Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Will run for scenery.

    Mmmmm....  Catfights and ice cream....


    I was just dropping in to offer some sympathy and encouragement.  My somewhat limited experience on the DL has taught me two things : 1)  You get far more wrong diagnoses than correct ones, so don't get discouraged - be persistent !  and 2)  Strength training really can make a world of difference (in some cases, of course).  I thought I was gonna need knee surgery (Dr. Google) and was terrified of even going to consult a real doctor.  Strengthened my quads at the gym and my knees are fantastic.


    Anyway, hang in there gimps.  Looking forward to your RRs !

    Stupid feet!

    Stupid elbow!


    Refurbished Hip


      I have seriously considered how to graston my groin.


      You have no idea how much experience I have with Graston and my groin...  Big grin


      And yeah, I've basically been injured for the past 13 months.  My level of frustration is higher than the top of the scale.

      Running is dumb.

      Hip Redux


        You have no idea how much experience I have with Graston and my groin...  Big grin



        Was this torture something you did to yourself or went to someone for?


        13 months is brutal.  I was out for a good year and the mental anguish of being in pain for that long was so incredibly defeating. Sad




          Was this torture something you did to yourself or went to someone for?


          13 months is brutal.  I was out for a good year and the mental anguish of being in pain for that long was so incredibly defeating. Sad


          Could you exercise in any way during that time? I found that cycling and lifting, while I couldn't run, helped me stay somewhat sane. I was hating every minute of it, though. I think it helped me stay focused on my physio therapy and all the icing I did. I'm so happy I don't have to torture my butt on that bike seat anymore. Why can't they invent some cushy velvety bike seat?

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Refurbished Hip


            Was this torture something you did to yourself or went to someone for?


            13 months is brutal.  I was out for a good year and the mental anguish of being in pain for that long was so incredibly defeating. Sad


            I saw my chiro for groin pain and had Graston/ART done.  15 appointments over the course of Feb-May.  I think I can transcend pain after that.  Holy shit.  It helped for a short time, but my pain came back.  Right now I can bike, but my running practically non-existent.  I need to go back to the doctor and get a different MRI.  I'm convinced something is torn or there's something going on in my socket there.

            Running is dumb.


              Well I won't belabor this thread too much with the nature of my current injury, since I have probably already worn out my welcome with my incessant whining in the Dailies. I have not had too much injury experience other than general nagging aches & pains, mainly because I have not been running as long as many of you. But this is not making me any more optimistic, reading about everyone's mis-diagnoses, extended downtimes, infinite PT/treatment sessions, and repeated relapses of the same injury.



              Hip Redux

                Well I won't belabor this thread too much with the nature of my current injury, since I have probably already worn out my welcome with my incessant whining in the Dailies. I have not had too much injury experience other than general nagging aches & pains, mainly because I have not been running as long as many of you. But this is not making me any more optimistic, reading about everyone's mis-diagnoses, extended downtimes, infinite PT/treatment sessions, and repeated relapses of the same injury.



                Misery loves company.  Pull up a seat!



                Refurbished Hip

                  Well I won't belabor this thread too much with the nature of my current injury, since I have probably already worn out my welcome with my incessant whining in the Dailies. I have not had too much injury experience other than general nagging aches & pains, mainly because I have not been running as long as many of you. But this is not making me any more optimistic, reading about everyone's mis-diagnoses, extended downtimes, infinite PT/treatement sessions, and repeated relapses of the same injury.



                  Dave, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I had a different injury where I took 4 weeks off from running and then went and ran a 50 mile race like 10 days later and was totally fine.  (I don't recommend this, but I did it anyway and it ended up okay.)  Not all injuries are doomed to be horrible.

                  Running is dumb.


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    No recent injuries, thank goodness.  However, my spinal arthritis and degenerative disk disease flared up actively in 2003 and I have some hip issues now too - and my docs told me for years all this would eventually happen, probably when I got into my 40s and 50s, due to the birth defect I had  - so I deal with that issue every day now, and will for the rest of my life.  I have an exercise and strengthening regimen I have to do regularly and am limited in what activities I can do because of this stupid back of mine and with my hips, I cannot get into certain positions at all.  Some days are bad - feels like I'm moving in slow motion - but thankfully, with good physical therapy and staying active, and periodic injections in my spinal area, I have more good days than bad ones.


                    Have had a few injuries in the past that put me on the bench for a while in my 30-years of running. In somewhat chronological order (earliest to latest)


                    cancer surgery

                    knee surgery (have had 4 of them)

                    plantar fasciitis (cortisone injections hurt like hell!)

                    melanoma surgery

                    minor back surgery

                    bilateral hernia surgery

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                    You Rang?

                      I'm currently suffering thorugh a hamstring/sciatic like pain.  It hurts to sit and it really hurts to drive a car.  Doctor says it isn't a running related injury and "if it doesn't hurt to run, then run".  Since it only hurts when I sit, I kept running.


                      The problem is that it wasn't until I stopped running did this sciatic/hamstring pain lessen.  So i've been spending lots of time in the pool and am freaking out about my upcoming September 1 goal race.  The butt pain is healing and If the healing progression holds, I should be back out on the streets late next week.


                      But I've mentally dismissed the possibility of running a sub two hour half marathon on September.  Sigh




                      PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


                        Sending healing vibes to all!


                        I finished my first half on a gimpy kneecap that was causing patellar tendonitis.  Resting didn't help, but my PT finally figured out that taping the kneecap in place pretty much fixed the issue, I guess along with doing the assigned exercises.  I wore the tape full time for a week, then just when I ran, and now am trying to wean myself back off of it.


                        No trouble at all from the knee at the moment (knock on wood), but base building all over again still kinda sucks.


                          I'm currently suffering thorugh a hamstring/sciatic like pain.  It hurts to sit and it really hurts to drive a car.

                          Although currently I am not having a problem with it, I have dealt with that off and on for the past couple of years.  That searing pain hurts like a mofo, but I usually just reposition my leg or stand up and it goes away.


                          If it is what I have, it should not have any bearing on your ability to race.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Lurch, one thing that has helped my sciatica/hamstring issues is consistently going to my chiro.  My massage therapist works with the area every 1-2 weeks and it helps tremendously.  My hamstring/sciatica issues are caused by my psoas.



                              Lurch, one thing that has helped my sciatica/hamstring issues is consistently going to my chiro.  My massage therapist works with the area every 1-2 weeks and it helps tremendously.  My hamstring/sciatica issues are caused by my psoas.

                              Mine got better after a massage as fact, that may be why it does not bother me anymore duh!


                                Oh, I forgot, total time from injury until now was 3 months.