Beginners and Beyond

Monday (Read 44 times)




    You ready to do this? Yeah, me neither. Too bad we don't have a choice in the matter...or maybe that's good.


    Anyway, in the absence of anything fun, exciting or important to do at this ridiculous hour, I'm gonna go jogging.


    What 'cha got planned for today?


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  Need to dye my hair so RD.  Not ready for Monday.  We have visitors at the office today and these are the highest you can go without bringing Loretta or Obama.






          Little Blue




            Are you posting 4:00 in the morning? Get some sleep!



              Are you posting 4:00 in the morning? Get some sleep!


              I wish. I was alread up for a couple hours.  I clearly don't know what a rest day means.


              Little Blue

                We have on-again off-again rain all week.  Right now it's off, so I guess I'll look up my walking buddy and hit the road.  If it stays dry, I'll do some work in my elderly friend's yard.


                Former Bad Ass

                  I wish it would rain here today so I can run outside.


                  In my first taper incident, I twisted my right foot.  Yay me.



                  delicate flower

                    'Morning.  GDI I'm tired.


                    Friday:  22 mile run, 7 mile MTB (mountain bike) ride, 8 mile MTB ride

                    Saturday:  18 mile MTB ride

                    Sunday:  9 mile MTB ride, 7.5 mile run


                    Tough riding, too.  Technical singletrack where it was pretty much all uphill or downhill, pedaling over a non-stop barrage of rocks and roots.  I used to be a pretty good mountain biker and I guess I still am, but I am no longer used to that kind of full body beating for three days.    Had fun though!  Thankfully today only calls for a 30 minute super-easy recovery run.




                      Morning folks.


                      14.5 in light rain.  It was a very nice way to start the week.  Now, if I could just skip work and do little or nothing.


                      Have a great day!

                      Runner with a riding problem.

                      From the Internet.

                        Morning! Coach has given me the green light for a weekly workout so I jumped right in with a short track session this morning. I had to run an 800 and a 400 for another fun and silly Internet running game (well, "had" to, no one would have FORCED me to do it), so I planned on 1x1200, 2x800, 3x400 for 2.5 miles of fast work, picking up the pace on the second 800 and last 400. Only had time for 2x400, but everything else went as planned - did my steady 800 in 3:45, fast 800 in 3:29; steady 400 in 1:52, fast 400 in 1:37.


                        Someone on another forum mentioned that I might want to try a more aggressive warmup before workouts since I felt absolutely fantastic during my cooldown after my mile time trial last week. I did that today, with a bit more uptempo easy running after the first mile of my warmup and pushing a bit harder than usual during my strides, and I felt good right off the bat instead of feeling kind of like crap during my first interval. Pretty nifty!


                          Morning! Coach has given me the green light for a weekly workout so I jumped right in with a short track session this morning. I had to run an 800 and a 400 for another fun and silly Internet running game (well, "had" to, no one would have FORCED me to do it), so I planned on 1x1200, 2x800, 3x400 for 2.5 miles of fast work, picking up the pace on the second 800 and last 400. Only had time for 2x400, but everything else went as planned - did my steady 800 in 3:45, fast 800 in 3:29; steady 400 in 1:52, fast 400 in 1:37.


                          Someone on another forum mentioned that I might want to try a more aggressive warmup before workouts since I felt absolutely fantastic during my cooldown after my mile time trial last week. I did that today, with a bit more uptempo easy running after the first mile of my warmup and pushing a bit harder than usual during my strides, and I felt good right off the bat instead of feeling kind of like crap during my first interval. Pretty nifty!


                          Nice workout! Glad you're feeling good now.


                            'Morning.  GDI I'm tired.


                            Friday:  22 mile run, 7 mile MTB (mountain bike) ride, 8 mile MTB ride

                            Saturday:  18 mile MTB ride

                            Sunday:  9 mile MTB ride, 7.5 mile run


                            Tough riding, too.  Technical singletrack where it was pretty much all uphill or downhill, pedaling over a non-stop barrage of rocks and roots.  I used to be a pretty good mountain biker and I guess I still am, but I am no longer used to that kind of full body beating for three days.    Had fun though!  Thankfully today only calls for a 30 minute super-easy recovery run.


                            MTB - I would not have the leg strength to do that.


                              Good morning everyone!!


                              8 done this morning.  Still a lil sore from the mud run, but not too bad.  Knees and elbows are banged up pretty good too. lol  Had a lot more fun than I expected.  I'm not going to do them on a regular basis, for the main reasons I held off for so long on doing one at all, they're stupid expensive, and some of the obstacles are a bit too crazy.  There were 35 obstacles on this course, but they were all reasonable (but still tough) and we were able to navigate them safely.  The last thing I want is to get injured on a mud run.  But I'll probably do this one again next year if Chris can get us in for free again. Smile


                              A friend of ours shadowed us on the course and got pictures of us on pretty much all of the obstacles, pretty nice of her.








                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              delicate flower


                                MTB - I would not have the leg strength to do that.


                                Friday's rides were rough after the morning LR.  Saturday was fine until about 15 miles in, then fatigue and hunger started to win out.  Yesterday I was pretty tired the entire day, including my run.  I could have ridden more and ridden harder over the weekend, but my goal was to not destroy my legs and not get hurt, and I was successful in that.    I went out of my way to keep my wheels firmly planted on the ground, and there was plenty of opportunity to get airborne.   
