Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Hip Redux

    Ouch.  Hope it feels better.  That's not the psoas, right, but rather below it?



    Psoas is more up by the hip flexor (I had an unhappy psoas once - YOWCH!).  This is literally my crotch. lol



    Former Bad Ass

      Mine is always angry (psoas).  If not for my massage therapist, I don't know how many marathons I would be able to complete!


      Feel better!



      Former Bad Ass

        Hubby was going to run tonight but he woke up with worse shin pain.  So maybe in a couple of days!


        Hip Redux

          Hubby was going to run tonight but he woke up with worse shin pain.  So maybe in a couple of days!


          Is it both shins?  Poor guy!



          Former Bad Ass

            One shin but the other gave him problems yesterday.



            running is bad for you

              One shin but the other gave him problems yesterday.


              Which part of the shins? Pic?


              Super B****


                Psoas is more up by the hip flexor (I had an unhappy psoas once - YOWCH!).  This is literally my crotch. lol


                Yep, that sounds pretty much like what I was dealing with.  I had that massage.  It hurt like a bitch.

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                Former Bad Ass

                  No pics, but it is the lower shin, inside.



                  Which part of the shins? Pic?



                  Refurbished Hip

                    Mine isn't in the hip.  It's definitely related to the pubic bone - either another sfx or a stress reaction, or something to do with the muscles that attach there.


                    My pain isn't in the hip either.  It's deep in my groin area.  Feels like it's in the socket/joint.   Just throwing it out there as a possible thing to think about if you don't heal.


                    Oski, I hope you just have tendinitis!  That's what I was originally diagnosed with (adductor tendinitis.)  ART/Graston/chiro stuff helped for a brief time.

                    Running is dumb.

                    Hip Redux

                      No pics, but it is the lower shin, inside.



                      Like the posterial tibial tendonitis area?  It's sort of right above the ankle, inner shin pain.


                      Hip Redux



                        Oski, I hope you just have tendinitis!  That's what I was originally diagnosed with (adductor tendinitis.)  ART/Graston/chiro stuff helped for a brief time.


                        After reading up on the other options, I hope so too!



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Sort of.  But upper shin too.  I don't think he has been able to pinpoint the painful area at all.



                          Like the posterial tibial tendonitis area?  It's sort of right above the ankle, inner shin pain.




                            Sort of.  But upper shin too.  I don't think he has been able to pinpoint the painful area at all.



                            I'm dealing with the worst shin pain right now. I tried running through it but it just got worse, imagine that. If he runs his fingers up and down the inner part of the shin bone, can he pinpoint an area then? I have about 2 inches where it is extremely tender and now my whole inner ankle is hurting. Blah.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              He did that and like you, made the pain worse.  Two days ago it was fine, then yesterday he woke up with it hurting.  So, we'll see today.  Every day is different.


                              Hip Redux

                                Today is "friction massage day" for the adductor.   EEK


                                I'm on strong pain killers for the back so right now the groin actually feels great. lol