Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


    Hey all,


    Oski, way to make it through your MRI. I had 2 of my brain a few years ago and I don't remember it bothering me. But it was so hard to stay still for my recent shin one! Maybe because it lasted an hour instead of the projected 1/2 hour. Can't wait to hear what they say.


    Hilary, glad to hear you're doing so well and feeling so pumped.


    I am a fekking mess. My depression is through the roof. Part of it is other icky circumstances, but a chunk is because the winter is getting loooong and running is my thing and the way I bond with the outdoors. I hate going without it. I'm shooting myself in the foot by letting my depression prevent me from doing what I'm supposed to do, too. I swam a few times but HATED it, so I decided to switch to the bike slightly early today. Dragged myself to the gym for 30 minutes on a resistance of 1. I didn't even break a sweat! Man, I hate running. I followed up by doing some PT exercises before stretching and a little bit of foam rolling. I hate this. Hate it! Physical therapy starts next week...

    Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

    Hip Redux

      Obie Sad



      Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

        Obie......hang tough a little longer.  Improvement is inevitable!!   The weather is already getting better!!




          Obie- The depression sucks. I'm still dealing with it myself. It sucks when you can do what you're used to doing. I'm trying to keep busy with other things as a distraction. Hopefully once the weather warms up it will get better for everyone.  Keep swimming and doing your stretches.

          Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

          Hip Redux

            Hey, good luck tomorrow, Damaris!!



            Skirt Runner

              I couldn't play "guess that MRI" when I got mine for my foot in December because I wasn't allowed to see them! The imaging center would ONLY release them to the referring physician and I had no right to them. Why? Because they didn't want patients self-diagnosing on Google. How did they know I was going to do that??

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

              Will run for scenery.

                Obie, sorry to hear it.  A couple of things to keep in mind.  The big one : knowing that you are depressed is a huge plus.  There is something going on that is stopping you from feeling good, but that possibility of feeling good is very real.  Find some way to pump some endorphins into your system and you will feel a lift.


                The other is to keep in mind that any substitute for running will take a while to get used to.  Your body has to adapt to it, and you have to learn some new technique.  Especially with swimming, technique is huge !  It may feel like you are just flailing and going nowhere, but if you learn a little about form you will see very big gains.


                Hang in there !

                Stupid feet!

                Stupid elbow!


                  Some things that have helped me with depression is surrounding myself around friends and loved ones during this time. The worst thing that you can do is isolate yourself. Its isolating enough to feel "out of the running loop." Get out of the house. Keep busy with work or other projects. Its been eight weeks since I've run, and I'm sorta miserable, but I try and be thankful for the things I can do. 

                  Heck, its snowing here right now, and for the fun of it, I got into the snow and made a snow angel. Felt pretty darn good, just to be in the moment and let the melting snow hit my face. I went on a walk with a friend yesterday at the reservoir that I normally run in. It will get better. What I'm learning from this layoff, is that it is so important to not depend on running so much. Its hard and its a struggle for me everyday, but someday, I may not be able to do it. I'm just preparing myself for if and when that day comes. Most importantly is don't give up hope.

                  Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                  Hip Redux

                    Ortho appt this morning - I have a torn labrum.




                    Now the question is where to have the surgery done.  Apparently, the CT doctors that do hip labrum surgery use the debridement option, and my doctor feels that I need a repair with my age and being active.    So he's looking at sending me either to NYC or Boston.


                    I was flustered leaving the house this morning trying to be sure I left early enough to make it to the appt in the snow that I forgot the disk of images.    Report says I don't have an FAI impingement, but he wanted to see for himself before making that call.  Maybe the silver lining here, if I don't need the FAI repair.





                    delicate flower

                      Ortho appt this morning - I have a torn labrum.



                      God dammit.  Sad


                      So what kind of time frame are we looking at for surgery, rehab, and recovery?  Too early to tell?


                      Hip Redux


                        God dammit.  Sad


                        So what kind of time frame are we looking at for surgery, rehab, and recovery?  Too early to tell?


                        All I know at this point is what I have off the internet.  My ortho doesn't do this type of hip surgery, so that's why the referral elsewhere.   Looks like 2-3 months if just the labrum repair.  If I need the FAI repair, then it's like 6 months.


                        Mandy likely knows more since she's heading into surgery soon!



                        Super B****

                          Boo, Oski!!  I'm sorry

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Sorry to hear this Oski. Sad

                            Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                            delicate flower


                              All I know at this point is what I have off the internet.  My ortho doesn't do this type of hip surgery, so that's why the referral elsewhere.   Looks like 2-3 months if just the labrum repair.  If I need the FAI repair, then it's like 6 months.


                              Mandy likely knows more since she's heading into surgery soon!


                              Our races are more fun when you are a participant instead of a spectator.




                                Our races are more fun when you are a participant instead of a spectator.

                                I've decided to avoid races myself for now because I'm a bit bitter because I cannot participate. Its only normal and part of being injured. For me that is. I'm not going to the st. Pats race because of this. I'd just bring everyone down.

                                Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del.