Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Super B****

    So I think I am going to treat myself to an MRI after Tel Aviv... it doesn't seem to matter what I do, this thing is just not going away, and I want to know what the hell is wrong.  (Even though I'm pretty sure the MRI won't show anything...)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    Hip Redux

      I guess I'll play in this thread since I won't be running for a while. I have a nice case of ITBS (both legs) that I stubbornly ran my first HM with on Sunday. Well I say "ran", it was more run 6 miles until I couldn't any more and walk/hobble for 7.1. Now my knees feel ok, I can at least walk around without them hurting, but the outside of the bottoms of both feet are KILLING right now. No doubt from said 7.1 miles of limping/hobbling.


      So yeah I feel pretty stupid, should have skipped it. I'll be doing lots of strength training, stretching, foam rolling all that good stuff for at least a month before I try to run again. Also cycling and swimming, to start getting ready for a couple of sprint triathlons this summer.


      Try graston or ART too.  That's what really keeps my ITBS at bay!


      Will run for scenery.

        So what are her exercises for runner's knee?  Inquiring minds want to know!


        One complaint I'm completely "cured" of is runner's knee.  Only one exercise, and if I don't do it the pain comes back.


        The magic bullet ? Leg extensions !


        It's a gym thing :  bar goes across your shins and you extend your lower legs from vertical to horizontal.  The absolute most important thing is to go slowly enough so you aren't "coasting" to the finish (i.e. cheating).  The last 10 degrees or so are done with the innermost of your 4 quadriceps muscles (vastus ?).  This muscle is not taxed very much by running, so in runners it is comparatively weak.  As a result, your kneecap gets pulled toward the outside and you feel pain.


        This really, really worked for me.  If only all my complaints could be fixed so easily...


        I hope this helps !

        Stupid feet!

        Stupid elbow!

        Hip Redux

          Ever since my MRA, the groin pain has been pretty constant.   At first I thought it was just the extra fluid from the injection, but it hasn't gone away.   And I swear I'm starting to get symptoms in the other hip now too, sort of sporadic pains.


          Maybe I'm just losing my mind.  



          Caretaker/Overlook Hotel


            One complaint I'm completely "cured" of is runner's knee.  Only one exercise, and if I don't do it the pain comes back.


            The magic bullet ? Leg extensions !


            What's funny is how much there is out there about how BAD leg exetnsions are for your knees.  I've always felt as though I was "strong" when I did extensions. (And leg curls to compliment the directional stress)  I would always hold my leg extensions for a second at the top just because I loved that feeling of a rock-hard rigid quad.  But, again, I was told to not do leg extensions to "save the knees". (shrug)


            BLUE ---  Remind me again for the bazillionth time what you're going to get the MRI for??   (I know you said in the NY race you & Kristen did & I just can't friggin' remember)



            Refurbished Hip

              Ever since my MRA, the groin pain has been pretty constant.   At first I thought it was just the extra fluid from the injection, but it hasn't gone away.   And I swear I'm starting to get symptoms in the other hip now too, sort of sporadic pains.


              Maybe I'm just losing my mind.  


              My very, very, very, very, VERY unscientific theory/guess is that when they stick that needle into your joint, it's possible that they hit the part of your labrum that's torn and very slightly jarred it.  I had one of the most painful runs I've ever had the day before my MRA.  After the MRA, I felt better.  I felt so much better that I seriously began to question why I was scheduling surgery.  Of course, it's only been downhill since then, but I do think getting that needle in there can sort of throw things oh so slightly off in there.  (In favor for me, not so much for you.)  So maybe the piece of your labrum that's torn is impinged more than it was before you had the MRA.  Again, I have nothing to back this up. 


              You're not losing your mind.  I also sometimes think that I feel pain on the other side and freak out.  Can you imagine going through this TWICE?  Fuck. That. Shit.  My doc told me that my good side actually looked worse on the X-ray. 

              Running is dumb.


                Huh. Leg extensions? My doc and PT told me that I have strong quads but a week butt, and that's the reason for most runner's knee, so no leg extensions for me. The exercises:


                1. Clamshells

                2. Side leg lifts, but with my hips tipped forward and my upper leg pulled back behind me, so I feel it in my butt instead of the side of my leg

                3. Squats and then lifting my heels one at a time for 5 seconds when I'm in the squat

                4. Pelvic bridges with one leg extended

                5. Lower ab stuff



                So what are her exercises for runner's knee?  Inquiring minds want to know!

                Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                Super B****

                  Huh. Leg extensions? My doc and PT told me that I have strong quads but a week butt, and that's the reason for most runner's knee, so no leg extensions for me. The exercises:


                  1. Clamshells

                  2. Side leg lifts, but with my hips tipped forward and my upper leg pulled back behind me, so I feel it in my butt instead of the side of my leg

                  3. Squats and then lifting my heels one at a time for 5 seconds when I'm in the squat

                  4. Pelvic bridges with one leg extended

                  5. Lower ab stuff




                  This sounds a lot like the ITB rehab stuff... no leg extensions mentioned anywhere there either.


                  redrum -- well, I don't know!!  That's why I want to get an MRI, because my leg will still hurt, but at least I'll know WHY.  (Top contenders are a fibular fracture and peroneal tendinitis.  The former seems unlikely, because I've run on fractures before [albeit pelvic], and it does not feel like that.)

