of time running in the pool last year while recovering from shin splints and building back from square one - I didn't have a big base to begin with, so I came out of the pool with better aerobic fitness than when I started. This is a good introduction to it.


                          Can't do it.  I tried it for a bit in the pool this morning after I finished swimming.  When you run, you push off with your toe.  The forward roll onto my toe is what aggravates it.

                          Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                          Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                          Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

                          Hip Redux

                            You shouldn't be pushing off anything - it's deep water swimming.


                            Love the Half

                              You shouldn't be pushing off anything - it's deep water swimming.


                              OK.  Now that I looked it up I see what you are saying.  Oh well, I swam 30 minutes this morning and hit the cycle in the fitness center for 45 minutes this afternoon.  If I thought I was going to be laid up for a long time, I might invest in an aqua jogger.  As it is, I will hopefully be back to running in 2-3 weeks.  OTOH, I see article's point about being able to work hard nearly every time because it's zero impact.  I might look at getting one anyway for those days when I'm not injured but just "tweaked" enough to force me to take a few days off.  Hmmmm.

                              Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                              Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                              Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

                              Slymoon Runs

                              race obsessed


                                Can't do it.  I tried it for a bit in the pool this morning after I finished swimming.  When you run, you push off with your toe.  The forward roll onto my toe is what aggravates it.


                                Yup, I tried it a couple of years back and made that mistake.  Made *huge* wake back and forth across the pool and managed to peel all the skin off my toes *all of them*.