Beginners and Beyond


The 2019 New York City Marathon: Race Report (Read 71 times)


    I thought it was 11 city blocks to the mile? Actually, I just googled it and in NY it's 20 blocks to the mile if you're going north-south and 8 if you're going east-west, but even that varies.


    I also sip at Gus. One will last me about a mile. If I try to take it faster than that, I am more likely to get an upset stomach. I just drink before I start sipping.


    delicate flower

      LRB, how would you compare NYC to Boston as far as in race crowding goes?  Because sure Boston is crowded, but I really had no issues with space after a couple of miles, and since I'm corraled with thousands of people who run my pace, I didn't even mind those first couple of miles.  I had no problems at water stations, and I had plenty of room pretty much the entire race.



        LRB, how would you compare NYC to Boston as far as in race crowding goes?  Because sure Boston is crowded, but I really had no issues with space after a couple of miles, and since I'm corraled with thousands of people who run my pace, I didn't even mind those first couple of miles.  I had no problems at water stations, and I had plenty of room pretty much the entire race.


        Relive Boston? Thanks, it's just what I wanted to do!


        Hmm, tough question. 🤔 I'd say about the same except where Boston is one road, a lot of New York is two roads. I had a ton of space at Boston and did after the Queensboro Monster at NYC too, but maybe not as much before that.


        My biggest problem was getting trapped behind that pace group. Had that never happened, I probably would've been fine. They were runnings 8:00s I think and so that wouldn't work for anyone if you got stuck behind a throng of runners running slower than you wanted to.


        The water station congestion is actually not unsual. What is unusual is people bee-linining to cut you off, only to then stop. In that case, running etiquette is the problem, not the amount of runners.



          Another race on a better, less crowded course will give you the result you want, but it still must be incredibly satisfying to have run NYC!


          It absolutely was and if you ever get a chance to do it, do it! ❤


            I take my gels in about 2 swallows, with a 3rd to squeeze the last drops out of the package. 


            Yes, I used to do that as well, but I got so good at using my thumb to push up while forcefully squeezing this year that I'm pretty much golden now in one shot.



              Your Strava splits are perfect. From what I remember, Onemile wasn't so happy about her finish time either. From where I'm sitting, it just seems like a difficult race, for multiple reasons.


              I was actually surprised at how tight the splits were...for the most part. It's not as bad as I thought and while not as good as I would've wanted, there is something to work with there.



                Yes, I used to do that as well, but I got so good at using my thumb to push up while forcefully squeezing this year that I'm pretty much golden now in one shot.


                I only do that in case of emergency, when a water station is unexpectedly right on top of me.



                  What's most remarkable about my post-race walk was that I was actually able to do it! After all of my other marathons I would sit down and get threatened by medical staff that I had to move. I would then crawl off the side somewhere until the next one showed up to shoo me away. It was murder.



                    I only do that in case of emergency, when a water station is unexpectedly right on top of me.


                    Ah. Makes sense!


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Relive Boston? Thanks, it's just what I wanted to do!


                      Hmm, tough question. 🤔 I'd say about the same except where Boston is one road, a lot of New York is two roads. I had a ton of space at Boston and did after the Queensboro Monster at NYC too, but maybe not as much before that.


                      My biggest problem was getting trapped behind that pace group. Had that never happened, I probably would've been fine. They were runnings 8:00s I think and so that wouldn't work for anyone if you got stuck behind a throng of runners running slower than you wanted to.


                      The water station congestion is actually not unsual. What is unusual is people bee-linining to cut you off, only to then stop. In that case, running etiquette is the problem, not the amount of runners.

                      I think Boston has 2/3 or less of the people running NYC and Chicago so the crowded streets should be better.  NY does two streets because there are so many people coming from under the bridge (those that came at you from nowhere sound familiar) plus the top of the bridge and they get together in Brooklyn at some point, if I remember correctly.  Chicago does not seem too crowded even with 40K runners but Chicago streets are wider than what I remember from NY.



                      delicate flower

                        I think Boston has 2/3 or less of the people running NYC and Chicago so the crowded streets should be better.  NY does two streets because there are so many people coming from under the bridge (those that came at you from nowhere sound familiar) plus the top of the bridge and they get together in Brooklyn at some point, if I remember correctly.  Chicago does not seem too crowded even with 40K runners but Chicago streets are wider than what I remember from NY.


                        Some of Boston is through the suburbs on narrow two lane roads, which is why they haven't increased the field size to meet demand.  So smaller field, but less room.



                          What's most remarkable about my post-race walk was that I was actually able to do it! After all of my other marathons I would sit down and get threatened by medical staff that I had to move. I would then crawl off the side somewhere until the next one showed up to shoo me away. It was murder.


                          The Boston post-race walk seemed to take forever for me. Even though probably not much more than 1/2 mile - I was at the Park Plaza, which is about as convenient as you can get. No place to sit down during that walk of course, but a lot of volunteers asked me if I was OK, so I must not have looked OK. I would have enjoyed one of their wheelchairs, but I had heard that commits you to the med tent. And I just wanted to get back to my damn hotel and lie down. I ended up resting for a couple hours in bed, flat on my back on my foil blanket. Showered & went out to dinner, but I took the T. True the stairs were not fun, but I was not in the mood for much walking. Although I did a shit-ton the next day, despite crazy-sore quads & hammies. Took advantage of quite a few park benches though.



                          UM 45 Ohio 23

                            LRB - I'm late to the congrats but congrats! Amazing RR and the experience running NY sounds awesome. Hope to do it some day myself, but might be a few years!


                            Super B****

                              What's most remarkable about my post-race walk was that I was actually able to do it! After all of my other marathons I would sit down and get threatened by medical staff that I had to move. I would then crawl off the side somewhere until the next one showed up to shoo me away. It was murder.


                              Sorry but visualizing this just makes me laugh

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                congrats on getting the full NYC experience! You trained like crazy in 2019 and PR or not, that is a huge accomplishment. Like others have said, your splits look pretty decent, definitely not a death march (even if it felt that way).
