Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Hip Redux


    Our races are more fun when you are a participant instead of a spectator.


    It would be awesome to have a year where all of us are un-injured!



    Refurbished Hip

      Ortho appt this morning - I have a torn labrum.




      Now the question is where to have the surgery done.  Apparently, the CT doctors that do hip labrum surgery use the debridement option, and my doctor feels that I need a repair with my age and being active.    So he's looking at sending me either to NYC or Boston.


      I was flustered leaving the house this morning trying to be sure I left early enough to make it to the appt in the snow that I forgot the disk of images.    Report says I don't have an FAI impingement, but he wanted to see for himself before making that call.  Maybe the silver lining here, if I don't need the FAI repair.






      I'm so sorry, Oski.  PM me about anything.  Also, from all the research I have done, it's very unlikely that your labrum tore for no reason.  Even if your imaging doesn't show the impingement, it doesn't mean it's not still there.  Especially since you have pain with the knee to your chest.


      Dr. Kelly at HSS is supposed to be one of the best in the US and he's in NYC.  Do not trust just any random surgeon to do this surgery.  You want someone experienced and who does many of these per year.


      Recovery for the FAI stuff is supposed to be long.  But we can go through this crap together!

      Running is dumb.


      delicate flower


        It would be awesome to have a year where all of us are un-injured!


        What does this do for San Francisco?



          Oh, Oski!   I'm so sorry to hear this!   Major bummer!    Hope you get the referral quickly and that they get you back in running form quickly!


          Now you and Madison Mandy are injury twins.....

          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

          Hip Redux




            I'm so sorry, Oski.  PM me about anything.  Also, from all the research I have done, it's very unlikely that your labrum tore for no reason.  Even if your imaging doesn't show the impingement, it doesn't mean it's not still there.  Especially since you have pain with the knee to your chest.


            Dr. Kelly at HSS is supposed to be one of the best in the US and he's in NYC.  Do not trust just any random surgeon to do this surgery.  You want someone experienced and who does many of these per year.


            Recovery for the FAI stuff is supposed to be long.  But we can go through this crap together!


            Yay, I have a labrum buddy. lol   I guess I'll have to figure out if insurance will cover me going out of state.  Dr. Kelly's credentials are impressive for sure.    And you're right,  they won't really know all the details until they actually get in there.


            I'm a little nervous about a long term rehab because with my back issues, if I am sedentary or if I do a lot of things I'm not used to, my back will generally be very unhappy.    I don't really need the fix for one problem to aggravate another.  Maybe I should go for the two-fer deal.  Fix my back and hip at the same time, get a discount?  Is that how it works?


            Hip Redux


              What does this do for San Francisco?


              I'm guessing I'm out for the half. 




                I'm guessing I'm out for the half. 


                But, in SF, if you're not running, you can eat a lot of totally yummy food (e.g. Ghiradelli chocolate or seafood or I was going to say sourdough bread, but I think you're a no gluten person so scratch that thought) while everyone else is running and think of all the wine you can drink while the others are hydrating with boring ole' water.....    When one door closes, another opens....     ;-)

                But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                  Oski, I'm sorry to hear that. I agree to do your research and find someone who really knows what they are doing to take care of you.


                    Thanks guys.


                    Oski, sucky news! Sorry to hear it.

                    Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                      Oski - I'm really sorry to hear you'll be needing surgery.  That really sucks.

                      Hip Redux

                        Thanks guys.  Smile


                        Funny to think the whole reason why I started this thread was for this damn hip injury.  85 pages later...



                          Sorry to hear this oski. 




                          Hip Redux

                            Comments from my mom today - You do too much working out.  It's from all your running and biking. You need to do less. Don't do keep beating yourself up.  How did you do this?  I'm sure it was from running.  It had to be running.



                            Comments from my dad:  "Eh, you'll be ok, you're young."





                              Comments from my mom today - You do too much working out.  It's from all your running and biking. You need to do less. Don't do keep beating yourself up.  How did you do this?  I'm sure it was from running.  It had to be running.



                              Comments from my dad:  "Eh, you'll be ok, you're young."




                              Everyone thinks that too much running was cause for my back herniation too. Its annoying. Ha. I got my cholesterol levels checked the other day. My HDL is 85 and Triglycerides are 34. I'd say the running and healthy lifestyle is paying off for something. When everyone else is at risk for heart disease for being sedentary and eating like shit, than I will say, "see its because you never moved your ass."


                              Feeling a bit sarcastic today.

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                              Caretaker/Overlook Hotel


                                Everyone thinks that too much running was cause for my back herniation too. Its annoying. Ha. I got my cholesterol levels checked the other day. My HDL is 85 and Triglycerides are 34. I'd say the running and healthy lifestyle is paying off for something. When everyone else is at risk for heart disease for being sedentary and eating like shit, than I will say, "see its because you never moved your ass."


                                Feeling a bit sarcastic today.




                                As I spent the 3 months awaiting whether or not I was going to have knee surgery I surmised that this was truly the end game in the matter..........Choose 1:


                                1.)  Orthopedic surgeon


                                2.)  Cardiologist


                                It's like there is no option for "neither".  You get to pick 1 or the other.  (unless you go to the narrow extreme of speed-walking and eating like a rabbit, which I realize is a possibility, just not my idea of "living").


                                So, I dunno.  Combne either with the added enjoyment of a possible "psychiatrist" and all they entail and you've got a life full of friends that will always be there for long as you have either insurance or $$$.


                                It's like a cool kinda' lose/lose situation where you.....well....lose, no matter what.  Kinda cool, right?  