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog

                  Singer who runs a smidge

                    Huh. Leg extensions? My doc and PT told me that I have strong quads but a week butt, and that's the reason for most runner's knee, so no leg extensions for me. The exercises:


                    1. Clamshells

                    2. Side leg lifts, but with my hips tipped forward and my upper leg pulled back behind me, so I feel it in my butt instead of the side of my leg

                    3. Squats and then lifting my heels one at a time for 5 seconds when I'm in the squat

                    4. Pelvic bridges with one leg extended

                    5. Lower ab stuff




                    From what I've read, runner's knee tends to come from a weak butt and/or hips.

                    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                    Hip Redux



                      You're not losing your mind.  I also sometimes think that I feel pain on the other side and freak out.  Can you imagine going through this TWICE?  Fuck. That. Shit.  My doc told me that my good side actually looked worse on the X-ray. 


                      Well that sucks.   Did they MRA the other side at all?


                      Hip Redux


                        From what I've read, runner's knee tends to come from a weak butt and/or hips.


                        I think almost everything is from weak glutes and hips!   Any time I have needed PT, it's always that.  Low back pain?  Weak hips.  ITBS?  Weak hips.   Groin pain?  Weak hips.


                        Maybe PT is in the pockets of exercise bands manufacturers. Tongue



                        Refurbished Hip


                          Well that sucks.   Did they MRA the other side at all?


                          No.  Until I have real pain (and not phantom going crazy random pains that probably aren't pains), I will live in blissful ignorance and hope that it never gives me trouble.

                          Running is dumb.

                          Will run for scenery.

                            Well, as the name "quads" or quadriceps implies, there are four different muscles or parts of the muscle.  The vastus medialis is the medial (inner, close to the center line) one. It attaches to the medial side of the kneecap. It is not strengthened very much by running. If the other parts of your quads are very strong compared to the v. medialis, your kneecap tends to get pulled slighly to the outside, which causes pain.


                            The point of doing leg extensions is not to lift a whole lot of weight or to make your quads stronger overall, but to focus on doing the final 10-20 degrees slowly and smoothly.  During that final portion of an extension, the v. medialis takes on most of the load.  If you do it right, at the end of 3 sets of 10 you can "feel the burn" in the lower end of the v. medialis just next to the kneecap.


                            I don't really do much sttength training, but after a friend (PhD in exercise physiology) explained it to me it sounded like this one was worth a try.  It certainly was.  It literally made my running-induced knee pain disappear.  When I let it slide for too long the pain comes back; then I do some leg extensions and the pain goes away again.


                            As a 50-year-old, I put up with various aches and pains, but fortunately knee pain is not one of them.


                            There are many reasons your knee might hurt as a result of running, but a weak vastus medialis is a classic one with a simple, complete fix.



                            Huh. Leg extensions? My doc and PT told me that I have strong quads but a week butt, and that's the reason for most runner's knee, so no leg extensions for me. The exercises:


                            1. Clamshells

                            2. Side leg lifts, but with my hips tipped forward and my upper leg pulled back behind me, so I feel it in my butt instead of the side of my leg

                            3. Squats and then lifting my heels one at a time for 5 seconds when I'm in the squat

                            4. Pelvic bridges with one leg extended

                            5. Lower ab stuff



                            Stupid feet!

                            Stupid elbow!


                            Caretaker/Overlook Hotel


                              This sounds a lot like the ITB rehab stuff... no leg extensions mentioned anywhere there either.


                              redrum -- well, I don't know!!  That's why I want to get an MRI, because my leg will still hurt, but at least I'll know WHY.  (Top contenders are a fibular fracture and peroneal tendinitis.  The former seems unlikely, because I've run on fractures before [albeit pelvic], and it does not feel like that.)


                              Periodontal what?  That's in your mouth!! 


                              Ahh.......ankle stuff!!  


                              Wish my ass luck tomorrow.  And I mean...MY ASS!!  Gonna ride circa 30 miles tomorrow on the bike!  It'll be my first ride on a riverbed trail that will have NO CARS (woohoo) on it!   But I'm so scared I even went & bought some of them douche bag biker shorts w/ the kotex-padded butt!  Then, because I'm so intelligent, I'm playing a double-header of full-court basketball games tomorrow night.


                              It's like I'm *trying* to earn back eligibility into this thread.  


                              Hip Redux

                                Anyone water running through injuries?  (I think Scap did through her sfx, anyone seen her lately?)   I had a quick session today and no groin pain and it really got my HR up like running.  I'm not exactly sure if I was doing it right but I figured a workout + no pain is good enough even if the form isn't perfect.