Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Hip Redux

    Anyone water running through injuries?  (I think Scap did through her sfx, anyone seen her lately?)   I had a quick session today and no groin pain and it really got my HR up like running.  I'm not exactly sure if I was doing it right but I figured a workout + no pain is good enough even if the form isn't perfect.


    Will run for scenery.

      I did some 3 summers ago.  Was good exercise, very low impact.  My only problem was boredom.  If I'm still having foot probs this summer (when college pool is empty and hours are wide open) I'll probably start again.  That and swimming.

      Stupid feet!

      Stupid elbow!


        Anyone water running through injuries?  (I think Scap did through her sfx, anyone seen her lately?)   I had a quick session today and no groin pain and it really got my HR up like running.  I'm not exactly sure if I was doing it right but I figured a workout + no pain is good enough even if the form isn't perfect. 


        I did some prior to my surgery and loved it. I am now sort-of in love with with elliptical machine. It definitely got my HR rate up. I only did it once though because I'm trying harder to practice my swimming technique.


        What are your plans on now with your injury?

        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

        Hip Redux


          I did some prior to my surgery and loved it. I am now sort-of in love with with elliptical machine. It definitely got my HR rate up. I only did it once though because I'm trying harder to practice my swimming technique.


          What are your plans on now with your injury?


          Other then whine incessantly about it?  

          Surgical consult is March 11.  I will know more then.  For now just trying to do what I can to keep moving.  I am setting  up a few PT sessions before surgery too.




            Other then whine incessantly about it?  

            Surgical consult is March 11.  I will know more then.  For now just trying to do what I can to keep moving.  I am setting  up a few PT sessions before surgery too.


            I whined incessantly until I could at least break a sweat on the elliptical. Now that I can do that I am a happy girl. I'm also running very short amounts right now, but not anything like before. I am ok with it though. I've learned a lot about myself with this injury.


            Good luck with the consult and do whatever you can to keep moving. Pt will help you look forward to getting better. It definitely does for me and I love it.

            Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


            Skirt Runner

              Ever since I tore my quad 5 years ago I can't do leg extensions. Too much torque....that is the only time that old injury acts up is when I try to do that exercise.

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Skirt Runner


                I whined incessantly until I could at least break a sweat on the elliptical. Now that I can do that I am a happy girl. I'm also running very short amounts right now, but not anything like before. I am ok with it though. I've learned a lot about myself with this injury.


                Good luck with the consult and do whatever you can to keep moving. Pt will help you look forward to getting better. It definitely does for me and I love it.


                I have whined enough about my foot injury that the whole staff at one of our major race organizations- NYC Runs- knows all about it and if I respond to something on their Facebook page, send an email correspondence about volunteering at a race, or see them at a race they always ask how my foot is. I met one of the staff for the first time at packet pickup yesterday and she recognized my name and said, "Oh YOU'RE Kristin! How does your foot feel? Are you gonna run the race?" 

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                Hip Redux

                  Oh Kristin lol


                  Will run for scenery.


                    I did some prior to my surgery and loved it. I am now sort-of in love with with elliptical machine. It definitely got my HR rate up. I only did it once though because I'm trying harder to practice my swimming technique.


                    Hillary, there's a wonderful book by Sheila Taormina (Olympic medalist) on swimming.  It's all about freestyle form.  She wrote it b/c she saw so many triathletes working so hard on their running/biking when their swimming was so horrible.  With swimming, tiny changes in form can gibe huge performance gains.  Her book helped me improve a lot, and it is very readable.

                    Stupid feet!

                    Stupid elbow!



                      Hillary, there's a wonderful book by Sheila Taormina (Olympic medalist) on swimming.  It's all about freestyle form.  She wrote it b/c she saw so many triathletes working so hard on their running/biking when their swimming was so horrible.  With swimming, tiny changes in form can gibe huge performance gains.  Her book helped me improve a lot, and it is very readable.

                      Thank you. I will have to look for it next time I'm at Barnes and Noble. I took lessons last winter. I had about 12 classes and it made a huge difference in my swimming.

                      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                        Wish my ass luck tomorrow.  And I mean...MY ASS!! 


                        Good luck ass. 


                        I never wore padded shorts back in my riding days, I just kind of dealt with it.


                        Super B****

                          I don't water run through injuries, I AlterG run through them... though there are some injuries where I can't even do that, since it's a motion that hurts, not the weight.  I'm not sure how that would translate to water running, though.


                          My doctor says an MRI won't tell me anything.  I had a second X-ray (the first one was six weeks ago), so now we can definitely rule out a stress fracture, which I could have told her without the X-ray.  It's not compartment syndrome because it's too low down on my leg, it's not a trapped nerve because it doesn't hurt in the right spot when pressure is applied, so... it's apparently the tendon.  (Which hurt a hell of a lot more once she was done poking and prodding, I might add.)


                          I've had peroneal tendinitis before.  Way down on the side of my foot, not this high up.  Anything I can find anywhere about peroneal tendinitis refers to it lower down, near the ankle.  Apparently I am, yet again, a medical freak. 

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog

                          You Rang?

                            Oski:  I'm sorry that you need surgery.  I trust that you can find the help that you need.


                            I've been pain free for about a week.  The doctor gave me a non-opoid anti-inflammatory drug with instructions to take them for the pain.  I think I've taken three of them.


                            The only remnants of the inflamed nerve is a tingling feeling on my back.  I'm not running, and I'm going back to the ortho next week.  In lieu of running, I'm doing a High Intensity Aerobic workout without the jumping components.  Since the pounding of running inflamed my spinal nerve, It's probably not a good idea to jump around.  I'm doing lots of core type work in this group:  Planks, push ups, sit ups, etc.  I think the combination of lack of core strength and the volume of training that I did for the marathon I ran (Pfitz's 18/55) caused my injury. Along with the non-jumping HIIT workout, I anticipate going to physical therapy to strengthen my back.


                            I've also come to something of an epiphany regarding my weight.  I've been slavishly logging my calories for about three years.  I told myself that there are no forbidden foods, just forbidden quantities.  After shedding 140 lbs. my weight now fluctuates between 225 lbs. and 240 lbs.  I'm not obese, but I think my body would endure the punishment of a marathon better if I had less fat.  I'm still logging calories, however I've now gone to a high protein diet and I am using body fat percentage as my measure of fitness and not my weight.


                            Finally, I threw my combination cover in the ring for the Marine Corps Marathon.  It's a lottery this year.  I'm not going to make any travel plans until I talk to the ortho and completely rehab.  If I win the lottery and can't run, I'm sure I can find a home for my bib.




                            PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


                              Rick it sounds like you are doing better. Good luck with your ortho appointment.


                              AFM- I ran today for a total of twenty minutes. I'm going to go with this run/walk method for awhile and keep cross-training with the elliptical and swimming. I feel like I have hardly lost any cardio which I'm very happy about. Physical therapy is going well and I am very happy with how they are treating me.


                              Today I got confirmation that I will be volunteering on the course of the Boston marathon. Its sort of bittersweet because I wanted to run. It will be fun just participating.

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                              Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                                Well, I dunno how far I am back into this thread, but I definitely did something to my knee again.


                                I don't know if it was the 32.5 miles on the bike in the morning, or the 2 basketball games that night, but I'm definitely feeling it in the left knee today.  It's not the same as the night it went and I freaked out because I know this isn't a torn (enter cartilage here) in the knee but MAN, this is weird.


                                I need to find a map of the outer, lower knee and pinpoint what I *think* it is because it's definitely annoying.


                                I'm heading out on the bike to try & really do myself in.


