Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Caretaker/Overlook Hotel



    Try not running for about 2 months!!  (Well, I've done a few 2 mile stints on the Tmill but I know my doc would rather I not)


    But I'll still give you sympathy.  And not to be a downer......BUT.....don't beat yourself up if you can't run Boston.  Whether at all, or partly or whatever.  I've done that to myself already (well, not Boston but other races) and it's not worth it.  If you had could WALK Boston or even cruise up & just walk the last few miles or whatever......just don't beat yourself up over it.  The hardest race in this whole game is the 6" distance between the ears!!!!!!


    P.S.  to Oski......I literally have 4 different Y's around me & only ONE has a pool & it's outside.   


    Going to check in with a current LA fitness a town over who, I know, *USED* to have a pool when I went there about 20 years ago & it was called "Holiday Health Spa" (anybody remember those?).  I recall I never used to use the pool & even laughed at those who did while I was over in the weight room banging it out w/ my macho 60lb dumbbells.   (ahh the male ego).  If they would let me do a "pool only" deal, I'd be willing to give them a few bucks.  We'll see.  Maybe, if I'm forced to, I'd steal some time on their ellipticals too, but the thought of rejoining a gym after 20 years is almost gut wrenching to me. 



    Skirt Runner

      Redrum finding a pool took a ton of effort for me. There are pools around but a lot of them are really expensive, don't have public open swim (some of the high schools around let different community programs use their pool but you can't just go swim, which sucks cuz there is a HS with a pool 8 blocks from my apartment!), or the hours of open or lap swim don't coordinate with my work schedule, but I FINALLY found one that I could join that isn't SO expensive ($35/month). The closest Y to me doesn't have a pool, and the closest one with a pool doesnt have hours that work for me, so a Y wasn't an option for me either. What I ended up finding is a Jewish Community Center. The fact that I suck at swimming is now the new battle.

      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to




        Try not running for about 2 months!!  (Well, I've done a few 2 mile stints on the Tmill but I know my doc would rather I not)


        But I'll still give you sympathy.  And not to be a downer......BUT.....don't beat yourself up if you can't run Boston.  Whether at all, or partly or whatever.  I've done that to myself already (well, not Boston but other races) and it's not worth it.  If you had could WALK Boston or even cruise up & just walk the last few miles or whatever......just don't beat yourself up over it.  The hardest race in this whole game is the 6" distance between the ears!!!!!!


        P.S.  to Oski......I literally have 4 different Y's around me & only ONE has a pool & it's outside.   


        Going to check in with a current LA fitness a town over who, I know, *USED* to have a pool when I went there about 20 years ago & it was called "Holiday Health Spa" (anybody remember those?).  I recall I never used to use the pool & even laughed at those who did while I was over in the weight room banging it out w/ my macho 60lb dumbbells.   (ahh the male ego).  If they would let me do a "pool only" deal, I'd be willing to give them a few bucks.  We'll see.  Maybe, if I'm forced to, I'd steal some time on their ellipticals too, but the thought of rejoining a gym after 20 years is almost gut wrenching to me. 

        I think this is the most compelling thing that is happening right now. If I did not have a race involved as big as this, I would be ok with taking some time off. Its still early so I'm trying not to freak out and I technically have only taken 6 days off so far of running. I have had longer stretches of injury with an entire year off from running when I herniated a disc in my back. That is one pain I will never forget and I fear any type of sciatica like symptoms whenever they come on. The only thing that fixed that was a microdiscectomy, but I got back to running fine afterwards and progressed even further than I thought I would in terms of miles run. I have sort-of an idea of what is going on, but will know more after my PT appointment. 

        I hope you are able to do at least something. I actually enjoy swimming. It is a very good skill to have when injured. The lessons I paid for were so worth the investment. Good luck with finding a pool.


        Edited to add that the cutoff for Boston is 6.5 hours. LOL. Even if I walked some. I'd at least be able to experience it. Its still way too early to talk like that right??

        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


        Skirt Runner

          Yes Hilary don't worry about Boston have so much time!


          My brother has a herniated disc and I know how much pain he is in all the time so I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I hope that's not what's happening again!!

