Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Hip Redux

    Yeah most tendonitis is really a tendinosis, but since no one knows what that is, I never remember to use the correct term.



    Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

      Ahhh, geez.....make me go look up tendinosis!! 


      Had a good run tonight, but definitely aggravating my hip when I play basketball.  I'll be missing this week's game so I'll be curious to see if my hip enjoys a week off of basketball.  Running on the treadmill seems to not offend the hip too badly unless I turn up the speed so I try to speed up later in the run which I kinda do anyway.


      I am sure of one thing.....if I ever tried to do full marathon training, I would be legless.  There's no way my legs would stay attached after a few weeks of marathon training.



      Hip Redux

        And there's no swelling, no soreness to the touch?   Bursitis is the most obvious thing but usually that has a noticeable swelling and touch pain to it.



        Former Bad Ass

          Sorry you're still in pain, bluerun.


          Mandy, some good news there, even though you cannot get off crutches.


          Randy, do what you need to do but keep the legs attached, please.



          Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

            And there's no swelling, no soreness to the touch?   Bursitis is the most obvious thing but usually that has a noticeable swelling and touch pain to it.




            Ya, my best guess is bursitis as well.  In fact, I think that's my entire problem related to the knee injury as well.  I don't know why my body picked right now, but definitely thinking that's it.  The hip is feeling pretty good today.  Gonna do another hamster wheel run tonight then I've got 3 SRD's in a row for the NCAA tournament!!  Go.....uhh......anybody but Duke!! 




            The legs will stay attached because I will NEVARRRR do full-marathon training!!  Only people with serious mental disorders do that kind of training.......  



            Former Bad Ass




              Ya, my best guess is bursitis as well.  In fact, I think that's my entire problem related to the knee injury as well.  I don't know why my body picked right now, but definitely thinking that's it.  The hip is feeling pretty good today.  Gonna do another hamster wheel run tonight then I've got 3 SRD's in a row for the NCAA tournament!!  Go.....uhh......anybody but Duke!! 




              The legs will stay attached because I will NEVARRRR do full-marathon training!!  Only people with serious mental disorders do that kind of training.......  


              I wonder who has such mental illnesses.  Do I know them?



              Refurbished Hip

                Checking in at 18 days post-op.  According to the interwebz, this is supposed to be sort of a blah week in recovery.  I would say that's fairly accurate.  I don't feel like I have made too many leaps and bounds these last few days, but I am officially off any drugs now, as I downed my last required 800mg of ibuprofen a few days ago.


                I "walked" 2.1 miles on my crutches this afternoon.  I have arm muscles now!

                Running is dumb.

                Hip Redux

                  "Wow, Mandy, how did you get so buff?"

                  "Post-hip surgery crutch walking!"




                  Will run for scenery.


                    I'm no expert but I'd lay off the leaps and bounds for another week or two! Crutch-walking 2.1 miles sounds pretty awesome, though.  In an achey-armpit kind of way.


                    So after 5 months, I think my stupid elbow is just about better.  (I pulled too hard on a wrench and got "tennis" elbow.) The pain is low enough it's hard to tell if it's really there, or just imaginary.  I've done a little strength training and hiking with poles and everything seems okay.  So fingers crossed.  (Ouch, not too hard!)

                    Stupid feet!

                    Stupid elbow!


                    Super B****

                      I've found another side effect of an injury that doesn't let you run normally.  It makes you do weird and inexplicable things.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog

                      Hip Redux

                        jjs - glad to hear the elbow is ok!  How's the AT?


                        I've found another side effect of an injury that doesn't let you run normally.  It makes you do weird and inexplicable things.


                        Dare I ask?



                          Hi all. I still exist. The depression monster laid me low for a while there, but I finally got my ass to my psychiatrist for some help and today I felt better. For the first time in a couple of weeks probably, I worked out! I am able to do 20 minutes of 1:1 running/walking on a treadmill with NO shin pain and very little knee pain. I also did some weight machines, then came home and did my PT exercises. I cancelled my PT appointment last week because I was just so inactive I hadn't made any progress, but maybe things are looking up.


                          I caught up with the thread. Good going, everyone!

                          Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

                          Hip Redux

                            Glad you're doing a little better, obie!



                            Super B****

                              Dare I ask?


                              I imagine it's different for everyone... apparently, I get things pierced.  Which is fine, and all, except if I keep getting injured and get something pierced every time, I'm going to run out of body parts really fast.  (While I've thought about it a lot, I've actually only done one piercing as a result of "I'm sick of being injured and need to do something different," but I have a feeling this is about to change.)


                              obie -- the depression monster is the worst part for me.  I'm glad to hear you're doing at least a little better!

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog

                              Hip Redux

                                Ah.  Yes, well, I have a tattoo planned for some point after my surgery.