Beginners and Beyond

Windy WednesDAILIES (Read 27 times)



    Good morning!


    I rode 35 outside miles.  There is a steady 10mph wind with gusts, but it's in the mid 50s, and I wasn't missing a chance to ride outside.  It was a fine way to start the day.


    Have a great day!

    Runner with a riding problem.


      Run commute day! Legs are finally feeling fine. Maybe not workout fine, but easy running fine, yup!


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 9 with 2 sets of 6 X 100m (the same one I had last week that we cut short due to the race).



        delicate flower

          Happy Ghouls and Goblins Day, my friends!  So I said "Happy Halloween" to the consultant that is sitting next to me right here.  He said "Thanks, I don't really like or celebrate Halloween, with all the death and ghost decorations.  My mom died on Halloween when I was 15 so it's just a reminder of that every year."  Damn.   


          Anyway, I was up early for a track workout.  Nothing special.  4 x 10:00 moderate tempo effort, with 2:00 recoveries.  7:07 avg pace on the intervals.  29 degrees this morning!



          Super B****

            I am so bored. Twelve days until I get to run again...

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              I am so bored. Twelve days until I get to run again...


              Why twelve days?


              Super B****


                Why twelve days?


                Because I take two weeks off after a marathon

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog



                  Anyway, I was up early for a track workout.  


                  Slightly less than 8 miles total with 5x1000m. It was OK. Ha, I haven't even checked the paces yet, because I don't think they were that good.


                  198.5 miles for the month. How many of you would go out for another 1.5?



                    7.1 miles with 35 min hilly tempo. When I had this workout on the schedule maybe 6-8 weeks ago, I picked a route that was way too hilly and I died and was cursing the universe. Today I think I veered in the opposite direction and probably wasn't hilly enough. I ran a little faster to make up for it.


                    I have reached the point in training where I'm just feeling done with running. 4.5 more weeks to CIM.



                      Slightly less than 8 miles total with 5x1000m. It was OK. Ha, I haven't even checked the paces yet, because I don't think they were that good.


                      198.5 miles for the month. How many of you would go out for another 1.5?


                      I have never hit 200 so I definitely would   You've probably run more before so not a big deal?


                      Super B****


                        Slightly less than 8 miles total with 5x1000m. It was OK. Ha, I haven't even checked the paces yet, because I don't think they were that good.


                        198.5 miles for the month. How many of you would go out for another 1.5?


                        Once upon a time, I might have.  Now, not so much

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Blue, why do you have to wait 12 days?  MTA: Nevermind, I see you already answered this.


                          I ran about 4.5 this morning with 2 at avg 9:53 (goal 15k pace) per Lauren's suggestion the other day.  The bridge I have to run over to cross the river messes with my GPS pace, it shows 16 something even when I'm running 9:45 .  So, I know the average was a lot better, but it's still in my goal range, so it's all good.


                            198.5 miles for the month. How many of you would go out for another 1.5?


                            Don't be one of those



                              Because I take two weeks off after a marathon


                              Even if you'd prefer running earlier? I do know that you need to be more careful with your body than I do, so I guess that is why the 2 weeks is a necessity?


                              I am pretty lucky to be able to run pretty much whenever I feel like running.


                              1- My body handles it well

                              2- I try to stay away from paradigms telling me what to do and when.


                                198.5 miles for the month. How many of you would go out for another 1.5?


                                Since I've never hit 200 for the month, I would go back out for the extra 1.5.  But if that is not a big milestone for you, then I wouldn't go out and instead just have a new goal for next month.