Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Super B****

    *sigh*  ITBS is making a comeback!  It's always something!!

    (But my mantra is still that's better than another stress fracture.)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    Hip Redux

      *sigh*  ITBS is making a comeback!  It's always something!!

      (But my mantra is still that's better than another stress fracture.)


      Boo.  Have you tried self-graston?    I find it helpful when my ITBS acts up.  That and hanging out in the pigeon pose after I run...



      Super B****


        Boo.  Have you tried self-graston?    I find it helpful when my ITBS acts up.  That and hanging out in the pigeon pose after I run...


        I did, but I guess I'm not aggressive enough??  I did manage to cause some impressive bruises but my knee still hurts!!

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog

        Hip Redux


          I did, but I guess I'm not aggressive enough??  I did manage to cause some impressive bruises but my knee still hurts!!


          Crap.  Sad   I'd say if you are bruising that you were aggressive enough lol  (I bruised myself rolling last night... I didn't think that was even possible)



            For those of you forced to stop running completely because of an injury, I thought I would share this: After a two month lay off, with zero running, I went back to it with 35 miles the first week (it was so hard!) to 60 miles three weeks later, then maintained a 60 mile average over the next 3 weeks (35-55-60-62-66 and 63). So, getting back to my previous mileage was not too difficult, but I'm still a good 20 seconds behind in my tempo pace and sadly for me, what used to feel like an easy pace must now be called a goal marathon pace. Intervals are definitely the hardest at this point, and long runs still seem daunting (mostly the mental aspect). I managed a few 17 milers in the first weeks, but I totally failed an 18 miler last weekend. It was very important yesterday for me to complete my 18 miler (important for my confidence), and I managed 20, so I was very happy about it.


            I've accepted the fact that I'm about 3 marathons removed from my Boston PR (like I'm back to last year's level) and that it will be a while before I am back to my '13 Spring level, if ever. I'm just very happy to have gone from pure pain (not even being able to walk properly) and no running at all for two months, to running 60 miles per week with some tempo miles. I now realize what 5 years of training cycles has done to me. Going back to it, though somewhat a bit painful the first weeks, felt like something very natural to me. I'm so happy to have been granted this chance. I wish you all the same happiness. Do not lose hope!

            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              I haven't checked in here for some time an thought I'd give an update, maybe it will help the next victim. I've been dealing with PF, like Lily, and my approach was different. I took 2 weeks completely off, then reduced my miles from the 35/wk range, down to 10/wk or less. I did all the usual, but started getting noticeable results when I started sleeping in a night splint and taking anti inflammatories. I did 17 miles last week and should be able to get back into the 30's soon, like within the next 2-3 weeks.

              Hip Redux

                 Do not lose hope!


                Smile  Thanks.   I'll be thrilled if I am ever able to hit 35 mpw without breaking down, let alone coming back from injury!



                  Add me to the DL.....


                  Stress fracture at the base of the 5th metatarsal on my left foot (the torn tendon earlier this year was my right foot).    No idea how it happened or even when.   Very frustrating.  3 to 4 weeks in a walking cast, unless the fracture breaks completely (which she said could happen if I'm not careful).....



                  But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                  Hip Redux

                    Add me to the DL.....


                    Stress fracture at the base of the 5th metatarsal on my left foot (the torn tendon earlier this year was my right foot).    No idea how it happened or even when.   Very frustrating.  3 to 4 weeks in a walking cast, unless the fracture breaks completely (which she said could happen if I'm not careful).....




                    Oh no!!  Didn't you just get out of a walking cast?  Ugh, Pink!  Sad




                      Oh no!!  Didn't you just get out of a walking cast?  Ugh, Pink!  Sad


                      Yes, I've been out of the cast on my other leg for about 8 weeks now.....    So aggravating!

                      But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                      Will run for scenery.

                        Wow, Sarah, that really sucks.  I hope the 3-4 weeks zip by.

                        Stupid feet!

                        Stupid elbow!

                        Hip Redux


                          Yes, I've been out of the cast on my other leg for about 8 weeks now.....    So aggravating!


                          Jeepers.   Is there any connection - put too much strain on the other foot when the first foot was healing?  Man, you've had some bad luck.  Sad


                            I had my foot surgery Monday. My follow up is next Tuesday, but everything seems so good so far. 

                            5k - 25:15 (11/18/12)

                            10k - 1:01:51 (2/14/15)

                            10mi - 1:33:18 (3/2/14)

                            HM - 2:06:12 (3/24/13)


                            Upcoming Races:

                            Benched until further notice. :/


                            Everything you need is already inside. [[Bill Bowerman]]


                              I had my foot surgery Monday. My follow up is next Tuesday, but everything seems so good so far. 


                              That is a cool looking cat.  Recover well, I want more of your race reports!

                              Hip Redux

                                What happened?  Did I miss it?   Your kitty is cute though!


                                I had my foot surgery Monday. My follow up is next Tuesday, but everything seems so good so far.