          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


            Yes Hilary don't worry about Boston have so much time!


            My brother has a herniated disc and I know how much pain he is in all the time so I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I hope that's not what's happening again!!

            Kristin it feels like its coming from my SI joint. Yes having a herniated disc is not a pain I would wish on my own worst enemy.

            Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 




              Try not running for about 2 months!!  (Well, I've done a few 2 mile stints on the Tmill but I know my doc would rather I not)


              It sucks, no doubt about it.


              Hang in there peeps and Merry Christmas!


                Hilary - can you walk?  Even if running stresses the joint too much, I often find that walking helps relax the back muscles.  I get sciatica on long drives, and, if not for the hiking we do, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere.


                  Hilary - can you walk?  Even if running stresses the joint too much, I often find that walking helps relax the back muscles.  I get sciatica on long drives, and, if not for the hiking we do, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere.


                  Yes. Walking and moving around actually feel much better than sitting does. I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday on my feet without any problem. I'm feeling optimistic that its an SI thing and I will need to be adjusted. One of those things that just remind us to stretch, strengthen, and be open minded and not so attached to this running thing. LOL. PFFFTTT! 

                  Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                  Hip Redux

                    Yeah, I have managed to herniate multiple discs, and L4/L5 multiple times - I think it was that, you'd know!  Lots of stuff causes sciatica, but the good thing is most of the time, the conservative treatment/PT is very much the same for them.  Hopefully PT gets you going in the right direction soon!


                    I am starting to wonder if road surface isn't part of my problem - it seems that ever since I went 100% to trails/rail trails/TM for my running, the groin is much better.  But Sunday I was on a paved trail and it started bothering me again.   I had been thinking it was the camber around here (and that certainly does play a factor) but this trail is umcambered and I was still having some issues.   Don't know what to make of it.



                      Oski- Its difficult to tell in regards to the road surface being a problem. Personally, I will always be a road runner. I have adjusted my runs to where I'm running against traffic and running with traffic on my out and backs to switch sides. I live in the country so most of the time, I'm able to have the road to myself and run in the center of the road.


                      Good news! I'm getting into PT today for my initial evaluation and it feels somewhat better today. At least I don't have to wait all weekend to start therapy! Will check back later.

                      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Damn. I was hoping I would never have to post on this thread! I have to take two weeks off because of PF. The doc said if I want it to heal I need to stop running, not even a few easy runs a week, and stretch my calf five times a day. This is killing me. I already feel like I have put on weight and I want to start another marathon cycle at the end of January. Hopefully, the time off will do me good.  Damn.


                          Damn. I was hoping I would never have to post on this thread! I have to take two weeks off because of PF.


                          The hardest part (for me anyway) is accepting it in my head.  Once I do that, and I have a tentative date, I am pretty much biding my time....and putting on the L B's!


                          With my last issue, I had no target date so it was a little a lot tougher.  But everyone handles it differently as you have no doubt seen on these here groups and forums.

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            LRB: I get it. I have already gone through the levels of acceptance (or whatever it's called). Denial, anger, depression, LOL!  It's all good. I am so OCD with my running that I won't dare go against the doc's orders. Hopefully, the time off will do some good. Next week DW and I are going to Laughlin, NV and we are going to drink Bloody Marries and play Bingo to our heart's content. If I put on a few pounds I won't be happy, but I will be back, hopefully stronger. LET'S DO THIS!!  Smile


                              LRB: I get it. I have already gone through the levels of acceptance (or whatever it's called). Denial, anger, depression, LOL!


                              You are ahead of the game then, I am similar though in that once it becomes evident that I should not or cannot run, acceptance becomes palatable.


                              Up until then though I will take Motrin, wear straps, put lifts in my shoes, wear ace bandages or one of a million things to run!  lol  So when did all of this go down?  You were fine for your race so afterwards?

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                I have had mildly off and on for about a year, nothing serious. I was fine for my race and then it got worse during my recovery, of all things. The doc said PF is a weird condition and there is no exact cause or cure. Basically, it's different for just about everyone.