Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Refurbished Hip


    Or the time I signed up for four races in December 2013 to get the early bird discounts - thinking this hip thing was only going to get better from there on out! I ended up DNSing every single one of them in 2014.  FFS 


    LOL.  Hey, that's what I did this year!  I got Black Friday deals for this spring.  DNS, DNS, DNS.  Is there a labrum in my foot too?    Are you still running now that your other hip is hurting?

    Running is dumb.

    Hip Redux


      LOL.  Hey, that's what I did this year!  I got Black Friday deals for this spring.  DNS, DNS, DNS.  Is there a labrum in my foot too?    Are you still running now that your other hip is hurting?


      Well, I coulda told you to not do that lol


      I am trying to keep up with a few times/week running, so long as it doesn't get too grumpy.   Though I haven't done anything in a week because of this stupid cold.   You'd think the rest would help but my hip still hurts 



      Super B****

        Can I still come here if I'm hopelessly unfixable??  (I am.  Doctor said that I can run as long as I can stand the pain.  To me that sounds like, "I don't know what to do to make it better so just suck it up and deal with it.")

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          Or the time I signed up for four races in December 2013 to get the early bird discounts - thinking this hip thing was only going to get better from there on out! I ended up DNSing every single one of them in 2014.  FFS 


          I would cry if that happened: try to save money, and end up wasting it.


            Thought you guys might appreciate this Big grin


            At least he went to the doctor's Big grin


            Refurbished Hip

              I'm going to drag this thread back up.  Anyone ever had a stress fracture in their metatarsal?   I'm currently waiting on X-Ray results. 

              Running is dumb.

              Singer who runs a smidge

                Sorry to hear this!!


                I graduated from PT ... I have an hour-long routine now that I do 5 days per week, and I've been cleared to start (from scratch of course) running again.  Now if I could just catch a break in the weather ...

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                Refurbished Hip

                  I'm going to drag this thread back up.  Anyone ever had a stress fracture in their metatarsal?   I'm currently waiting on X-Ray results. 


                  Negative.  So I guess it's MRI time next.  Again.


                  Congrats on graduating from PT and getting the green light, HopesMom!  Fall will be here soon enough with some gorgeous running weather!

                  Running is dumb.



                    Negative.  So I guess it's MRI time next.  Again.


                    Congrats on graduating from PT and getting the green light, HopesMom!  Fall will be here soon enough with some gorgeous running weather!


                    I was going to say.. it's almost better to have a stress fracture because then there is an easy answer for fixing it.  Good luck.

                    Hip Redux


                      Negative.  So I guess it's MRI time next.  Again.


                      Congrats on graduating from PT and getting the green light, HopesMom!  Fall will be here soon enough with some gorgeous running weather!


                      Sometimes stress fractures are only seen on MRIs, no?  Ugh.    What are the other possibilities that it could be?




                        Sometimes stress fractures are only seen on MRIs, no?  Ugh.    What are the other possibilities that it could be?


                        Only if they are brand new.But Mandy has been dealing with this for awhile.


                        Refurbished Hip


                          Only if they are brand new. But Mandy has been dealing with this for awhile.


                          Right, which is why I am super confused.  I haven't run in almost 2 months.  So if I didn't have a stress fracture and something was inflamed, you would think it would be improving by now.   But then if it was a stress fracture, I would think it would have showed up on the X-Ray.


                          I give up.  Just chop off my foot and my hips.

                          Running is dumb.


                            When dealing with my stupid left shin, I was told that stress fractures mostly show up on x-ray after they have healed. Otherwise, an MRI was the only way to be sure.


                            There are exceptions to that though so take it for what it's worth.


                            No advice but hoping you get an answer so you can do what needs to be done to heal.

                            Hip Redux


                              Right, which is why I am super confused.  I haven't run in almost 2 months.  So if I didn't have a stress fracture and something was inflamed, you would think it would be improving by now.   But then if it was a stress fracture, I would think it would have showed up on the X-Ray.


                              I give up.  Just chop off my foot and my hips.


                              When's the MRI?  Maybe we can be MRI buddies.  Mine's thursday.



                              Refurbished Hip


                                When's the MRI?  Maybe we can be MRI buddies.  Mine's thursday.


                                Mine's not scheduled yet.  I'm supposed to be in an aircast right now, but I told my doctor I was going camping up North this weekend and wasn't going to start wearing it until Monday.  She wants to know how I'm feeling later in the week, so we'll probably end up scheduling it then.  So you get to go first!


                                Thanks, LRB.  I hope it's as simple as a stress fracture.  I could use a simple injury this time around.

                                Running is dumb.